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این پژوهش درصدد تحلیل محتوای کتاب های درسی پایه چهارم ابتدایی بر اساس مؤلفه های برنامه درسی آموزش فلسفه برای کودکان مبتنی بر هوش معنوی است. روش پژوهش توصیفی، شامل تحلیل اسنادی، تحلیل محتوا و رویکرد آن کاربردی بوده و منابع مورد تحلیل برای شناسایی ابعاد و مؤلفه ها (۴ مؤلفه اصلی و ۴۹ مؤلفه فرعی)، متن اسناد کتابخانه ای و همه کتاب های پایه چهارم ابتدایی بوده است. ابزارهای اندازه گیری، فرم فیش برداری و همچنین سیاهه تحلیل محتوای محقق ساخته بوده و روایی تحقیق از نظر صاحب نظران و متخصصان فلسفه برای کودکان و برنامه ریزی درسی مورد تأیید واقع گردید و پایایی آن نیز از طریق محاسبه آلفای کرونباخ 93٪ بیان گشت. در تحلیل محتوا با استفاده از آنتروپی شانون مؤلفه پیامدهای فردی تفکر فلسفی با ضریب اهمیت 597/0 بیشترین و مؤلفه چیستی فلسفه با ضریب اهمیت 052/0کمترین توجه را به خود اختصاص داده است.

Content Analysis of Fourth Grade Textbooks Based on the Components of Philosophy for Children Curriculum and Spiritual Intelligence

This study seeks to analyze the content of the fourth-grade textbooks based on the components of the philosophy for children curriculum and spiritual intelligence. Descriptive research methods of library document analysis and content analysis were used. To this end, the text of library documents and all fourth-grade textbooks were analyzed to identify the components. Research tools included a checklist and a researcher-made content analysis list. The research tools were validated and confirmed by experts in research, philosophy for children and curriculum development. The reliability of the tools was evaluated and confirmed by Cronbach's alpha of 93%. Shannon's entropy was used for content analysis, which revealed the personal outcomes of philosophical thinking with the highest coefficient of significance (0.597) and the nature of philosophy with the lowest coefficient of significance (0.052). Introduction Philosophy for children (P4C) is an approach conducive to cultivating thinking skills in learners (Rajabi Hamedani et al., 2018). P4C promotes the development of reasoning, creativity, critical thinking, moral understanding, artistic values, citizenship, interpersonal and personal development, and conceptualization of experiences (Worley, 2016). According to Cecero and Prout (2011), in recent years, educational systems have concentrated on academic achievement, mastery of subjects, and teaching the necessary skills for participating in exams, while neglecting the learners' social, emotional, and spiritual development (Ghasempour Dehaghani & Nasr Isfahani, 2011). Recently, however, the significance of the transcendental human dimension has dawned on the West; the World Health Organization (WHO) has put forward a new definition of health by expanding and developing the dimensions of human existence and recognizing the dimension of spirituality. As such, this dimension of human existence has entered anthropology and psychology, leading to the emergence of spiritual intelligence (Sajjadinejad and Akbari Charmahini, 2016). Spiritual intelligence includes a sense of meaning and mission in life, a balanced understanding of material values, and a belief in the betterment of the world (Amram, 2005:15). Elementary school books are extremely important in the formation of childhood beliefs, habits, and decision-making in adulthood (Azimi, 2020). To date, no research has been conducted on the P4C curriculum and spiritual intelligence. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the current status of the content of textbooks, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and provide appropriate content to meet children’s cognitive, emotional, and social needs. The present study, therefore, aimed to answer the following question: To what extent have spiritual intelligence-based P4C components been considered in fourth-grade textbooks in Iran? Methodology Seven fourth-grade textbooks were analyzed in this applied study. The research method was descriptive for extracting the components and involved document analysis. Moreover, the textbooks were reviewed and analyzed by content analysis. Library documents and seven fourth-grade textbooks, therefore, constituted the sources analyzed to identify the dimensions and components. Measurement instruments included a researcher-made note-taking form and a content analysis checklist to record the number of sentences, pictures, questions, and exercises. Experts in P4C and curriculum development evaluated and confirmed the extracted components, thereby approving the content and face validities of the research tools. The reliability of the tools was also confirmed with a Cronbach's alpha of 93%. To identify the components of the spiritual intelligence-based P4C curriculum, first, the theoretical foundations of such a curriculum were collected from books, papers, websites, relevant materials, domestic and foreign research literature. The theoretical framework was then developed using document analysis and the descriptive-analytical method. Library documents were examined by the descriptive-analytical-inferential method. Through repeated reading, the texts were analyzed by open, axial, and selective coding, which yielded four main components and 49 subcomponents. The codes were tabulated and, using descriptive statistics in SPSS, the frequency and percentage of axial codes were calculated. Results After extracting the components by the secondary research method and starting the content analysis process, the frequencies of each component were calculated and transformed into normalized data based on the first step of Shannon's entropy method. The uncertainty of the data obtained from these tables was listed according to the second step of the entropy method. Finally, based on the third step of the entropy method, the significance coefficient was obtained to determine which component has received the greatest attention and importance. The results are presented in Table 1. The component of personal outcomes of philosophical thinking (frequency: 2805) had the highest, while the nature of philosophy (frequency: 809) had the lowest frequency in the seven fourth-grade textbooks. Out of a total of 6951 frequencies of the optimal components of the spiritual intelligence-based P4C in the textbooks, 809 belonged to the nature of philosophy, 2805 to personal outcomes of philosophical thinking, 2440 to social outcomes of philosophical thinking, and 897 to educational strategies for teaching philosophy. The highest significance coefficients among the spiritual intelligence-based P4C components in the textbooks belonged to personal outcomes of philosophical thinking (0.597), whereas the lowest coefficient belonged to the nature of philosophy (0.052). Discussion and conclusion The research findings indicate that the level of attention differs across components, and the status of thinking, philosophizing, and teamwork is ambiguous in these textbooks. Little attention has been paid to the nature of philosophy and components such as surprise, curiosity, discovery, and questioning, which form the basis of P4C. Moreover, little attention has been paid to social dimensions, while the role of individuality has been prominent. This study was limited by restrictions on comparing the research findings with the results of other studies due to the difference in the spiritual intelligence variable and the choice of the fourth-grade textbooks. In addition to rich domestic resources, it is suggested that credible foreign philosophical stories be rewritten according to the rules of the Iranian education system and the religious and national identity of the country.
