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در رویکرد اجتماع کاوشگری یادگیری مؤثر، به ویژه یادگیری مرتبه بالاتر به توسعه یک اجتماع بستگی دارد؛ این در حالی است که برخی محققین خلاف این موضوع را مطرح می کنند. لذا در این راستا پژوهش حاضر با هدف بررسی رابطه چارچوب اجتماع کاوشگری با تجربه آموزشی در محیط های یادگیری الکترونیکی، با روش فراتحلیل انجام گرفت. جامعه آماری پژوهش شامل کلیه پژوهش های خارجی و داخلی با روش همبستگی و علی است که به بررسی ارتباط چارچوب اجتماع کاوشگری با تجربه آموزشی در محیط های یادگیری الکترونیکی پرداخته اند. بر اساس ملاک ورودی و خروجی 23 پژوهش به عنوان نمونه پژوهش شناسایی و در نرم افزار CMA2 تحلیل شد. با توجه به آزمون کوکران Q (Q= 460/545) و سطح اطمینان 95/0 سطح معنادار از میزان خطا (05/0) کوچک تر است؛ بر همین مبنا می توان گفت فرضیه پژوهش مورد تأیید است و میان اندازه اثرهای به دست آمده تفاوت معناداری وجود دارد و این به معنای ناهمگونی اندازه اثرهای به دست آمده است؛ بر همین اساس باید از مدل اثرات تصادفی (نه ثابت) برای تفسیر اندازه اثر ترکیبی استفاده کرد. اندازه اثر تصادفی (ترکیبی) رابطه چارچوب اجتماع کاوشگری با تجربه آموزشی برابر با 0.524 بوده و با 95/0 اطمینان می توان گفت در بازه 423/0 تا 613/0 قرار دارد. تفسیر اندازه اثر با توجه به معیار کوهن به صورت اندازه اثر زیاد می باشد؛ همچنین با توجه به (Sig= 0.000 و Z= 38.219) اندازه اثر تصادفی به دست آمده، معنی دار است؛ بنابراین یافته های پژوهش نشان دادند که چارچوب اجتماع کاوشگری با بهبود تجربه آموزشی محیط های یادگیری الکترونیکی رابطه معنی داری دارد.

The Examination of The Relationship Between The Community of Inquiry Framework And Instructional Experience In The E-Learning Environment

In the community of inquiry framework, effective learning particularly a higher level of learning depended on developing a community; however, some of the professionals asserted against the matter. So, the present study is aimed to examine the relationship between the community of inquiry framework and instructional experience in an E-learning environment through a meta-analysis method. The statistical population was all international and national studies that examined the relationship between the community of inquiry framework and instructional experience in an E-learning environment through casual and correlative methods. They are chosen 23 studies as samples based on inclusive and exclusive criteria and were analyzed by CMA2 software. Based on Cochran's C test and confidence interval and significant level (p<0.05), it can be said that the assumptions are approved and there are significant differences among effect sizes and it means variance in effect size. So, it has to use a mixed effect model to interpret the mixed effect size. The mixed effect size in the relationship between the community of inquiry framework and the instructional experience was 0.524 and with 0.95 confidence level, it can be ranged from 0.423 to 0.613. The interpretation of mixed size about Cohen's criteria is high. Also, the mixed effect size is significant based on z=38.219 and sig=0.000. So, the findings showed there is a significant relationship between the community of inquiry framework and instructional experience in an E-learning environment.Detailed abstractIntroduction: The community of inquiry (CoI) is a general and cohesive structure from an interactive instructional experience its main function is managing and revising dynamics to thinking and collaborative learning (Arbaugh et al, 2008 Akyol et al, 2010; Diaz et al, 2010; Garrison et al, 2010; Shea & Bidjerano, 2009). The framework provided a designing process and presented a meaningful and deep learning experience through three associated elements- social, teaching, and cognitive presence. The three presences made a “being there” and “identification” through purposive relationship and distributing the instructional and learning responsibilities. Although the presence is important, it is necessary to guide how it developed in the online environment to improve the instructor's or instructional designers’ instructional experiences (Swan et al, 2009). The community of inquiry framework is a valid and highlighted theory that has directed many online and blended studies and is the conceptual backbone to distance instruction and mixed research (Halverson et al, 2012).The creation of the community of inquiry in online and blended learning environments included certain advantages. The main advantage is that the framework focuses on active and innovative interaction instructional to thinking and collaborative learning. The mentioned findings (Richardson et al, 2012), (Fiock, 2020), (Ice, 2009) (Garrison, 2008), (Olesova et al. 2011), (Oyarzun et al, 2018), (Ice. 2009) are aligned with findings. In addition to items that expressed on importance of a community of inquiry, it has been critiqued for about 20 years. (Rourke & Kanuka, 2009) criticized that learners couldn’t achieve meaningful learning in a community of inquiry. (Zehra et al, 2009) explained that CoI is a processing framework that informs the teaching method instead of learning outcomes. The other critique is that the CoI framework required additional components to be meaningful. The other studies suggested an additional presence, but it isn’t agreed in general. The additional components are learner presence, affective presence, and self-determined. About the theoretical foundation, the CoI is very important in improving the instructional experience in E-learning environment and many researchers examined it. However other studies showed counter results. So, the present study aims to examine the relationship between CoI and instructional experience in E-learning environment and whether CoI is related to improving the instructional experience in E-learning environment or not. The present study attempted to answer the below assumption:The CoI is based on mixed results related to improving the instructional experience in the E-learning environment.Methodology: It is an applied and quantified study that uses a meta-analysis method based on data. The statistical population was all articles (25 number) that related to CoI in instructional experience in E-learning. The main selective criteria were being quantified studies. The independent and dependent variables were respectively CoI and learning experience in the E-learning environment. The instrument is a coded form that is dedicated to each article (a, b…. P codes), authors, the participant's numbers, and correlative values. It uses a meta-analysis method through CMA2 software. It uses Z fitsher to standardization of correlative values, the Cochran formula to examine the heterogeneous data, a funnel chart to measure the bias and dual and dual and towidy to missing the studies, and the Pygmalion effect to N statistics.Findings: Through 23 articles, 15 were placed in the high category, 5 articles in the average category, and 3 articles in the low category. The main point is that 85% of effect sizes were evaluated in high and average categories. So it can be said that based on meta-analysis the relationship between CoI and instructional experience is higher than average.Discussion and conclusion: Based on present findings and other ones, It can be said that CoI  played a key role in improving the instructional experience and as a strong index to instructors and instructional designers to improve the instructional experience as foundations for effective design in a course through designing the content of the course, creating the rules of course, encouraging the learners to share the ideas about the subject of course and responding to issues that created in online courses and programs such as disconnecting learners and instructors and peers (Moskal et al, 2013). The present result is aligned with (Ngubane-Mokiwa & Khoza, 2021) which emphasized on relationship between CoI in an effective online E-learning environment through cognitive, social, and teaching presences.Based on the results obtained in the present research, please express your research suggestions for the planners of electronic courses and lecturers as well as researchers who intend to conduct research in the field of study of the current research as follows:The capabilities of the exploratory community approach should be used in the design and implementation of e-learning courses to address the issue of a sense of presence.A specific and native model should be developed to create a sense of presence in e-learning courses because designing an efficient model of a sense of presence, can help improve and make the e-learning system more efficient and improve teaching and learning.Considering the conduct of such research in the country, it is suggested that e-learning centers and universities pay due attention to the designed patterns.
