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فضای میانی به مثابه اتصال دهنده عرصه درون و بیرون در مسکن می باشد. تحقیق حاضر درصدد بررسی کیفیت این فضا و چگونگی تأثیر آن بر کیفیت زندگی در مجتمع های مسکونی شهر شیراز است. پرسش اساسی پژوهش این است که "کیفیت فضای میانی چه تأثیری بر شکل گیری کیفیت های انسانی- محیطی مجتمع های مسکونی دارد؟" بر همین اساس کیفیت فضای میانی همچون متغیری مستقل بر کیفیت های انسانی- محیطی به عنوان متغیری وابسته تأثیرگذار است. بر اساس ادبیات این پژوهش، متغیر وابسته شامل مفاهیم"محرمیت و قلمرو"،"هویت"،"امنیت"،"تعامل اجتماعی" می باشد. برای پاسخ به پرسش تحقیق، ابتدا با مرور سابقه موضوع، مفاهیم و نظریه های مرتبط تحلیل شد. در ادامه جهت ارزیابی الگوی نظری هفت مجتمع از میان مجتمع های مسکونی مورد بررسی انتخاب گردید و پرسشنامه های مناسب در میان آنها توزیع شد. لازم به ذکر است که روش تحقیق در این مقاله ترکیبی از مطالعه موردی با روش کمی تحلیل همبستگی است. نتایج حاصل از پژوهش نشان می دهد کیفیت فضای میانی مجتمع بر شکل گیری کیفیت های انسانی- محیطی در مجتمع های مسکونی شهر شیراز تأثیر مستقیم دارد. به عبارتی هم زمان با بالا بودن میزان متغیر کیفیت فضای میانی، میزان متغیر وابسته بالاتر می باشد و بالعکس.

An Analysis of Relation Between Quality of In-between Space and Human-Environment concepts in Residential Complexes Case studies: selected residential complexes in shiraz

One of the most important thing that inadvertence in contemporary houses is relation between indoor and outdoor space. Relation between inside the dweling and outside environment is needed to be considered for human settelment planning and design. This process occurs at logical hierarchy between inside and outside space. The coherence between them create by in-between space (IBS). Contemporary residential space of iran, has created without any relationship with street and other spaces. In fact hierarcy and Spatial continuity between indoor and outdoor have been lost when you walk from private territory to public spacees. This attitude and separating house from surrounding environment caused to remove all territories that linking city to house and in this case we can't see any evidence of IBS. This space is an important element that design, usage and it's function in residential complexes should be mention by designers. So eliminate IBS can arise many problems in residential enviroments. This research investigate the quality between indoor and outdoor space of residential complexes in shiraz. Foundamental question in this research is "the quality of IBS how influence human-environment concepts (HEC) in residential complexes". This research based on quality of IBS as a "independent variable" that influence HEC as a dependent variable. Literature in this research is according to describe "privacy and territority", "identity", "amenity", and "social contact" implications. These concepts represent human needs at his own environment life. Respond to this research question we analysis related concept and theories according to issue record. Afterward for evaluating hypothesis, seven residential complexes have choosen and appropriate questionnaire distributed among them. Samples selected through areas with more construction in compare with another restricts of shiraz and sort by IBS typology. It should be noted, this research is a quantity type and refers to applied research why so it's goal is casual effects of in-between space quality on "amenity" ,"privacy and territority","socialcontact", and "identity" in residential complexes of shiraz. However, result application is important for individuals that contribute in residential complexes planning. Method of collecting information in this research, based on experimental research treatment and is a scale factor type. It should be mentioned, data analysis have done by Spss20 and Amos20 softwares. First of all, informations have been coding and then transferred to computer through Spss software. Data analysis done at two part ; descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. In descriptive statistics section, by using charts ,frequency table, index such as average and standards deviation(SD), describing data done. Inferential statistics created in two part: pearson's correlational matrix have been used as a relationship between variables at first section. In Second part, for testing research hypothesis through investigating “ structural equation model and path analysis” , data transferred to Amos software and sample research proposal tested and research hypothesis studied, according to testing results. Research result, represent quality of residential complexes IBS, have direct influence on HEC in residential complexes. This means HEC appearance more than before when the quality of IBS increase and subsequently life aspects improve in residential complexes.
