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افزایش آثار مخرب سوانح طبیعی نشان می دهد که برنامه ریزی های جامع تری برای جبران آثار این رویدادها باید انجام شود. توصیه های جهانی بر ادغام تجربه ها و توجه به محتوای نظری بازسازی ها تأکید دارد. منظور از جنبه های نظری، یکپارچه سازی دیدگاه ها و راهبردها برای رسیدن به چارچوب نظری جامعی در رویارویی با مسائل بازسازی می باشد. قصرشیرین، نمونه ای از شهرهایی است که پس از جنگ بازسازی شدند و الگوی مناسبی برای بررسی محتوای نظری و تجربی روند بازسازی می باشد. فرضیه تحقیق آن است که هم اندیشی درباره آنچه که باید انجام شود و انتخاب راه کارهای مناسب برای اجرا، نظمی ایجاد می کند که ماهیت و محتوای نظری دارد و موجب هدایت روند بازسازی می شود. در این تحقیق با استفاده از روش تحقیق کیفی و محتوایی و مصاحبه با افراد مرتبط، این نتایج به دست آمد که محتوای نظری روند بازسازی با گفتمان میان عوامل ذینفع آغاز و تشکیل می شود، نیازهای بازسازی و مصلحت عمومی را تشخیص می دهد، نظرات ذینفعان را به تصمیم های اجرایی تبدیل می کند، فاصله تصمیم گیری و اجرا را کاهش می دهد و چشم انداز آینده شهر را ترسیم  می کند.

Reconstruction of the city of Ghasr-e-Shirin, from tale to reality A research to attain the theoretical content of Ghasr-e-Shirin reconstruction

Natural disasters and wars sometimes have such a destructive effect that could change to a national tragedy. The increasing effects of natural destructions show that more progressive plans needed to compensate this incidents. Global recommendations emphasize on combine experiences and theoretical contents of reconstruction. The meaning of theoretical aspects is to globalize visions and strategies, to attain comprehensive theoretical framework to confront reconstruction problems. It looks like that from one side strategies and policies, and from the other side overall survey of each incident and their similarities, should be regarded. Global experiences also emphasize on sustainable development and adopting participation of stakeholders in reconstruction process and producing essential national capabilities to manage risk reduction. If so, experimental and theoretical content of each incident, that is intrinsic phenomenon of reconstruction, should be extracted. Comparison of this later phenomenon will produce useful lessons for the mentioned national planning. Now, it is of more importance to pay adequate attention to theoretical aspects of reconstruction process as the spirit, and activator of the overall process. Ghasr-e-shirin is a sample of the cities that reconstructed after the imposed war. It is suitable pattern for research theoretical and experimental content of reconstruction process. The city is in Kermanshah province , 15 kilometer far from Iraq Frontier, with touristic attractions and foreign trade exchange. The city had about 25000 population before war. But at the end of the imposed war, just piles of ruined and destroyed quarters were reminded. The effect of this tragic approach was firm decision of the retuned habitants, to reconstruct their own city. So, Ghasr-e-Shirin rehabilitated. The hypothesis of this research is that during the reconstruction process, a constituted theoretical decision is emerged. It is similar to urban physical planning theories. This theoretical core is the activator of reconstruction process, and organizing the other relevant elements to attain the reconstruction goals. It could be interpreted that »exchanging the ideas and discourse about what should be done, choosing the best way of achievement, and also decision making between stakeholders«, will tend to constitute a theoretical framework, that conducts reconstruction and revitalizing process of the city. To approve the above hypothesis a special research method was needed. In this research according to qualitative research method of the accessible documents and deep interview with relevant persons, these results .were obtained that: Theoretical content of reconstruction process starts with discourse between stakeholders,.distinction public interest, promotes stakeholders suggestions to executive decision, reduces the gap between decision and execution, and finally draws the future perspective of the city. So it could be possible to catch the main structure  of reconstruction process and interpret the findings of the whole process. Some of the results of this research are: 1) Theoretical content of reconstruction process, constitutes through essentialities and problems and difficulties that confronts to reconstruction process, and discourse and collaboration between public private stakeholders. 2) Reconstruction pattern, according to the definition of urban physical planning theory, has theoretical identity. 3) The main character of theoretical identity of reconstruction process is to reduce the distance between decision making and the execution of the decision. 4) Reconstruction pattern because of the following reasons can have the essence of a theory: - Answers the questions. In Ghasr-e-Shirin the main question was the location of the city. -Determines the rate of intervention in the quarters. - Revitalization of urban economy, and good special structure.
