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پژوهش حاضر با هدف تبیین؛ میزان تنوع بخشی به فعالیت های اقتصادی در افزایش تاب آوری اقتصادی و اجتماعی روستاهای گردشگرپذیر شهرستان رشت در برابر بیماری کووید-19، انجام شده است. پژوهش حاضر از نظر هدف کاربردی است و از لحاظ ماهیت و روش شناسی توصیفی – تحلیلی می باشد، همچنین به منظور تجزیه و تحلیل اطلاعات از از نرم افزار SPSS و GIS استفاده شده است. ویروس کرونا در اوایل ژانویه 2020 توسط سازمان بهداشت جهانی در کشور چین گزارش شد. این ویروس به سرعت در منطقه ووهان چین گسترش یافت. در پی بحران شیوع کرونا ویروس در نقاط مختلف جهان، شیوع آن به طور رسمی در تاریخ 29 بهمن 1398 توسط وزارت بهداشت، درمان و آموزش پزشکی تایید شد. در کشور ایران نیز با شیوع ویروس کرونا، شمار گردشگران90 درصد نیز نسبت به سال های گذشته با کاهش روبه رو شد. گردشگری در همه ی شهرها و روستاهای ایران در دوران کرونا خسارت های جبران ناپذیر زیادی را به بار آورده است که بیشترین برآورد خسارات به روستاهای گردشگرپذیر مربوط بوده است. نتایج آزمون های تی تک نمونه ای و همبستگی اسپیرمن نشان داد، تنوع بخشی در فعالیت های اقتصادی در سطح معناداری 000/0، تاثیر زیادی در افزایش تاب آوری اقتصادی و اجتماعی روستاهای گردشگرپذیر دارد. همچنین به منظور دسته بندی میزان تاب آوری اقتصادی و اجتماعی در هر یک از بخش های شهرستان رشت با تمرکز بر تنوع فعالیت های اقتصادی، از انحراف معیار ، استفاده شد، نتایج نشان داد، وضعیت تاب آوری اقتصادی-اجتماعی پس از ایجاد تنوع فعالیت های اقتصادی در تمامی بخش های مورد مطالعه شهرستان رشت از دیدگاه اعضای شورا و دهیاران، مطلوب می باشد.

Explaining the role of diversifying economic activities in increasing the economic and social resilience of touristic villages in Rasht county against the covid-19 disease

Extended IntroductionIn Iran, due to the spread of the Corona virus, the number of tourists decreased compared to previous years. Tourism in all the cities and villages of Iran has caused a lot of irreparable damage during the Corona era, and the highest damage estimate was related to touristic villages. In this regard, what is significant and important in the topic of Covid-19 in the tourism sector is the economic and social resilience of touristic villages against this crisis. The damage caused by the corona crisis to tourist villages in many cities of Iran, including Rasht County, is very high, but what is important in the meantime is the recovery and return of rural residents to their original state after facing unfortunate conditions, including (Covid-19 virus). Based on this, one of the most effective approaches in improving and returning villagers to their original conditions is the approach of diversifying economic activities. In fact, Corona has affected the economy of households and the tourism sector of this County in the short and long term. The market of some tourism handicraft products of the city, as well as some of the businesses related to tourism, has been disrupted directly and indirectly. Based on this, the level of economic and social resilience of people against the ongoing crisis has decreased. This is especially the case in villages that do not have a variety of economic activities. In such a way that by reducing the diversity of economic activities in touristic rural areas, their economic and social resilience will decrease against the upcoming crises like Corona.Therefore, one of the important ways to increase economic and social resilience in tourism villages against Corona is diversifying economic activities. In this regard, the purpose of this research is to explain the extent of diversification of economic activities in increasing the economic and social resilience of the touristic villages of Rasht County against the covid-19 disease, to be recognized as a way of thinking and by providing solutions and results. It is desirable to plan and with different orientations (economic and social), try to preserve the survival of villages, and also seek to investigate and investigate the following question:To what extent does diversification of economic activities increase resilience? Economic and social recovery of touristic villages of Rasht County against the disease of covid-19; Does it have an effect? MethodoloyThe current research is practical in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of its nature and methodology, and SPSS and GIS software were used to analyze the data. The statistical population is all people in the field of tourism businesses in the touristic villages of Rasht County in the districts (Centeral, Khokhbijar, Lasht Nasha, KochSefahan, Sangar, Khammam), which in a natural situation; They are located in coastal, plains and foothills, and their sizes are divided into small, medium and large villages. In order to determine the sample size, available sampling was used. In this regard, the number of (170) people was determined separately for each of the villages based on their size and population. In the second part, there are managers of tourist villages (Village managers (DEHYAR), village council members). The sample size of the sample members was based on the available sampling, which was finally determined based on the proposed (available) sampling, the number of (37) people. Results and DiscussionThe results of sample t-test and Spearman's correlation showed that diversification of economic activities at a significance level of 0.000 has a great impact on increasing the economic and social resilience of touristic villages. Finally, the results of categorizing the level of economic and social resilience in each of the parts of Rasht County, focusing on the diversity of economic activities, showed that the state of economic and social resilience after creating the diversity of economic activities from the views of council members and Village managers (DEHYAR); In the central district with the number of (31 people) and 83.78 percent, in the Khokhbijar district with the number of (29 people) and 78.37 percent, in LashtNasha district with the number of (31 people) and 83.78 percent, in the KochSefahan district with the number of ( 32 people) and 86.48 percent, in Sanger district with the number of (32 people) and 86.48 percent, in Khammam district with the number of (30 people) and 81.08 percent; It was evaluated favorably. ConclusionThe results of the research showed that diversifying agricultural livelihood strategies, animal husbandry, fishing, handicrafts, etc. will increase the household's ability to earn more income, higher food security, etc. According to the descriptive findings, most of the people had a job (in the field of tourism) before the corona virus, and due to the conditions of the corona virus, they either migrated from the village or switched to another job with low and medium income. In sum of the results, the current era (post-coronavirus tourism) is not in normal conditions for touristic villages. This period will create difficult conditions for the people of the business because the connection chain is the Corona crisis and in this situation, the people of the business are facing a difficult situation in the field of tourism in the villages of Rasht County. Therefore, considering the concerns caused by Corona and the impact on the economic situation and the economic insecurity of the life of tourism businesses, we should look for more favorable conditions along with diversification of economic activities.
