مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه

Delphi Technique


Prioritizing and Assessment of the Relationships between Factors Affecting Underdevelopment of Electronic Banking in Iran (a Study with Fuzzy DEMATEL Approach)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Electronic Banking Affecting and Affected indexes Information technology Delphi Technique Fuzzy DEMATEL

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۵۸ تعداد دانلود : ۱۶۹
Banks, in order to extend the development of information technology and electronic banking services and its using by customers, in first place, should examine barriers and problems in using information technology. Therefore, in this study we deal with identifying and prioritizing these barriers in Iranian banks. Our method in this research is descriptive-survey. In this way, after the library study and the extraction of factors and problems facing the information technology, common indexes is extracted by Delphi approach, which is classified in 8 categories and led to 17 indexes. Then, by helping the fuzzy DEMATEL approach we prioritize these indexes. By using MATLAB software the affecting and the affected factors was analyzed. The results show that the affecting factors on development of electronic banking include society culture of acceptance, lack of public awareness, the field of communications, strong culture of organization, managers’ acquaintance with technology, strong regulations to deal with cyber criminals, recruitment of skilled human resources and coordination in the adoption of field of policies in the of technology. Also the affected factors of development of electronic banking include existence of centers of various decision making in technology, development and being adequate networks, individuals’ continuous training, managers planning about promotion and maintenance of systems, existence of modern hardware and software, system monitoring and safety, required standards in information resources, lack of deficiency in accuracy and being up to date the information and information resources. They all are affecting from other factors in electronic banking development. JEL Classification: C44, G210

Futures studies of Tourism with a Spirituality Perspective(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)


کلیدواژه‌ها: Tourism spirituality Futures Studies Delphi Technique

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۰۳ تعداد دانلود : ۱۵۰
Supposing that today’s growing range of human needs with the increasing growth of technology is not only limited to material dimensions but non-material aspects are of an undeniable role in the human self-actualization. In this regard, the concept of spirituality dramatically manifests itself in different aspects of human life, even though the technological evolutions and tourism can be an important lever in this area. In this study, using content analysis techniques and using ideas of experts, we assessed the components of ‘styling the future’, ‘tourism’, and ‘spirituality’ comparing elements of these variables such that the relationship between tourism and spirituality was extracted in the form of ‘a sense of excellence’, ‘a sense of meaning’, ‘human values’ and ‘interaction with existence’. Also, the relationship between tourism and futures studies (futurology) was defined using the extracted parameters including ‘consultation prior to social and cultural reforms’, ‘future analysis and alert against challenges’, and ‘determining strategic priorities’. Eventually, in relation to these three components, the obtained results emphasized the need for taking the advantage of spirituality in the study of the tourism industry.

Identification and Prioritization of the Factors Affecting the Disaster Preparedness of Schools in Mashhad, Iran(مقاله پژوهشی وزارت بهداشت)

تعداد بازدید : ۳۴۶ تعداد دانلود : ۱۲۳
INTRODUCTION: Iran has always been prone to natural disasters, such as hurricanes and earthquakes, which are followed by heavy financial and bodily harms. In this regard, it is crucial to have disaster management in the schools of Iran to protect the significant number of young people studying in schools. Therefore, school principals must be constantly prepared for disasters and develop disaster management plans. METHODS: The present study aimed to identify and prioritize the factors that affect the natural disaster preparedness of schools using the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) method. Moreover, another objective of this research was to rank the elementary schools in District 6 of Mashhad regarding their disaster preparedness with the fuzzy technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (FTOPSIS). In this research, first, the criteria and sub-criteria for disaster preparedness were obtained using the Delphi method and according to the opinions of experts. Afterward, the collected criteria and sub-criteria were ranked using the FAHP method. The statistical population of this research consisted of experts, including principals and experts in the studied schools (schools in District 6 of Mashhad) who were familiar with disaster management issues. In total, 10 experts were selected as the sample using the purposive sampling method. FINDINGS: Based on the results, the most important disaster preparedness factors in schools were building retrofit, adherence to basic standards, and committee formation, in that order. CONCLUSION: Finally, the elementary schools of District 6 of Mashhad were ranked in terms of disaster preparedness using the obtained model and the FTOPSIS. This ranking can help the managers in making decisions to prioritize the conduction of building retrofit of the schools in the studied area.

Designing an Optimal Crisis Management Model with the Approach of Human Resource Management System in the Iranian Red Crescent Society(مقاله پژوهشی وزارت بهداشت)

تعداد بازدید : ۳۹۱ تعداد دانلود : ۱۹۲
INTRODUCTION: In times of crisis and disasters, the Red Crescent Society is faced with wide and diverse duties and quality of human resources (HRs) in management departments and high organizational levels. One of the most important reasons for the success of HR projects in crises is the sufficient attention paid to the job requirements and the feasibility of implementing each of the crisis management strategies at different levels of the organization. Therefore, this study was conducted to present the current state of HR architecture of the organization based on the HR management system considering the HR architecture model in 2020. METHODS: In this study, the Delphi method was used to collect the necessary data. The statistical population of this study (n=15) consisted of academic and organizational experts who had expertise in crisis management and HR management. The samples were selected using purposive and snowball sampling techniques. To conduct the research, a 30-item questionnaire (each item representing a variable) was designed with applying weight restrictions in the model and distributed among the subjects. The reliability of each variable was confirmed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient method (α>0.7). FINDINGS: Based on the findings, in the optimal HR management system, the most attention should be paid to recruiting HRs to have the highest performance speed in crisis management. Moreover, to have the least uncertainty in crisis management, HR improvement needs the most attention. It was also found out that the least amount of organizational disorder in crisis management would be experienced by devoting great attention to the maintenance of HR. Finally, to have the most response options in crisis management, recruitment of HR should be taken into consideration mostly CONCLUSION: The greatest attention should be paid to recruiting HRs in the optimal HR management system to have the largest number of response options in crisis management. This means that, according to the conceptual model, the emphasis on employing analyst staff would maximize the number of response options in times of crisis incidence. Therefore, to succeed in this field, the organization must reconsider its recruitment policies in a way that leads to the entry of capable employees with the ability to solve problems in the organization. The ability to suggest and review different solutions in problem-solving and make the best decision are largely an inherent characteristic of individuals. The recruitment of capable people in this field would increase the options for dealing with the crisis and improve the efficiency of the decisions and actions. The second and last priorities in this area were respectively related to maintenance and improvement.

تحدید وتصنیف أنواع المخاطر فی صناعه المصارف فی إیران(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۷۸ تعداد دانلود : ۷۱
إنّ التغییر فی أشکال وطرق عمل المصارف والدخول إلی أسواق جدیده وتغییر طبیعه الأنظمه المصرفیه من التقلیدیه والکلاسیکیه إلی المصارف الإلکترونیه، وکذلک ظهور التکنولوجیا المالیه والشرکات المبتدئه فی صناعه المصارف من جانب، وفقدان رؤیه شامله وجامعه فی مجال تحدید والسیطره علی المخاطر من جانب آخر زادت من قلق البنوک ومخاوفها من الأزمات الاقتصادیه وما قد ینجم عن فقدان الرؤیه الواضحه من المستقبل. وما هو واضح وجلی إن حجم التغییرات والتطورات فی هذا المجال لا تنم عن مستقبل هادئ ومطمئن بالنسبه للمصارف والبنوک، علی هذا الأساس فإن البنوک یجب أن تزید جهودها ومساعیها من أجل مواجهه هذا المستقبل غیر الهادئ. یحاول البحث الراهن تقدیم تصنیف جامع من أنواع المخاطر فی صناعه المصارف فی إیران. عینه البحث تتکون من مراجعه 30 شخصا من الخبراء والمتخصصین فی مجال صناعه المصارف فی إیران وفق طریقه أخذ العینات علی أساس الاستبعاد المنهجی. تم الحصول علی عشرین مؤشرًا نهائیًا لتصنیف المخاطر فی الصناعه المصرفیه من 68 مکونًا مستخرجًا من مراجعه الأدب النظری للبحث، عن طریق تکرار طریقه دلفی ثلاث مرات فی الفتره 1399-1400. ووفق النتائج التی توصلنا إلیها فإن التصنیف المقترح شمل المخاطر المالیه، والمخاطر التشغیلیه، والمخاطر الاقتصادیه، والمخاطر السیاسیه – الاجتماعیه، والمخاطر التطبیقیه، والمخاطر المعرفیه والتکنولوجیه. أظهرت نتائج التحقق من الصدق وفق طریق دلفی أن معامل ألفا کرونباخ للمرحله الثالثه کان یساوی 0.899 ودل ذلک علی أن جمیع المؤشرات کانت داله وصحیحه، کما دل علی وجود مستوی عالٍ من الإجماع بین خبراء الصناعه المصرفیه حول هذه المخاطر.