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پژوهش حاضر درصدد است تا قابلیت ها و مزایای مدل استراتژیک متاسوات را در قالب نرم افزار مربوطه در برنامه ریزی گردشگری روستایی معرفی نماید. متاسوات بر مبنای تئوری مبتنی بر منابع (RBV) می باشد. این تئوری بر این باور است که منابع و قابلیت های منحصربه فرد، عامل اصلی مزیت رقابتی مستمر و پایدار را شکل می دهند. بر این اساس، مناطق روستایی می توانند با برنامه ریزی اصولی و شناخت منابع و قابلیت های باارزش، تقلیدناپذیر، کمیاب و غیرقابل جایگزین RIO)  (Vنسبت به رقبا، مزیت های رقابتی پایدار خود را شناسایی نمایند. روش پژوهش حاضر، توصیفی- تحلیلی و هدف آن کاربردی است. گردآوری داده ها با استفاده از نظرات10 کارشناس در چند نوبت انجام شده است. به طوری که به استثنای اهداف تحقیق، تمامی مراحل تحقیق با کمک کارشناسان شناسایی و اولویت بندی شد. یافته های پژوهش نشان می دهد متا سوات با اجتناب  از تصمیم گیری های ذهنی و بهره گیری از یک تکنیک سیستماتیک و با دقت بالا می تواند بسیاری از کاستی ها و نارسایی های SWOT را برطرف نماید. از طرف دیگر این مدل سعی دارد با رد دیدگاه توسعه ی برون زا این نکته راآشکار سازد که توسعه و رقابت پایدار زمانی می تواند عملیاتی گردد که مناطق گردشگری از منابع و قابلیت های داخلی به بهترین نحوه استفاده نمایند. متا سوات می تواند با شناسایی جایگاه روستای موردمطالعه در مقایسه با رقبا در ابعاد رقابتی مختلف، مشخص نمودن میزان ارزشمندی، کمیابی، تقلیدناپذیری، غیرقابل جایگزینی منابع و قابلیت ها، بررسی میزان تأثیر عوامل داخلی بر کنترل تهدیدات یا استفاده بهینه از فرصت های بیرونی، بررسی میزان تناسب بین اهداف و منابع و قابلیت ها نقش سازنده ای در استفاده بهینه از مزیت های رقابتی گردشگری پایدار در مناطق روستایی ایفا نماید.

META- SWOT: Strategic Tools for Sustainable Tourism Planning {Case Study: Meyghan Village)

Extended Introduction In this study, attempt to beside introducing straegic model of  Meta-SWOT in tourism planning in rural areas, survys the strategies of tourism development in Mighan village using this model. Generally, this theory has a inside to outside view to tourism development in rural areas and is seeking to implecaations with extraordinary features.  Hence, a question arise here, what is resource and capabilities of the study areas? What is the place of the study area among it's compititors in view of tourism resources and capabilities? Which resources and capabilities unified the study area from the other compititors? Which one of resources and capabilities of the study area have this potential to affluence external factors (reduction of threatments influences and inhancing futute opportunities).   Materials and Methods In the current study attempt to compare the villages of study area with their competitors according to resource based theory, rare, inimitable and irreplaceable resources and internal capabilities (V) RIO. Research method of the study is analytical and descriptive and its purpose is empirical. Collection of data has been done according to notion of experts in several time. Therefore, all of the steps of the study identified and prioritized helping experts' collaboration excluding determining research purposes.   Research Findings In the first step, the main purposes of the study identified. Because the purposes are not in a same level of importance, experts prioritize them in three levels of high, medium and low. In the step, the resource and capabilities of the village of understudy identified. Because this resource and capabilities have not equal importance level, as a result they evaluated according to their influence on achieving to research purposes. Because in the next step will be design the competitive map, it is necessary to categorize the main factors and success to two competitive dimension. According to extracted resources and capabilities in the last steps, the two dimension of socio-cultural and ecotourism was selected. In this step, the understudy village compared with its other competitors according to resources and capabilities in a range of very high to very low five. This means that what is the level of our village relation other villages. Respectively, in view of ecotourism, the village of Abar with a score of 3/7 is the greatest rival of understudy village. The next village is Abasich with a weight 3/5 and the village of Ghaleno Kharghan with a weight of 2/9. Also, in the dimension of socio-cultural, Ghaleno Kharghan with a weight of 3/6 is the greatest competitor of our village. The other villages are Abarsich village with the weight of 3/4 and Abar with the weight of 1/72. In this step according to the theory of resource based view, resources and capabilities analysis in a range of quintuple. As mentioned, a valuable criterion does not evaluate. In this step, in addition to external factors, static and dynamic, the level of influence and the possibility of increasing the degree of urgency is evaluate. In this step, asked from experts to evaluate the level of influence of resource and capabilities on external factors. In this step, asked from experts to evaluate the level of influence of resource and capabilities on the research purposes. In fact, strategic fitness calculate according to compression of internal and research purposes.  In fact, strategic fitness calculate according to compression of internal and external factors. In the competitive map, resource and capabilities and external factors analyzed according to three factors: proximity of resource and capabilities with external factors, horizontal and upper side of the size of the bubbles.   Conclusion The research findings shows that, rarest, most inimitable and irreplaceable resources and capabilities of Mighan village are beautiful and unique landscapes and multiple springs and water sources in the village. Also, Factors of maintaining the customs, the expertise and history of the village have the highest strategic fit. On the other hand, the factors of improve laws upstream components to support rural tourism, increase incentives for private sector investment in rural areas and improve living conditions and ultimately increase travel have the highest influence and the factors of reduce the monetary and foreign exchange allocations to improve the living conditions of people and ultimately increase tourism and travel have highest degree of urgency.   References: Akbari Samani, N., Badri, S.A. and Salmani, M. (2012). Strategic planning of rural tourism using the evaluation matrix IFE and EFE (Case Study: Saman District), Journal of Rural Researches, 12(3): 59-84. (In Persian) Alaeddini, P. and Aminzadeh, N. (2014). Development of rural tourism in Garmeh: The analysis of facilitator role and sustainable activities, Journal of Rural Development, 10: 49-70. (In Persian) Arabi, M., Fathollahy, A. and Asadzadeh, A. (2009). 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