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روش های ارزیابی و تحلیل کمک می کنند درک بهتری درخصوص اطلاعات جمع آوری شده و نتایج تحلیل ها بدست آید. تحلیل عاملی و تحلیل شبکه ای هر دو از روش های تحلیلی چندمتغیره می باشند و مدل F’ANP تلفیقی از دو روش FA وANP است. پژوهش پیش رو از نظر هدف کاربردی و از نظر روش توصیفی-تحلیلی می باشد و به دنبال پاسخگویی به این سوال است که وجه تمایز و کاربرد این سه روش به -فراخور موضوع و ماهیت مسایل مختلف شهری چیست و نقاط قوت و ضعف هر یک کدامند؟ بدین منظور ابتدا سه روش معرفی می شوند، در ادامه پژوهشی که قبل تر توسط نگارندگان با استفاده از FA تحلیل شده، توسط روش هایANP وF’ANP بازتحلیل می شود تا نتایج مقایسه بشوند. براساس نتایج، هرگاه هدف مشخص کردن معیارها و شاخص های موثر بر موضوع پژوهش باشد و یا مقصود تحلیل رابطه ی میان شاخص های یک موضوع باشد روش تحلیل عاملی گزینه ی مناسبی است. برای اولویت بندی یا رتبه بندی گزینه ها با توجه به شاخص ها و عوامل موثر بر آن ها و یا مقایسه ی دومقوله از یک جنس با توجه به شاخص های موثر بر آن استفاده از روش ANP بیشتر توصیه می شود. در نهایت F’ANP می تواند در ساخت شاخص های مرکب و پژوهش هایی که در ابتدای امر به دنبال شناسایی شاخص ها و معیارها و سپس در پی اولویت-بندی گزینه ها هستند کاربرد داشته باشد.

Presenting an optimal model by comparison of Factor Analysis FA, Analytic Network Process ANP and F’ANP methods to improve their application in urban planning

Evaluation and analysis methods help to have a better understanding of the collected information and the results of the analysis of the research. Factor analysis (FA) is a multicriteria analysis that can be used to convert a large number of obtained criterias into a limited number of factors and then it can calculate and interprete on them. Analytic Network process (ANP) is also a multi-criteria evaluation method that allows data to be analyzed easily due to the simplicity of calculations, but this method has limitations in use due to its subjective ranking. Using the advantages of both methods, the F'ANP model makes it possible to first break down the constituent dimensions into components by using of factors analysis (FA) and then prioritize the dimensions and elements using Analytic Network Process (ANP).The F’ANP model was introduced in 2013 by Esfandiar Zabrdast to construct a composite index to determine the degree of social vulnerability to earthquakes and to minimize the shortcomings of conventional methods of composite index construction. The present study is applying in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. In this research, First, three methods which includes Factor analysis (FA), Analytic network process (ANP) and F'ANP, are introduced, and then a research which entitled "Evaluation of Mehr housing policies in Iran and providing solutions to improve it", which was previously analyzed by the authors using Factor analysis (FA), is re-analyzed by ANP and F'ANP methods to compare the results and then express the strengths and weaknesses points of each one. And Finally, a model will be introduced for the optimal use of these methods in various urban problems. The model is explained to indicate FA, ANP and F'ANP's priority in solving different urban problems. According to the results of the research, when the purpose is to determine the effective criteria and indicators of the research topic or when the purpose is: analyzing the relationship between the indicators of a topic, FA is a good choice (As an example; Explaining the key criterias of the process of formation of place’s identity in new urban development). If the purpose of the research is to prioritize or rank the options according to the indicators and factors affecting them or to compare two categories of the same gender according to the indicators which affecting it, it is better to use The Analytic Network Process (As an example; sustainable residential complexes location). And finally F’ANP method can be used in researches in which at first we search to identify indicators and criteria and then prioritizes options (As an example; Evaluation and analysis of physical resilience in an area of Tehran against earthquakes) and for making composit criterias. The comparison of the results shows that the obtained factors and indicators are almost the same and only their priority is different after analyzing with three different methods. According to the research it can be said that the lack of knowledge about the existence of the F’ANP method is the reason for less acceptance of it.
