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  امروزه، فضای خاکستری شهری به یکی از پدیده های رایج کلانشهرها و به ویژه تهران تبدیل و منجر به ظهور مجموعه ای از نهادها، هویت ها، روابط قدرت، شیوه ها و گفتمان ها در این فضاها شده است. هدف اصلی این پژوهش، بررسی و شناسایی ساختارهای موجود، جایگاه قدرت و سیاست در سطوح برنامه ریزی شهری این فضاها است. در راستای این هدف، پژوهش حاضر، در پی پاسخ به دو سوال اصلی است، ابعاد شکل دهنده ی تجربه زندگی در فضاهای خاکستری چیست؟ وآیا ساکنان این فضاها می توانند در برنامه ریزی و تصمیم گیری این محیط نقش داشته باشند؟ بنابراین، با اتکا بر روش تحلیل گفتمان انتقادی فرکلاف و بر پایه مصاحبه ی ساخت نیافته، به تفسیر توصیف های ساکنان شهرک رضویه پرداخته شده است. یافته های پژوهش حاکی از این است که شش مقوله ی "سایه اندازی مناسبات قدرت، سایه ی سرمایه ی محیطی، سایه ی تعارض منافع، حاشیه ی سیاست گفتمان، حاشیه ی حق شهری و حاشیه ی شهروندی نابرابر"، مقولاتی هستند که توسط آن ها می توان تجربه ی ساکنان این فضاها را توصیف و در چارچوب مدل پارادایمی، مفهوم یابی فضای خاکستری شهری و فرایند مشروعیت بخشی، آن را تعریف نمود. همچنین، اهمیت بُعد اقتصادی- سیاسی تغییرات و جایگاه قدرت در کنار سایر ابعاد اجتماعی- فضایی این فضاها، طیفی از شهروندی نابرابر در مناطق کلانشهری با ضریب قطبش بالا را نمایان می سازد.

Understanding ‘Gray spaces’: The position of power in the process of relations of the informal settlements (study: Razavie District)

Today, the increasing process of urbanization has become one of the main phenomena of the 21st century. According to World Bank statistics, in 2018, more than 55 per cent of the world's population, equivalent to 4.2 billion lives in urban areas. The urban population will increase to 68% in 2050. Also, estimates show that about 2.5 billion people will be added to the urban population and about 90% of the expected increase will be in urban areas in developing countries. Based on estimates of Un-Habitat (2016), about 1 billion of the urban population lives in informal settlements expecting its population will be triple to 2050. The phenomenon involving about 41 per cent of the urban population in developing countries and 6 per cent of the urban population in developed countries.The phenomenon of informal urban settlement as an aspect of urban gray space has become one of the common phenomena of metropolises in the world, and in particular Tehran, characterized by poverty, migration, economic and social inequality, on the one hand, and, produced by the deficiency of the Urban policy and planning, on the other hand. This has led to the emergence of a set of the institutions, power relations, practices and discourses in urban gray spaces. Generally, the gray space is a space that is directly related to the power of action, the structure of content and the form of urban policies. The main objective of this paper is to study and identify existing structures, the role and place of power and politics at the levels of urban planning concerning these spaces. In line with, this research seeks to answer two main questions of what the dimensions of gray spaces are experienced by inhabitants. In addition, whether the inhabitants of gray spaces can contribute to the planning and decision making of this space? In this regard, Razavie district, located in the 15th district of Tehran, has been selected as the space to show power relations. Therefore, in this research, based on the analysis of the critical discourse of Fairclough and the interview done in this place, a descriptive interpretation has been revealed during interviews with residents of Razavie district. Research findings suggest the six categories Include power relations, the environmental capital, conflict of interest, discourse policy, right to the city and citizen inequality are the categories by which one can describe the everyday experience of the inhabitants of gray spaces and in the framework of the paradigm model defining the urban gray space conceptualize and legitimizes it. Based on this model, the paradigm of research and, with the help of the categories, the nature of the informal experience and the process of its occurrence are described. The importance of the economic and political dimensions of changes and the role of power along with other socio-spatial dimensions of these spaces reflect the unequal citizenship spectrum in metropolitan areas with increasing polarization. Nevertheless, planning can provide categories and mechanisms for varieties of powers, the possibility of whitening or blackening urban development.
