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یکی از بسترهای زمینه ساز شکل گیری و تقویت اعتماد متقابل بین مردم، روابط اجتماعی است. در صورتی که روابط غیررسمی، بر پایه ی نوعی تعاملات عمیق عاطفی و دور از منفعت طلبی های فردی باشد، نه تنها تلطیف گر فضای اجتماع است بلکه شرایط ارتقای اعتماد اجتماعی را تسهیل می کند. پژوهش حاضر به بررسی نوع روابط و تعاملات، نحوه ی تداوم و کیفیت آن در روابط غیررسمی در بین مصاحبه شوندگان پرداخته است. در این راستا، مصاحبه-هایی عمیق با استفاده از روش کیفی و بر اساس رویکرد تفسیری انجام گرفت. در طراحی روش شناسی نیز، نظریه زمینه ای استفاده شد که با رویکرد عینی گرایی اشتراوس و کوربین، روایت ها تحلیل شد. جامعه ی هدف پژوهش، جوانان شهر یزد بودند که 20 نفر از آنان به روش نمونه گیری هدفمند انتخاب و از طریق مصاحبه، اطلاعات مورد نیاز استخراج شد. «قطعه های کوچک صمیمیت در روابط» عنوان پدیده ای است که بازنمای روابط و معاشرت های صورت گرفته در بین مصاحبه شوندگان بوده است. این اصطلاح بازگو کننده ی فقدان وسعت و ژرفای روابط و عمق صمیمیت در آن می باشد. به عبارت دیگر، بازگو کننده ی رابطه هایی خرد شده و بسط نیافته با خانواده، دوستان و آشنایان بوده است که علی رغم ارتباط با هر کدام از گروه ها، روابط منفک و جدا بوده و ارتباط زنجیره ای شکل نیافته است. ضمن آن که صمیمیت در ابعاد کوچک، فاقد وسعت قلمرو و ژرفای عاطفی بوده و عمق این ارتباط با دوستان چندان تعریف نشده و معاشرت با دوستان و آشنایان در یک خلأ صمیمیت با مراوده های سطحی، به مراتب ضعیف تر و کمرنگ تر از ارتباطات خانوادگی دیده شده است.

Transformation of informal relations in the vacuum of socialization: A qualitative study of the youths’ informal interactions in Yazd city

Social relations pave the way to form and reinforce a mutual trust between people. If the network of informal interaction is based on a kind of emotional deep contact and away from individual self-interest, it will not only make the atmosphere of society better, but also facilitate the conditions for creating social trust. The present research studies the type of relations and interactions in youths’ informal interactions. As such, deep interviews were conducted using a qualitative method and according to an interpretational approach. In methodology, the grounded theory was applied and the narratives were analyzed according to Strauss and Corbin's objectivist approach. The target population of the study was the youth of Yazd. Twenty people were selected through targeted sampling and the required information was gathered by interview. “Small pieces of intimacy in relationships” was the name of a phenomenon portraying the kind of relations and interactions among the interviewees. This term indicates lack of span and depth of relationships and intimacy in these interactions. On the other words, it shows fragmented and undeveloped relations with family, friends and acquaintances, because in spite of the existence of a relationship with each of these groups, the kind of relationship is separated and isolated and it is not like a chain. Moreover, the intimacy was not emotionally deep and far-reaching. In fact, the depth of this relationship with friends is lost, and the interactions with friends and acquaintances happen in a non-intimate situation with contacts even weaker than family relations.Keywords: Youth, Informal Interactions, Surface Interactions, Intimacy, Yazd. ____________________________________________________________________________ Extended abstractIntroductionOne of the foundations for the formation and strengthening of mutual trust between people is social relations. If the informal relations are based on some kind of deep emotional interactions and far from personal interests, it will not only soften the atmosphere of the society but also facilitate the conditions for improving social trust. Every society needs emotional and empathetic bonds among the members of its small groups in order to speed up and facilitate its reflection in the big social space, the conditions of solidarity and national harmony. But for some time now, in the society, the type of reactions to the happenings, from the way of expressing anger and anger, or satisfaction, criticism and appreciation, has reached a dangerous way, and that is indifference.The basis of every social order is formed by emotion, differentiation and emotional connection, which is rooted in the dependence on the group with the feeling of membership in it, but a phenomenon such as social indifference is an expression of insensitivity, pessimism, reluctance and social depression. From a pathological point of view, indifference in society is known as a kind of social disease. As in its opposite point, any social concern and altruism in individual and social life is a sign of social dynamism and health.PurposeThe current research has investigated the type of relationships and interactions as well as the continuity and quality of communication in the informal relationships of young people. In detail, it should be said that the observation of daily behavior among young people shows that their emotional relationships have weakened and the reflection of that is the increase of indifference at the social level, which can lead to the reduction of the social responsibilities of young citizens in their future social life. In the meantime, Yazd province is exposed to these changes and transformations due to reasons such as pioneering and leading the use of the Internet in the country, having a huge flood of students who are the young generation and future builders of the society, and the arrival of tourists with cultural diversity. Therefore, according to the importance of the topic, the present research aims to evaluate the type of communication and friendships of young people in Yazd society in a qualitative study and to represent the informal interactions and the contexts of the formation of daily interactions of these young people in their own language.MethodologyThe present study is carried out in the form of qualitative methodology and using the background theory. The sampling was based on theoretical and purposeful sampling. In this regard, the information of this study was collected using in-depth and semi-deep interviews. The target population was the youth of Yazd city, 20 of them were selected by purposeful sampling. It's worth mentioning that the sampling process has continued to reach the theoretical saturation. Data collection and data analysis were done simultaneously. In this study, open source, axial and selective coding were used in data analysis. Findings"Small pieces of intimacy in relationships" is the title of a phenomenon that has been the representation of the relationships and associations that took place among the interviewees. This term reflects the lack of breadth and depth of relationships and the depth of intimacy in it.In other words, the narrator has fragmented and undeveloped relationships with family, friends, and acquaintances, and despite the relationship with each of the groups, the relationships are isolated and separate and the chain relationship is not formed. Although affection and intimacy can be seen in some of these relationships, it is in small dimensions and lacks emotional depth. The relevant interviewees have appeared in different forms in informal communication with their family and friends. In such a way that the majority of them had a deep relationship only with their family and in their friendly relations it was superficial and limited to meeting the needs and meeting personal needs.ConclusionAccording to the discussions of the participants and identifying the lack of deep relationships in informal relationships and interactions between them, it should be said that the depth of communication with friends is not very defined and socializing with friends and acquaintances is in a vacuum of intimacy with superficial and far weaker and faint relationships. It is more than family relationships. In order to get out of such a space, the necessity of social cohesion can be made clear to people by promoting the culture of cooperation and cooperation in the social space and making them aware of the feedback of such interactive behaviors in individual life. These solutions can pave the way to reflect on informal relationships and reduce individualism by highlighting social teachings in promoting empathetic attitudes, paying attention to friends and acquaintances, and evoking a sense of responsibility and philanthropy in social interactions and relationships.NoveltyUnlike the methods used by the respected researchers in the past, which were mainly quantitative methods, the present research deeply investigated social indifference with a qualitative method as a deep look at the roots and hidden layers of this problem from the participants' words. Is. Another thing is that these researches have often considered the type of relationships in the social space as a whole, but the main difference of the current research is separating informal interactions and relationships in the fields of family, friends and acquaintances and clarifying the type and manner of each of them. These connections are in the relevant community. 
