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بیان مسئله: یکی از مفاهیمی که از گذشته های دور تا اکنون ذهن اندیشمندان حوزه های مختلف علوم انسانی را به خود مشغول کرده است، معنا و هدف زندگی و راه های دستیابی به آن است. عارفان مسلمان ازجمله این اندیشمندان هستند که اگرچه به صورت مستقیم به بحث درباره معنای زندگی و مؤلفه های آن نپرداخته اند، با بررسی سخنان و اندیشه های آنان به روشنی مشخص می شود که یکی از دغدغه های اصلی آنها، تبیین معنا و هدف زندگی و راه های رسیدن به آن است.روش: این مقاله با بهره گیری از نظریه معنادرمانی ویکتور فرانکل، به بررسی معنای زندگی و راه های دستیابی به آن از منظر رابعه عدویه، برجسته ترین عارف زن در تاریخ اسلام، می پردازد و درپی یافتن پاسخی برای درک معنای زندگی و مؤلفه های زمینه ساز معنا در اندیشه و باور این عارف بزرگ است.نتایج و یافته ها: براساس یافته های این پژوهش، رابعه نگاهی خاص به زندگی، معنا و هدف آن دارد و درپی دستیابی به معنای غایی است که از نظر او وصال به حق است. او برای رسیدن به این مقصود، اعمالی را انجام می دهد که با نظر فرانکل و ارزش های مطرح شده او هماهنگی و تناسب دارد؛ تحمل رنج ها و سختی هایی که از دوران کودکی برایش اتفاق می افتد، محبت و عشق به خداوند، نگاه متفاوت به رابطه انسان با خدا و ارائه شکلی نو از ارتباط انسان با خدا ازجمله این اعمال هستند. البته تفاوت هایی نیز در موضوع چیستی هدف غایی در این دو دیدگاه وجود دارد؛ برخلاف رابعه که هدف نهایی و غایی زندگی را تقرب الهی و وصال خداوند می داند، فرانکل داشتن هدف در زندگی را برای بهتر زیستن در این دنیا و رهایی از اضطراب و پوچی توصیه می کند.

A Look at the Meaning of Life in Rabia Adawiyah’s Thought Based on Frankl's Theory

One of the concepts occupied the minds of thinkers in different fields of humanities from the past to the present is the meaning of life and the purpose and ways to achieve it. Muslim mystics are among scholars who implicitly discuss the meaning of life and its components. However, examining their words and thoughts reflects the point that one of their main concerns is to explain the meaning and purpose of life and how to achieve it. Using Victor Frankl’s theory of Logotherapy, this study examines the meaning of life and its achievements from the perspective of Rabia Adawiyah, the most prominent female mystic in the history of Islam. This study seeks an answer to understanding the meaning of life and the underlying components of meaning in the thoughts and beliefs of this great mystic. Based on the findings of this study, Rabia has a special look at life, its meaning, and purpose, and seeks to achieve the ultimate meaning, which she considers to be the right will. To achieve this, she performs acts that are in perfect harmony with Frankl’s theory and the posed values. Tolerating the sufferings and hardships that happened to her since childhood, loving God, looking differently at the relationship between man and God, and presenting a new form of relationship between man and God are among these actions. Of course, there are also differences in what the ultimate goal is in these two views. Contrary to Rabia, who considers the ultimate goal of life to be close to God and connecting with God, Frankl recommends having a goal in life to live better in this world and get rid of anxiety and emptiness.IntroductionRabia Adawiyah is one of the prominent personages of Islamic mysticism. She developed mysticism with her unique characteristics. In her time, people held her in respect and her fame reached far and near. After her death, she was known as a female mystic who outreached male ones on the path of mysticism. Even though Sufism claims that it is a school that goes beyond color and race, it is a patriarchal school; hence, it has been difficult for women to enter into it. Rabia Adawiyah managed to enter into this well-guarded world and was received well in it, and this demonstrates the importance of her position in mysticism. After understanding this point, a question arises: how and why does a woman reach this elevated position? To some scholars of mysticism, true mysticism began with the emergence of Rabia (Ghani, 1951, p. 47) and even some perceived her life in the light of myth. Undoubtedly, one has to closely read her biography if one wishes to understand her importance and status because her life and unique perspective towards life and its meaning were intermingled. Thus, if mystics wanted to admire the spiritual achievement and status of a female mystic, they called her the Rabia of her time (Schimmel, 2002, p. 42). To find an answer to this phenomenon, we must closely look at the unique and alternative worldview of this female mystic. We need to use a new approach in the field of the meaning of life and this approach must be in sync with mystical thoughts so that Rabia’s world-views will be explored well. Therefore, the author of this study applies Viktor Frankl’s logotherapy theory that is related to psychology. It is worth noting that Rabia has not directly spoken about the meaning of life and the factors that create meaning. However, as mentioned before, she had a unique attitude towards life. To reach the final goal, she had her special methods in mind which were materialized in her words and acts. Hence, this study seeks to extract the meaning of life and factors that create meaning in Rabia’s worldview through Frankl’s logotherapy and detailed reading of Rabia’s words and acts in some mystical texts, especially Attar’s Tadhkirat-ul-Awliya. The research questions of the study are: What is the meaning of life in the world from the perspective of Rabia? What are the factors that create meaning in Rabia’s ideas? How do her viewpoints manifest themselves in her words and conduct?Review of LiteratureSome scholars have studied Rabia’s biography and worldview. Badavi (2008) in his book Shaheed Rahe Eshgh Rabia Adawiyah analyzed her personality and ideas. Abdol Monaem Alhafini (1996) in his book Alabedeh Alkhasheh: Rabia Adawiyah, Imam al-asheghin wa Mahzonin pointed to her life and ideas in Western and Easter texts. He also provided some explanation about her mystical approach and school. Hosseini (2006) in his book Nokhestin Zanan-e Sufi translated what Salemi told about Rabia and other female mystics. He presented some explanations about her life and family by reading the texts written about Rabia. There are a few articles about Rabia, love, and life. Sattari (2013) in his book Eshgh-e Sufian-e studied love and its different types in her life. Serami and Talkhabi (2010) in their article ‘Rabia Dar Gozar-e az Pol-e Majaz’ emphasized the worldly aspects of her life and her musical days. They believed that these dimensions of her life were related to her frustration in her real life. There were not any independent articles about the meaning of life, the goal, and the ways of achieving it from the perspective of Rabia Adawiyah and its compatibility with Victor Frank’s viewpoint.MethodologyThis study uses Victor Frankl’s approach as well as the analytical-descriptive method to analyze the words and ideas of Rabia Adawiyah about the final goal of life and the ways of achieving a meaningful life. Thus, initially, this study briefly deals with Victor Frankl’s approach. Then, it presents the position of Rabia Adawiyah in Islamic mysticism in Iran. Finally, the most original ways of achieving this goal from her standpoint are referred to.ResultsThe question about the meaning of life is one of the most essential questions in psychology, philosophy, and religion for contemporary men. Finding a plausible answer is found to this question will protect men from nihilism, anxiety, depression, etc. Since most theories about the meaning of life are Western, most research about the meaning of life has dealt with the views of the ideas of Western artists and philosophers such as Plato, Nietzsche, and Heidegger. Since mysticism is a school that pays deep and particular attention to men and their lives, one can find interesting and notable points about life and those elements that imbue meaning to it for contemporary men and their concerns which are compatible with Islamic culture and lifestyle by studying and reviewing the views and words of mystics. It is worth noting that Muslim mystics have paid special attention to men’s lives and accorded special meaning to life; nevertheless, they have not pointed to it directly like Western philosophers and scholars. Rabia Adawiyah is among those mystics who have not directly referred to the meaning of life; however, this concept looms large in her words and conduct. As we closely and widely reread the works of Rabia Adawiyah, we encounter the final goal of life and the ways of reaching it. For Rabia, the ultimate goal or the meaning of life is to empty the self and move toward God. According to her, the more men endeavor to empty themselves from their selves, the more God will encompass them. In this way, they will experience a reunion with God. To reach her ultimate goal in this world, she chose ways and acts that paved her path to reach her goal. These acts include bearing childhood difficulties, loving God, an alternative perspective towards the relationship between God and humans, and presenting a new form of the relationship between God and men. 
