Journal of Rescue and Relief (امداد و نجات)

Journal of Rescue and Relief (امداد و نجات)

Journal of Rescue and Relief, Volume 12, Issue 1, Serial 44 (2020) (مقاله پژوهشی وزارت بهداشت)



Optimal Site Selection of Relief Centers Using Geospatial Information System and Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methods in Urmia(مقاله پژوهشی وزارت بهداشت)

تعداد بازدید : ۳۰۱ تعداد دانلود : ۱۴۲
INTRODUCTION: Pre-crisis planning is one of the important issues facing managers and planners, especially in the field of crisis management. In recent years, the world has faced an increasing number of natural and man-made disasters, such as earthquakes. Moreover, the growing effect of disasters on communities has highlighted the need for efficient and effective emergency logistics operations in this field, and some criteria are provided for decision-making and prioritization of relief centers in crisis situations. METHODS: In the current research, Analytic Network Process (ANP) and PROMETHEE (Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enriching Evaluations) methods were used for analysis and ranking, and construction cost and usage time indicators were considered for the first time. Criteria were also defined and evaluated as layers according to global standards and crisis management criteria in the region. In addition, geographic information systems and experts' opinions were used to evaluate the indicators. FINDINGS: Due to the higher weight value, safety (0.36), usage time (0.24), as well as concentration and coverage level (0.22) received priority for the selection of the most optimal relief sites in crisis situations. Therefore, centers, such as Amini Stadium and Golestan Park, which had a lower performance status in terms of the mentioned indicators, compared to other options, were placed in a lower rank in the final ranking, in comparison with other centers. CONCLUSION: The indicators identified in order of importance were security, time of use, concentration and coverage level, and compatible access. In the end, Takhti Stadium, Saat Park, and Rajaei Stadium received priority for the establishment of relief centers in terms of performance and the weight value of the mentioned indicators in time of crisis.

Development a Model for the Evaluation and Improvement of Key Human Resource Competencies Using the Grounded Theory(مقاله پژوهشی وزارت بهداشت)

تعداد بازدید : ۲۹۷ تعداد دانلود : ۱۷۷
INTRODUCTION: The Red Crescent Society of the Islamic Republic of Iran is a human-centered organization. Therefore, the competencies of its employees must be improved to make it possible for them to have their best performances. In this regard, the present study aimed to investigate and identify the factors that affect the development of key human resource competencies in the Iranian Red Crescent Society and design an appropriate model for its evaluation. METHODS: The present applied qualitative research used an exploratory approach. The statistical population of this study consisted of managers and experts in the field of human resources of the Red Crescent Society who were selected using the snowball sampling method. Moreover, the required data were collected through semi-structured in-depth interviews and we reached saturation after 26 interviews. The collected data were analyzed using the Straussian version of grounded theory. Finally, the collected data were analyzed in the MAXQDA software (version 10). In total, 72 concepts, 568 sub-concepts, and 19 categories were identified in this research. FINDINGS: Five out of the seven fundamental principles of the Red Crescent Society and the International Committee of the Red Cross, including the principle of humanity, voluntary service, neutrality, impartiality, and independence are among the foundational factors and necessities of the development of human resources competencies and were axially coded in causal conditions. Improvement and development of individual, organizational, social, and professional competencies were the four main categories of this research that were selected as the main strategies for the development of human resource competencies. CONCLUSION: According to the results of data analysis, employing appropriate strategies for the evaluation and development of key human resources competencies can have beneficial consequences. More specifically, these categories include human resource efficiency, provision of desirable social services, enhancement of the community health, improvement of human values, increase of public trust and participation, and improvement of the financial position of the organization.

Causal, Contextual, and Intervening Factors Affecting the Crisis in Iranian Stadiums(مقاله پژوهشی وزارت بهداشت)

تعداد بازدید : ۲۱۳ تعداد دانلود : ۱۵۷
INTRODUCTION: Nowadays, government officials seek ways to monitor, control, and manage events and crises due to the concerns of the general public and social media as informative tools. Regarding this, the present study aims to identify and analyze the factors affecting the crisis incidence in Iranian stadiums. METHODS: The present interpretive qualitative research was performed based on a grounded theory method and latent content analysis technique. The data were collected by the implementation of in-depth interviews with 19 people consisting of the Ministry of Sports and Youth experts and executives, sports management professors, and crisis management specialists. The participants were selected using non-probability and snowball sampling techniques. The interviews were continued until reaching theoretical saturation regarding the research questions and objectives. The gathered data, in form of audio recording and text, were analyzed by MAXQDA software (version 18). FINDINGS: The interview data were analyzed based on open and process coding. Afterward, the researcher categorized the identified factors into causal, contextual, and intervening conditions. In this regard, the causal factors consisted of the following items: 1) nature of crisis, 2) technical and specialized factors, 3) infrastructure and equipment, and 4) environmental and equipment hazards. With respect to the contextual factors, they included: 1) human resources, 2) nature of sporting events, 3) security factors, 4) vandalism, 5) welfare facilities, and 5) management factors. Finally, the intervening factors were found to entail: 1) stadium atmosphere, 2) political and social crises, and 3) information and communications technology. CONCLUSION: According to the obtained results, the officials are recommended to consider the paradigmatic model of factors leading to crisis management in stadiums in the crisis management programs adopted for sports venues, especially large stadiums. The consideration of the factors constituting the given model can lead to the improvement of crisis management in the country's sports venues.

Design of a Resilience Model Based on the Institutionalization of Organizational Learning in the Red Crescent Society(مقاله پژوهشی وزارت بهداشت)

تعداد بازدید : ۱۹۰ تعداد دانلود : ۱۴۴
INTRODUCTION: In Iran, natural disasters are constantly increasing; however, no research has clearly explained the indicators of resilience in such situations. Resilience enhances internal strengths and protects against potential threats to maintain and promote the health of the community. The present study aimed to design a crisis resilience model based on the institutionalization of organizational learning for managers and experts. METHODS: The present exploratory analysis study was performed on a sample size of 215 which was calculated using Cochran's formula. In order to design a crisis resilience model based on the institutionalization of organizational learning, first, the general texts of applied sociology and scientific databases were studied. Afterward, 450 concepts regarding the general institutionalization of culture were extracted and provided for the experts in universities and the Red Crescent Society using the Delphi method. Subsequently, the experts agreed upon 73 concepts regarding the institutionalization of the culture of resilience based on organizational learning. Finally, a questionnaire was prepared based on these 73 concepts. FINDINGS: The first step was the performance of the exploratory factor analysis in the SPSS version22 software on 73 concepts which resulted in the emergence of five main components, including management, objectives, culture, strategy, and education of crisis resilience. These components were identified and named according to the review of the related literature. In the second stage, the DEMATEL technique and software were used to determine the importance and effectiveness of the criteria. Eventually, in the third stage, the LISREL software was used to design the crisis resilience model based on the institutionalization of organizational learning. CONCLUSION: First, the exploratory factor analysis was performed in SPSS software version22 and the effectiveness and susceptibility of each factor were determined using the DEMATEL software. Subsequently, the model components, including the culture, strategy, education, and objectives of resilience were used as the input of LISREL software and the resilience model was designed based on the institutionalization of organizational learning.

Modeling Physical-Social Resilience in District 1 of Tehran(مقاله پژوهشی وزارت بهداشت)

تعداد بازدید : ۲۶۴ تعداد دانلود : ۱۷۶
INTRODUCTION: Today, the expansion of urbanization has located cities and residential areas in places exposed to various types of hazards. Natural hazards are characterized by low predictability and can cause numerous human and financial losses to urban settlements. Making cities resilient is one of the United Nations International strategies for disaster mitigation. With this background in mind, the present study aimed to prepare a physical-social resilience map of the study area. METHODS: This descriptive-analytical identified the criteria and indicators of physical and social dimensions after the revision of experimental and theoretical texts. After the identification of indicators, the map of the resilience or non-resilience of the indicators was prepared in binary form. Finally, two methods of Boolean and indicator overlap were used to combine the layers. In the current research, the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process-Technique (FAHP) was used for weighting the map of the studied layers. FINDINGS: Based on the result of the Boolean model map, more than half of the total district will be non-resilient. Nonetheless, according to the result of the indicator overlap method, 7.68%, 24.71%, and 67.61% of the total district has low, average, and high resilience, respectively. CONCLUSION: According to the resilience map obtained in the study area, it can be stated that resilience in these areas is not favorable. Moreover, Darband region and its surrounding streets are not in good condition. Therefore, management programs should be implemented in low-resilient areas before the onset of disasters.

Effective Components on Cash-based Intervention to Affected People by Natural Disasters Using Information and Communication Technology in Iran(مقاله پژوهشی وزارت بهداشت)

تعداد بازدید : ۳۷۱ تعداد دانلود : ۱۰۹
INTRODUCTION: Rescue and relief organizations start their operations from the first moments after the occurrence of a disaster. Moreover, they set up emergency accommodation camps after the emergency period to deliver aid and health packages with standard content based on the general needs of the affected people. However, if a family has infants, children, elderly, or sick members, these packages will not be able to meet their needs. Cash donations instead of goods respect the human dignity of the affected people after the emergency period and result in the recovery of the families and the economy of the region. Usage of information technology for this purpose leads to speed, accuracy, and transparency in the implementation of the above-mentioned method. Given the differences between the situation in Iran and the international community, the present study aimed to find localized components that affect the provision of cash-based interventions to the affected people by natural disasters using information and communications technology. METHODS: This mixed method research was performed in two stages; meta-synthesis was used in the first stage and Fuzzy Delphi was used in the second stage to extract the domestic components of the cash-based interventions. The statistical population in the meta-synthesis stage was the local and international journals as well as the performance reports of international aid agencies published during 2004-2019. Finally, through sample selection and systematic selection based on the defined keywords, 71 out of 388 studies were selected for the purposes of the research. In the second stage, the statistical population consisted of executive directors of local aid agencies and crisis management instructors at universities and international workshops. Eventually, 14 experts were selected judgmentally who participated in three Delphi rounds. FINDINGS: In the first stage, 18 components in four categories were determined using the seven-step model of Sandelowski and Barroso. In the first round of Delphi, one component was omitted and six other components were added according to the opinions of the experts. However, in the second and third rounds, all the components were approved by them without any further changes. According to the obtained Kendall’s rank correlation coefficient which was about 0.703, the local components were agreed upon by the selected experts. CONCLUSION: The determined local components that affect the process of transferring cash-based interventions to the affected people by natural disasters using information and communications technology consisted of 23 components that were screened and confirmed by the experts. These components can be used as a basis for the development of a process model for the systematic electronic transfer of money to the affected people by natural disasters in Iran after the emergency response period.

Effect of Altruism on Organizational Learning Capability with the Mediating Role of Communication Conflict and Organizational Trust (Case Study: Staff of Red Crescent Provincial Branches of Gilan and Mazandaran)(مقاله پژوهشی وزارت بهداشت)

تعداد بازدید : ۳۲۱ تعداد دانلود : ۱۵۲
INTRODUCTION: A critical importance has been attached to altruism and organizational learning capability in the improvement of organizational performance. In light of this significance, the present study investigated the effect of altruism on organizational learning capability with the mediating role of communication conflict and organizational trust in Red Crescent provincial branches of Gilan and Mazandaran. METHODS: This practical study was conducted based on a descriptive-correlational design. The statistical population included 107 managers, deputies, and heads of departments who were selected by convenience sampling method. Data collection tools included standard altruistic questionnaires developed by Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Moorman, and Fetter (1990) Podskov, McKinsey, Morman and Fetter (1990), conflict scale by Cox(1998), organizational learning ability by Chiva, Alegre, and Lapiedra (2007), and Organizational Trust Inventory (OTI) scale developed by Nyhan and Marlow (1997) consisting of 28 items. Moreover, the reliability coefficient for all variables is above α = 0.7. FINDINGS: Based on the results, organizational learning is enhanced by an increase in organizational trust, and organizational trust plays a mediating role between learning and organizational altruism. Communication conflict in organizations reduces altruism and organizational learning capability. On the contrary, high altruism and trust among employees will positively affect organizational learning capability and communication conflict. In other words, it increases organizational learning ability and decreases conflict among employees. CONCLUSION: Today, organizations are facing fundamental issues, including altruism, trust, organizational learning capability, and communication conflict. As evidenced in the current study, it can be concluded that organizational learning capability is enhanced by an increase in altruism and organizational trust. Furthermore, considerable efforts are required to reduce the effects of communication conflict through ongoing training and team building to increase altruistic behaviors and encourage staff.

Challenges and Needs of the Iranian Red Crescent Society in Response to the Great Flood of Iran in 2019(مقاله پژوهشی وزارت بهداشت)

تعداد بازدید : ۴۸۵ تعداد دانلود : ۱۸۲
INTRODUCTION: In the first half of April 2019, heavy rains in central and western parts of Iran resulted in great floods. The rains affected 24 provinces and caused extensive damage to urban and rural infrastructure. Since Iran, especially the northern, western, and southern provinces of Iran are prone to floods, the floods are expected to occur every year in many provinces. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the needs and problems of the Red Crescent Society in different provinces of Iran in response to the great flood of Iran in 2019. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was performed in all provinces of Iran after the end of the flood response operations in April 2017. The required data were collected through a researcher-made questionnaire and interviews with provincial operational managers. The designed questionnaire had different parts about the situation of the provinces in the face of floods, the most important problems faced during floods, and the most important needs for facing floods. Participants were also asked two questions about the information and equipment they should have had before the flood. FINDINGS: Analysis of the answers revealed that 24 provinces (77.41% of the country) were affected by the floods. The most common problems were lack of equipment and low public awareness which were repeated by the subjects 24 and 17 times, respectively. Moreover, the need for specialized equipment and training courses were also the most important needs. CONCLUSION: Based on the findings, the Iranian Red Crescent Society faced many problems and needs during the disaster relief process in the 2019 flood which indicated the lack of a comprehensive plan for flood management in Iran. Therefore, policymakers and disaster managers must develop practical and localized guidelines for relief according to the conditions of Iran in order to achieve the ultimate goal of disaster management which is to reduce deaths, injuries, and financial damages.


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