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جامعه ی متکثر و متنوع ایران، نیازمند برنامه ی درسی است که نسبت به ویژگی چندفرهنگی آن حساس و پاسخگو باشد. پژوهش حاضر با روش پژوهش کیفی از نوع سنتزپژوهی با هدف شناسایی ویژگی مولفه های آموزش چندفرهنگی انجام شد. منابع مورد مطالعه شامل کلیه مقالات علمی معتبر در این زمینه در بازه ی زمانی 2007 الی 2022 می-باشد که با توجه به جستجوی منظم در پایگاه های اطلاعاتی، 1024 سند علمی شناسایی و بر اساس معیارهای ورودی تعداد 24 مطالعه شامل مقاله، پایان نامه و کتاب جهت تحلیل نهایی انتخاب شد. برای فراهم آوردن اطلاعات از کاربرگ طراحی شده توسط محقق برای گزارش و ثبت اطلاعات پژوهش های اولیه استفاده و جهت تحلیل یافته ها الگوی شش مرحله ای سنتزپژوهی روبرتس استفاده شد. طبق یافته های به دست آمده مؤلفه های برنامه ی درسی چندفرهنگی ارائه گردید. براین اساس چهار مولفه ی انسان محور، اقلیت محور، آموزش محور و کثرت گرا با 15 مضمون فرعی شناسایی گردید که در مجموع شامل 163 مضمون پایه می باشند. همچنین نتایج حاکی از آن است با ظهور کامل مولفه ها در برنامه های درسی از یک جانبه نگری در برنامه ریزی درسی به نفع فرهنگی خاص پرهیز خواهد شد.

Research Synthesis Identifying the Components of multicultural Curriculum

Pluralistic and varied Iranian society, requires a sensitive and responsive curriculum multicultural features. This research was conducted using a qualitative research method of synthesis research with the aim of identifying the Components multicultural curriculum.The studied sources include all valid scientific articles in this field. Due to regular searches in databases, in the period from 2007 to 2022, 1024 documents were identified and then based on the input criteria, 24 studies including articles, theses, and books were finally selected for the final analysis. To provide information, a worksheet designed by the researcher was used to report and record the information of the initial research, and to analyze the findings,a six-step Roberts synthesis model was used. According to the findings, the components of multicultural Curriculum were presented. Therefore, four components of human-oriented, minority-oriented, education-oriented and pluralistic were identified with 15 sub-themes, which in total include 163 basic themes. Also, the results showed that with the complete appearance of the components in the curriculum, one-sidedness in curriculum planning in favor of a specific culture will be avoided. Keywords: multicultural education, multicultural, Synthesis Research, Components Curriculum Introduction It is believed that the problems caused by multiculturalism can only be solved through multicultural education (Aslan, 2019), which has been discussed for years and although it has not yet evolved (Race, 2019) and its meaning has changed, but the aspects Its essence has been preserved (Castillo, Donoso & Ortega, 2020). Hermino (Hermino, 2014) considers the duty of multicultural education to discover differences as a gift from God that we should treat these differences with tolerance and respect (Arifin & Hermino, 2017) and the purpose of education in The case of the diversity of cultures in response to demographic and cultural changes in a particular society or even at the global level (Gorski & Pothini, 2014) and the acquisition of students with appropriate knowledge, attitude and skills for effective and successful participation in a society. He is a democrat. Because in the 21st century, young people are increasingly challenged to have the ability to work across cultures and political boundaries, they must increase their understanding of other cultures (Dwiningrum & et al, 2021). Considering that the results of the analysis of upstream documents indicate that multicultural education in Iran has been paid attention to some extent, but it has not been used in a transparent manner and using multicultural literature (Havasbeigi, 2017), the need to identify the components Multicultural education seems to be a necessary thing, so that the content of the designed curriculum has coherence, comprehensiveness and inclusion based on multicultural standards, which currently textbooks are either not properly realized, or if they appear, the quality of attention is not appropriate. be Therefore, based on the inherent diversity in Iran's pluralistic and culturally diverse society in different ethnic, linguistic and religious dimensions, the domination and sovereignty of a curriculum indifferent to multiculturalism will be in conflict with the realities of the society and considering that 80 to 95 The percentage of time students spend in class with textbooks has a major impact on their knowledge and behavior in the future (Banks, 2016), reflecting diversity and in other words multicultural education in the curriculum is necessary and expected. Therefore, the current research aims to identify the components of multicultural education to plan in the curriculum in order to avoid one-sidedness in favor of a particular culture in textbooks, and seeks to answer this question: What are the components of the multicultural curriculum? Methodology The current research was conducted with the qualitative research method of synthesis research with the aim of identifying the characteristics of the components of multicultural education. The studied sources include all valid scientific articles in this field in the period from 2007 to 2022, according to the regular search in the databases, 1024 scientific documents were identified and based on the input criteria, 24 studies including articles were found. The letter and book were selected for final analysis. In order to provide information, the worksheet designed by the researcher was used to report and record the information of primary researches, and the six-step model of Roberts synthesis was used for the analysis. Then, in order to identify the components of multicultural education, the findings of the selected documents about the subject of the research were combined and with repeated and detailed readings, as well as comparing similar and contradictory findings by coding with different colors of the class. Necessary classification was done. Data analysis was done based on the coding process based on thematic analysis. Similar codes that almost refer to the same concept were combined and formed the basic themes. From the combination of basic themes, sub-themes were formulated. Finally, by classifying sub-themes, components (main themes) were extracted by inductive method. Findings According to the findings of the research related to the purpose of the research in Table 1 and after repeated review by the researchers, all the basic concepts were grouped around 15 sub-themes and finally organized in the form of 4 main themes or the desired components. Based on this, the human-oriented component includes 3 sub-themes and 29 basic themes, the minority-oriented component includes 4 sub-themes and 34 basic themes, the education-oriented component includes 4 sub-themes and 48 basic themes, and finally the plurality component. It is oriented and includes 52 basic themes with 4 sub-themes. Discussion and conclusion If we use the research evidence as the basis of the analysis, we will reach the inferential conclusion that multicultural education, considering its scope, extent and importance, will require systematization in education and the need to identify its components. However, the search results in related sources show that the efforts made inside and outside the country lack comprehensiveness in presenting the components of education, because in most researches, researchers focus more on a specific aspect. The goals of multicultural education have been emphasized or the components have been presented in a way that lacks the necessary comprehensiveness, inclusion and coherence. However, the findings of this research have been able to include the multicultural concern from a political-cultural and philosophical perspective in an educational format in order to avoid one-sidedness in the multicultural curriculum. Therefore, the use of the findings of this research is suggested to the curriculum planners, considering the components of multicultural education, on the one hand, they were freed from the trap of common and wrong beliefs about multicultural education, and on the other hand, they were freed from one-sidedness in Curriculum planning in favor of a specific culture was avoided.
