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اهمیت نقش و موقعیت دریایی ایران و بهره گیری از امکاناتی که سواحل آن در ارتباط با حوزه های منطقه و جهان دارا می باشد، زمینه را برای استفاده از آنها به منظور توسعه و رشد اقتصادی و اجتماعی ایران از طریق پیشرفت های دریاپایه مهیا می سازد. این نوشتار تلاش بر آن دارد که با توجه به توان های مناسبی که امکانات اقتصادی و تجاری و بازرگانی دریایی ایران در پیش روی قرار می دهد زمینه را به منظور تحقق هدف های متعالی پیشرفت دریاپایه آماده کرده و نکاتی را در ارتباط با آن برشمرد. به رغم این نوشتار یکی از مهمترین نکته ها در ارتباط و با پیگیری پیشرفت دریاپایه ای، اعمال مدیریت منسجم و کارایی قابل قبول آن می باشد. در ابتدای نوشتار، اهمیت موقعیت و توان های دریایی ایران به منظور توسعه و رشد مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. در این مقاله به بررسی زمینه های تاریخی حوزه های دریایی ایران پرداخته شده و سپس به بررسی اهمیت ارتباطات اقتصادی و بازرگانی در سطح ملی و منطقه ای و جهانی از دیدگاه توسعه برنامه های دریاپایه اشاره می شود. در ارتباط با این عوامل به بررسی متون نظری پرداخته شده و نقش اهمیت مدیریت دانش پایه برای تحقق هدف ها برشمرده شده و آنگاه زمینه های تحقق برنامه های تصمیم گیری شده مورد توجه قرار می گیرد. این مورد به صورت دسته بندی شده، نقش مدیریت را در ساماندهی و جهت گیری برنامه های توسعه دریاپایه ای مطرح می سازد و لزوم بهره گیری از آن را به منظور نیل به هدف ها مورد توجه قرار می دهد و لزوم مدیریت جامع را مطرح می کند. در تحلیل موضوع، نکاتی موجزتر در ارتباط با نقش مدیریتی برنامه های پیشرفته دریا محور مورد بررسی قرار می گیرد. در پایان نوشتار نیز با جمع بندی مطالب مطرح شده به پیشنهاد هایی در زمینه های کارا بودن هرچه بیشتر نقش مدیریت در تحقق برنامه های در نظر گرفته شده در ارتباط با بهره مندی از حوزه های دریایی ایران اشاره می شود.  

Management of Sea- Based Development

ntroduction The importance of the role and maritime position of Iran and the use of the facilities of Iran's coasts provide the basis for their use in order to economic and social development and growth through sea-based developments. This article tries to prepare the ground in order to realize the goals of sea-based development, considering the appropriate capabilities of Iran's economic, commercial and maritime trade facilities. This article proposes that one of the most important points to follow up the sea-based development is the application of consistent management and its acceptable efficiency. At the beginning of the article, the importance of Iran's position and maritime capabilities in the process of development and growth is examined. This article examines the historical background of Iran's maritime areas, and then the importance of economic and commercial communications at the national, regional, and global levels is pointed out from the perspective of the development of sea-based programs. In relation to these factors, the theoretical texts are reviewed and the importance of knowledge-based management for the realization of the goals is enumerated and then, the areas of realization of the planed programs are taken into consideration. This case, in a categorized form, brings up the role of management in organizing and directing coastal development programs and emphasizes the need to use it in order to achieve the goals and the need for comprehensive management.  Research Method This article is applied in nature and is descriptive-analytic, and it is done using library resources and inductive inference method. The research purpose is to identify and expound the requirements of sea-based development management in connection with the use of Iran's marine areas. Research Findings The most important management plans in the realization of goals and objectives related to the sea-based development can be stated as follows: Providing the highest level of efficiency in management fields in order to achieve goals and as an important factor in all programs related to plans and actions; knowing Iran's naval capabilities and potentials and its connection with the surrounding areas and the world; Management of appropriate port locations in coastal areas in order to achieve industrial, agricultural, livestock, commercial and trade and service programs and their use in order to establish proper economic relations in the development programs of the country; Access to suitable port capacities in line with the specialized concepts related to them; Access to the required public and infrastructure facilities based on their efficiency; The possibility of having coastal and post-coastal transportation facilities in terms of their connection with the internal regions of the country, along with the connection of these facilities with intercontinental transportation and major shipping routes; Obtaining the required port services in terms of understanding the demands and land and sea transports; Acceptability of achieving the desired and required port workflow, including container services and all types of cargo and passengers; Obtaining the required marine services such as guiding and towing ships, rescue fleets and coastal dredging equipment; Access to port support services, such as shore supports for ships and container repairs, storage, waste and water and sewage collection, communication facilities, and banking and commercial services; Fulfillment of executive needs including marketing, human resource development and training, technical equipment, information and statistical system resources; Clarity of financial implementation plans such as self-governing plans and profitable financial workflow, removing or solving the problems of unprofitable services and preparing the grounds for profitable investments according to market conditions and at the domestic, regional and global levels; The efficiency of ports and, if necessary, the use of new ports in order to realize economic plans; The ability to have sea-based development programs based on national laws and regulations and the hierarchy of national training and physical programs; Having a favorable and acceptable and advanced organization and management, in a way that it is comprehensive, dynamic, diligent and opinionated in achieving the required goals; Paying attention to the issues brought up by globalization, such as membership in international economic institutions, having criteria and indicators, and division of labor in the global market; Environmental protection based on national, regional and global standards; The establishment of competitive economic activities such as access to the private sector, port activities, stock market, regional and global competitions, based on the safety, health of activities and in the shadow of advanced management; Meeting social and economic needs in terms of employment, expertise, human development resources, health and recreation and transportation services; Setting landscape plans, scheduling, budgeting and providing them in line with economic, social and physical developments; The permanent establishment of training in various specialized service, technical and management fields; Continuous attention to research programs related to development research related to sea-based developments; Paying attention to the increase in the investments related to the prosperity of the country's economic market, through the expansion of sea-based economic and social exchanges; Complete coordination with environmental structures in connection with all types of constructions according to natural, human, physical, technical, temporal and spatial conditions. Conclusions In the current situation, Iran's maritime trade facilities and services, despite their relative efficiency, need to be expanded. The infrastructure of port services in the sea areas needs a complete transformation, regarding that the proposed sea-based development programs requires extensive programs. Iran's coasts have had various functions throughout history, which have continued until today and have had ups and downs. In order to expand sea-based activities and realize sea-based civilization, it is necessary to plan and manage extensively in order to achieve the goals. It is appropriate to make use of these facilities and Iran's convenient position in the Middle East and the world, and Iran's access to different parts of the world, including lands that play an important role in terms of trade, commerce, population, and technology. In this article, the need for effective management methods was briefly investigated as a guarantee to achieve the advanced sea-based goals.
