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مؤلفه های مؤثر بر تدوین الگوی اسلامی - ایرانی پیشرفت در حوزه های مطالعات سازمانی
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نگاهی به جایگاه و نقش رهبری سازمانی اسلامی در الگوی اسلامی - ایرانی پیشرفت
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ارائه شاخص هایی برای اذزیابی توسعه اجتماعی در چارچوب الگوی اسلامی - ایرانی پیشرفت
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الگوی اسلامی - ایرانی پیشرفت در عرصه زندگی فردی
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بایسته ها و الزامات عام مؤثر بر تدوین الگوی اسلامی - ایرانی پیشرفت
حوزههای تخصصی:
The Datafied Society: Challenges and Strategies in Big Data Research for Social Sciences and Humanities(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
The advent of big data marks a profound shift in our epistemological framework, introducing a new knowledge paradigm where the social landscape is shaped by data processing, perceived as both comprehensive and natural. This transformative shift challenges traditional notions of human agency in societal understanding, positioning empirical quantification at the forefront of inquiry. Beyond philosophical implications, pragmatic challenges abound in big data research—from issues of commensuration and the influence of action grammars to the dominance of correlational over causal relationships, the prevalence of everyday data over historical archives, and the pervasive impact of algorithms on data ecosystems. This manuscript undertakes a comprehensive exploration of these challenges, proposing strategies for navigating them within emerging disciplines such as Digital Humanities, Social Computing, and Cultural Analysis. Methodologically anchored in constructivist principles and critical discourse analysis (CDA), the study investigates how socio-cultural contexts shape data and knowledge production. Drawing on extensive literature and meta-analyses, it synthesizes diverse perspectives to underscore the necessity for methodological innovation and reflexivity in addressing the complexities of big data research, ensuring the integrity and depth of social inquiry amidst evolving data-driven methodologies.
Healthcare in Virtual Spaces: A Comparative Analysis of Iranian and American Telemedicine and Healthcare History, Regulations and Challenges(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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This essay offers a comparative analysis of health law and telemedicine in Iran and the United States. It explores unique aspects of healthcare systems, regulations, challenges, and opportunities in both nations, tracing the historical development of health law and virtual health from inception to modern times. Specific challenges and opportunities exist within each country's healthcare systems, telemedicine practices, and regulations. For instance, in Iran, the coexistence of traditional and modern legal frameworks makes it essential to ensure that the laws are updated. The United States has a complex landscape of virtual health that needs to be maintained and integrated. What is similar in both countries is the importance of privacy. The analysis emphasizes the importance of adapting legal frameworks to accommodate technological advancements while protecting patient interests. Enhancing health laws and expanding telemedicine capabilities in both countries can improve access to virtual healthcare and enhance the quality and safety of patient care.
Intercultural Changes in Music Tastes of Iranian Adult Population: The Role of New Technologies, Media Convergence, and Globalization(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Music consumption, as an important form of cultural consumption in the daily lives of Iranians, has been the subject of political focus before and after the Revolution, 1979. During past decade, high penetration of information and communication technologies, specifically convergence as well as globalization of various media, has affected the rate of use and preferred content choices. Specially, the development of satellite television channels and the use of smartphones, have shifted the way Iranians listen or watch domestic/foreign music, thus, changing the place of music in the cultural rearticulation of Iranian society and people. While most previous studies have focused on domestic factors in their analysis of current changes rather than intercultural and global issues, this study attempts to focus on the role of latter factors to identify why and how music consumption has undergone rapid and dramatic shifts in Iran. By addressing the gap, this paper represents a close look at Iranian music tastes using quantitative data collected during a survey of 3400 adult respondents aged between 18 to 60. The findings show that like most of other countries, diverse genres of music are popular in Iran but Iranian classic music and pop music are more popular than other genres. Iranian music is more popular to Iranians than foreign music tracks & Iranian traditional music and integrated music (Iranianan classic music integrated to pop music) are very popular in Iran.
"In the Presence of the Other": Mobile Phone Technology and Insecurity in Marital Life; An Iranian Narrative Unfolding Gender Differences(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
This paper aims to explore how mobile phone technology shapes interactions between couples and creates a controversial atmosphere in marital life. To achieve this, we conducted 30 in-depth interviews with married individuals in Isfahan, Iran. After coding and categorizing the data using the grounded theory method, we identified "insecurity" as a core category. Feeling insecure is largely influenced by one's interpretation of their partner's "mobile phone etiquette" and "social media behavior". Insecurity manifests in four main dimensions: “emotional insecurity”, “relationship insecurity”, “individual insecurity”, and “domestic insecurity”. We noted that the marital life context, including trust and sexual satisfaction plays a crucial role in how couples perceive and interpret each other's use of mobile phones. However, gender is the most significant factor affecting individuals' perception of mobile phone, their interpretation of their spouse’s use, and their experience of insecurity as a result. This research utilizes social analysis to examine the effects of technology on family life. The research findings hold both academic and practical implications. Professionals involved in the field of family and couples' relationships can benefit from this paper to deepen their understanding of the role and significance of mobile phones in contributing to conflicts within marital life.
Investigating Effective Factors in Attracting Customers of Sports Venues by Combining Marketing and New Technologies(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Every year, a lot of money is spent on building new sports facilities, however, in recent years, paying attention to the needs of customers and responding to their demands in order to attract them, is one of the most important and necessary tasks. And the goals of organizations have changed the purpose of this research is to investigate the effective factors in attracting customers of sports venues by combining marketing and new technologies. The current research is an applied research. The statistical population of this research is made up of customers of sports venues in Kermanshah and Kurdistan. According to Morgan's table, 384 were randomly selected as a sample from among the customers of multi-purpose sports facilities. In order to collect information, mixed questionnaires of residential marketing (2009) and researcher-made questionnaires were used. After confirming the formal and content validity of the questionnaires by experts, reliability was calculated through Cronbach's alpha, respectively. The structural equation method was used to analyze the findings. In general, it can be acknowledged that the marketing mix and the use of information technology have a direct effect on the process of attracting customers to sports venues. Paying attention to the findings, the average of the elements of the marketing mix obtained is higher from the average. It means that the mixed elements of marketing are more than average, so it is recommended that managers, by using these strategies, highlight the competitive advantages of places through the use of physical and virtual space, as a result, customer loyalty is vital for the success of the organization. It is usually more expensive to attract new customers than to keep existing customers. Therefore, it is suggested to maintain loyal fans as a competitive asset, and one of the ways to strengthen this is through establishing a sincere, appropriate and strong cooperative relationship between service providers and beneficiaries.
Gödel and the Cyberspace: Rethinking Cyberethics(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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One of the epistemological debates on Cyberethics is the ethical implications of indeterminacy in cyberspace which results from its inherent zero-infinity binary logic. Since this logic is both of linguistic and mathematical nature, we contend that it can be discursively problematized. The central question here is: how can cyberethics be talked about in light of the fact that the zero-one binary in the cyberspace is regenerated endlessly and infinitely despite our invariant situation? The second question to be touch upon is: How can the problem of indeterminacy in the cyberspace leads to a crisis in our real -world cognitive schemas? Given that the indeterminacy in the cyberspace originates from a syntactic shift in its verification-falsification logic, we argue that this logic can be problematized by Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem together with Cantor’s continuum hypothesis. To this end, the present paper situates itself within the axiomatic apparatus of these two scholars to rethink the cyberethics. It is an exploratory qualitative research, based on deductive approach, seeking to unearth an underresearched problem based on existing hypotheses. Methodologically, it is subsumed under library research for its drawing on books and theories that are directly relevant to the research problem at hand.