مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه
Latin America
ژئوپلیتیک سال پانزدهم زمستان ۱۳۹۸ شماره ۴ (پیاپی ۵۶)
1 - 24
حوزههای تخصصی:
The creation of regional or international organizations is considered as a way to peace building and keeping. In fact, one of the causes of transformation of international organization after the Cold War has been the settlement of peace and security in regional context. Latin America is among strategic regions of the world that has witnessed a new trend of regional integration after the end of the Cold War and the regional states have taken different ways to promote regional cooperation and alliance in different facets and in particular in economic and political realms. So, the research is intended to investigate the role of MERCOSUR in regional peace and development in Latin America. This paper argues that MERCOSUR has been successful, and it is in line with Latin America interests and also can provide a proper pattern of regional integration and interdependence and can be developed among the states which share common political interests.
Crisis in Venezuela: A Politico Economic Understanding
حوزههای تخصصی:
More than five years down the line Venezuela had been slipping into an economic cri-sis. An economy wholly dependent on the sale of oil and no diversification of economic production is sure to face such a crisis. The fluctuation in oil prices is sure to hurt the market and the economy. To make matters worse, Venezuela now faces a political crisis with two individuals claiming themselves to be Presidents, Maduro and Guaidó. On the top of that, the current regime is alleged of massive corruption and an anti-democratic stance. There is always repression and suppression of democratic voices and protestors face persecution and human rights abuses. Such precarious condition of Venezuela eco-nomically and politically makes it vulnerable to external players may be private oil companies or even extra-regional States/powers. The paper will focus on the economic and political crisis in Venezuela. It will also point out at its fall out in the form of a hu-manitarian crisis and its impact on the neighboring countries of Latin America. As Ve-nezuela is caught between the politics of big powers, the solution becomes more prob-lematic and the paper will make an attempt to project that.
A Comparative Study of the Social Function of Religion from the Latin American Revolutionary Church and the Social Theology of the Imam Khomeini Movement(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Imam Khomeini's reformative movement in the twentieth century with the support of the Iranian awakening is considered the most significant religious revolution of its time. In the face of this spiritual revolution, formed a theological movement in the Latin American region. The struggle against public oppression in Latin American society, social and economic injustice, the exploitation and colonisation of nations by international imperialism were the essential aim of the Latin American Revolutionary Church for its movement. But it failed to implement the goals of its action in establishing social justice and eradicating poverty and oppression in society. The present study primary question is ‘What are the commonalities and differences between the Latin American Revolutionary Church and the social theology of the Imam Khomeini movement in the social function of religion?’ The hypothesis is the most critical goal of Imam Khomeini's movement is to bring man to true happiness, and the only strategy to achieve it is creating justice in a monotheistic society. Despite aligning with its ultimate goals and operational plans, the Latin American Revolutionary Priests Movement has failed to produce the grounds for a human awakening in the Latin American region due to its disbelief in the expansion of justice in the context of monotheistic society and its school subscription with Marxism and Nationalist parties. Belief in the two components of religious democracy and Vilayat-e Faqih formed a vital strategy called the Islamic Republic for Iranian people that the followers of the Revolutionary Church can fill their vacancy through this strategy. The present study, with a descriptive-analytical method and based on library resources, has been done.
Popper in Latin America(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
پژوهش های فلسفی بهار ۱۴۰۲ شماره ۴۲
23 - 39
حوزههای تخصصی:
The reception and influence of Popper’s philosophy of science and his political philosophy in Latin America have depended heavily on the translation of his major works originally published in German and English. Thus, for example, The Logic of Scientific Discovery, which was originally published in 1959, was translated into Spanish in 1962 and into Portuguese only in 1974. Similarly, The Open Society and Its Enemies, originally published in 1945, was translated into Spanish twelve years later in 1957 and into Portuguese in 1974. But apart from a discussion of the impact of the translations of his books, I also want to show that the political situation in some Latin American countries, for example, Chile, Cuba and Peru, has played a very important role in the introduction, reception and influence of Popper’s philosophy of science in general and his social and political thought in particular. Accordingly, the main purpose of this article is to examine the reception of Popper’s ideas in Latin America and give an account of his influence and legacy in some of the Latin American countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay.
Review of “Digital Activism, Community Media, and Sustainable Communication in Latin America”. edited by Cheryl Martens, Cristina Venegas & Franklin Salvio Sharupi Tapuy
Cyberspace Studies,Volume ۵, Issue ۱, January ۲۰۲۱
79 - 84
حوزههای تخصصی:
Review of “Digital Activism, Community Media, and Sustainable Communication in Latin America”. edited by Cheryl Martens, Cristina Venegas & Franklin Salvio Sharupi Tapuy. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. 358 pp., €85.59 (p/b), ISBN 978-3-030-45393-0
Successes and Setbacks of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Positive Balancing with Brazil
World Sociopolitical Studies, Volume ۷, Issue ۴, Autumn ۲۰۲۳
741 - 783
حوزههای تخصصی:
Formal relationship between Iran and Brazil commenced in 1903 with the signing of the Treaty of Friendship and Commerce. Since then, their bilateral relations have been shaped by political and economic changes in both countries. A pivotal moment after the 1979 Iranian revolution occurred in 2005, when leaders Lula da Silva of Brazil and Ahmadinejad of Iran showed mutual interest in cooperation, driven by Iran's need to balance US threat and Brazil's aspiration to balance US power. However, shifts in the Brazilian foreign policy towards Iran and escalating tensions between Iran and the West impeded further progress. With Lula da Silva's return to power in 2023 and Iranian President Raisi's heightened focus on Latin America, both countries witnessed renewed discussions about the potential for positive balancing between Iran and Brazil. This study delves into the successes and setbacks of Iran-Brazil bilateral approximation through the lenses of positive balancing theory and historical analysis method. During Lula's administrations, Iran's balancing strategy towards Brazil proved beneficial for both nations: Iran sought to counter US threats by fostering a friendly relationship with Brazil, while Brazil aimed to elevate its Global South agenda by mediating in Iran's nuclear program. This engagement also aimed to unite anti-imperialist and anti-colonialist movements under emerging political leaders. Despite these efforts, the US pressure on Iran to halt its nuclear program and on Brazil to limit its influence hindered constructive engagement between the two countries. Nevertheless, slow but steady economic interactions and Iran's inclusion in BRICS provide hope for the restoration of Iran's balancing strategy in Brazil and its reinforcement in Latin America.