مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه
perceived usefulness
international Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۹, Issue ۳۷, Autumn ۲۰۲۱
83 - 93
حوزههای تخصصی:
The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of psychological factors on teachers` attitudes regarding technology use. To this purpose, such factors as ‘perceived usefulness’, ‘perceived ease of use’, ‘trialability’, ‘subjective norms’, and ‘attitude’ were investigated. The participants of the study were high school English language teachers in Shiraz, who were selected through stratified sampling as a representative sample of the available population. In order to assess the extent of the effect of each factor, five questionnaires were administered. Then, the elicited data were analyzed by means of path analysis. The obtained results revealed that ‘perceived ease of use’ was affected by ‘subjective norms’, and ‘trialability’ influenced the attitude of teachers about using technology in their teachings. The results also showed that the most influential factor on attitude was ‘trialability’. Furthermore, the results displayed that ‘perceived usefulness’ had a significant effect and subjective norms had an indirect but meaningful effect on the teachers’ attitude. The findings of the study have implications for school administrators and teachers to use them in their planning and instruction and, as a result, boost the learning environment.
The Impact of Accounting Information System on User Satisfaction: Empirical Studies on Local Government Bank(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
This study aims at investigating the factors that affect a user’s satisfaction of accounting information systems based on the quality and the perceived usefulness of such systems, and the quality of data involved. The paper analyses the given factors on data collected from Bank Sumut, Indonesia. In addition, this research also aims to find out whether the influence of perceived ease of use can be utilized as a moderating variable or not. the research is quantitative in terms of methodology and the sample pool consists of 112 people. The data used is primary data, which has been collected through the distribution of a questionnaire. Data has been analyzed through the Multiple Linear Regression and moderator test has been done using the Eviews 9 and SPSS software. The results contained in this study show that the variables can influence the accounting information system (AIS) user satisfaction significantly and that the information system quality plays an important role in the process. In addition, the quality of information systems, the information quality and perceived usefulness simultaneously affect the AIS of user satisfaction.
The Impact of COVID-19 Crisis upon the Effectiveness of E-learning in Higher Education Institution(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
The infestation of the world pandemic has significantly changed the landscape of teaching and learning experience in Malaysia. Particularly for the institution under study, E-learning, previously used as the support medium to face-to-face classroom teaching, has become the primary medium of teaching and learning amid Covid-19. E-learning platform has replaced the face-to-face classes. Even though it is only a temporary approach, less is known in terms of its effectiveness. The present paper intends to examine the factors contributing to E-learning's effectiveness in a Higher Education Institution in Malaysia amid the COVID-19 crisis. The Technology Acceptance Model underpinned the conceptual framework. This study investigated the relationship between the independent variables (perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and self-motivation) and E-learning effectiveness. The data were collected through an online self-administrated questionnaire using Google form and received a total of 354 respondents. The data were analyzed using SPSS and Smart PLS. The findings revealed that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and self-motivation positively influenced E-learning's effectiveness. This paper concluded that regardless of whether as the support medium or the primary medium in the teaching and learning process, the determinant to E-Learning effectiveness is still perceived the same. This study also supports the TAM proposition while incorporate self-motivation in measuring learning effectiveness.
Presenting a causal model of the influential factors in applying continuous electronic on-the-job training in the leasing employees of Bank Mellat
The present study aimed to investigate the factors influencing applying continuous electronic on-the-job training in the leasing employees of Bank Mellat, Iran. This correlational study was conducted on a sample population consisting of all the leasing employees of Bank Mellat. Given the limited sample population, census sampling was used, and all the leasing employees of Bank Mellat (n=155) were selected. Various instruments were used to measure the research variables, including the electronic job training questionnaire by Fagan et al. (2004), the quantum management skills questionnaire by Altafi (2011), the facilitating conditions questionnaire by Raleting and Nel (2011), the knowledge sharing questionnaire by van den Hof and van Vinen (2004), the computer self-efficacy questionnaire by Wolters and Daugherty (2007), the organizational intelligence profile by Albrecht (2003), the questionnaire of perceived usefulness by Teo et al. (2007), the survey of technology use experience by Fagan et al. (2004), and the organizational culture questionnaire by Gaffy and Jones (1996). The findings indicated that among the direct effects, the most significant direct effect was exerted by the conditions of technology use on perceived usefulness (0.32), whereas the least significant direct effect was exerted by quantum skills on knowledge sharing (0.15), as well as the effect of knowledge sharing on applying continuous electronic on-the-job training (0.15). Further, the most significant indirect effect was exerted by facilitating conditions on applying continuous electronic on-the-job training (0.09), and the least significant indirect effect was exerted by organizational intelligence on applying continuous electronic on-the-job training (0.03), as well as the effect of experience in using technology on perceived usefulness (0.03). Finally, the least significant total effect was exerted by experience in using technology on perceived usefulness (0.03), and the most significant total effect was exerted by the conditions of using technology on perceived usefulness (0.32).
Mobile Learning Adoption: Using Composite Model Measurement Invariance to Assess Gender Differences(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
This study investigates Ghanaian students' adoption of Mobile Learning (ML) by extending the technology acceptance model with a subjective norm variable. Specifically, this study focuses on the moderating effect of gender using the Measurement Invariance of Composite Models for the analysis. The study used a purposive sampling technique to collect the data for the study from sec-ond-year diploma students at the University of Professional Studies in Accra. SmartPLS 3.3.3 was used to analyze the data from 330 respondents. The findings of the study suggest that perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and subjective norm have a significant influence on the behavior-al intention to adopt mobile learning for the complete data set. In addition, the results suggest that the impact of the subjective norm was not significant for female students but for male students. Also, the impact of perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness on behavioral intention were insignificant. Furthermore, the findings suggest that behavioral intention influences students' actual use of mobile devices to access learning materials. Finally, gender moderates the relationship be-tween subjective norms and behavioral intention. The findings demonstrate group heterogeneity, therefore, investigations on technology adoption must always incorporate group dynamics to un-derstand how different groups respond to its adoption. The findings of the study hold significance for both policy and research implications.
Understanding Millennial Adoption of E-Recruitment Platform: A Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Method(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
This study aimed to analyze the factors that influenced millennial use of E-recruitment (online recruitment), through the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). In this regard, TAM was extended by incorporating trust and privacy in the context of millennial technology adoption. A cross-sectional quantitative survey was carried out, utilizing purposive sampling of millennials who used the E-recruitment platform. The data were obtained from 270 respondents and analyzed with Partial-Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) to explore the relationships between the factors. The results showed that perceived ease of use and trust had a significant influence on millennials’ intention to use E-recruitment services. Meanwhile, perceived usefulness and privacy did not have a significant influence. Intention to use E-recruitment services was a strong predictor of actual use. This study provided a practical understanding for human resource professionals and organizations that aim to improve E-recruitment strategies. It was emphasized that ease of use and building trust were important criteria used for promoting adoption among millennials. Future studies are recommended to use diverse samples and investigate the impact of technostress and cultural factors on E-recruitment adoption. In addition, it is necessary to evaluate employers’ perspectives, which can provide a more in-depth understanding of technology adoption in E-recruitment.