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اقبال عمومی به موضوع پایداری و معماری پایدار که به موجی قوی در معماری امروز جهان و ایران تبدیل شده، ایجاب کننده نوعی بازنگری ناقدانه به منظورتنقیح و ارتقای گفتمان پایداری در معماری است. به ویژه اهمیت "آموزش معماری"، بذل توجه بیشتر را در این حیطه ضرورت می بخشد. با آنکه معماری سنتی ایران مفاهیم جوهری پایداری را به نحوی صادقانه و طبیعی در خود مستتر می داشته، در مقابل امروزه مواجهه سطحی با موضوع  معماری پایدار تهدیدکننده اصالت آن است. نگرانی از چنین عارضه ای انگیزه تألیف این مقاله با نگاهی ناقدانه، آسیب شناسانه و  متمایل به ارائه راهبردهایی در حیطه آموزش بوده است. بر این اساس، ابتدا به تفاوت معنی دار دو اصطلاح «آموزش معماری پایدار» و «آموزش پایدار معماری» پرداخته شده، ارجحیت عنوان دوم مورد ابرام قرار می گیرد. سپس به پیراستن مفهوم «معماری پایدار» از تصورات بدلی و نادرست پرداخته می شود. پس از این پیرایش مفهومی، فضای مقاله به سمت ارائه پیشنهادهای راهبردی جهت می گیرد و در سه مقیاس، از کلی به جزئی، ابتدا سه مفهوم کلی بنیادی، سپس شش گرایش راهبردی و آنگاه شش توصیه آموزشی پیشنهاد می شود، تا نیل به «آموزش پایدار معماری» در جهت وصول به پایداری واقعی در محیط آموزشی معماری تسهیل گردد.

Education of Sustainable Architecture or Sustainable Education of Architecture

<span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman','serif'; font-size: 12pt; mso-bidi-font-family: Nazanin; mso-bidi-font-size: 14.0pt;">There is a strong interest to sustainability in contemporary architectural literature. So, a deep rethinking and review seem to be necessary for the sake of purification and improvement of sustainability discourse. In academic scale, there is a duplicated necessity. As education is a momentous field with important influences on professional world of architecture, any misunderstanding about sustainability in architectural education infects architectural activities and built environment. On the contrary, an accurate sense of understanding about sustainability in architecture can help the community toward sustainable development. Unlike traditional Persian architecture, in recent architecture of Iran a type of fake sustainability is usually seen instead of truly authentic accuracy of it. In other words, traditional Persian architecture contain essential and substantial concepts of sustainability tacitly and implicitly, because sustainable architecture essentially has been the natural result of "sustainable wisdom", " sustainable organic life", "ecological sensitivity" and will occur only when a true native tendency toward the soul of sustainability exists in common sense and lifestyle of the community. Some terms like "indigenous knowledge", "local knowledge", "tacit knowing", should not be forgotten, ought to grasp some epistemic bases of sustainable architecture. while contemporary architecture of Iran only contains an extremely quantitative and humble use of sustainability term. This real problem is invested in this paper, tending to some educational strategies toward a justified sustainability in architectural education. So, initially the significant difference of two terms is discussed: "education of sustainable architecture" and "sustainable education of architecture; proving validity and accuracy of the second. In "sustainable education of architecture", some key properties and dimensions within educational strategies and tactics lead the student implicitly to the basic senses of understanding sustainability, sustainable responsibility, and consequently sustainable architecture. Then the true meaning of "sustainable architecture" will be purified from fake suppositions about it. Sustainable architecture is not a "style", not an "option", not a disguise, nor any accidental phenomenon, but is an essential entity living in the soul of ontologic, epistemic and pragmatic characteristics of an architecture. Then, some propositions in a hierarchic set contains three concepts, six strategic attitudes and six educational advice will be presented to make easy earning a true sustainable education of architecture. The concepts are: inclusivity, completeness and unity. These concepts should be the dominant leading regulator of mental space in academic environment, to avoid some syndrome like partialism, sentimentalism, immaturity and dispersion which are frequently negative intervening factor of architectural education. Some of strategies are nativism, inclusivism, contextualism and attention to affordances and basic patterns, balance between architectural intensions and extensions, accordance of logical and intuitional orientations, existed experiences about environment. Educational advice are also based to this concepts and strategies, so as educators can help students to earn themselves true soul of sustainability in mind and action, trending to an authentic sustainable architecture. Furthermore A pluralistic approach is necessary to contain cultural diverse, not to suppose sustainability as a blind formulated mechanism. Accurate attention to significant characteristics of culture, lifestyle, values and climates should be regarded in architectural education.
