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گردشگری یک عامل مهم برای پیشرفت وتکامل اجتماعی، فرهنگی واقتصادی کشورها محسوب می شود انگیزه مسافرت هرچه باشد، درمجموع موجب برخورد فرهنگ ها شده وعقاید ونظرات جدید به وجود می آورد ودراثر این برخوردها تغییرات مطلوبی درآداب ورسوم، کردار و رفتاراجتماعی حاصل می شود. بنابراین گردشگری به عنوان یک امر اجتماعی با امورومسائل مختلف جامعه ارتباط دارد. همچنین فهم کامل رفتارگردشگر نیازمندآن است که گروه های متعامل به عنوان"گروه های فعال" درروندایجاد رابطه و کسب تجربه درنظرگرفته شوند. شکل گیری این تحقیق براساس این سوال بوده است که تاچه میزان الگوی رفتارگردشگران برچگونگی رفتاراجتماعی شهروندان شهر همدان موثربوده است؟رفتاراجتماعی شامل معاشرت، صحبت کردن، غذاخوردن، لباس پوشیدن و نظافت شخصی می باشد. از آنجا که بهترین منبع موجود برای پاسخ به سوالات استفاده ازنظرشهروندان شهرهمدان بود، لذا براساس نمونه گیری  تصادفی ساده از بین آنها نمونه آماری بااستفاده ازفرمول کوکران انتخاب گردید و267 پرسش نامه از شهروندان شهر همدان که آن را محقق ساخته، تکمیل گردیداین پرسش نامه دارای 6سوال جمعیت شناختی و25سوال در زمینه رفتاراجتماعی بوده اند. سپس براساس آزمون کلموگروف – اسمیرنوف به بررسی نرمال بودن داده هاپرداخته شد. فرضیات تحقیق با انجام آزمون تی تک نمونه ای و نسبت موفقیت که ازمیان پنج فرضیه دو فرضیه تایید و فرضیه دوم، سوم و چهارم رد گردید. با استفاده از نرم افزارspss تجزیه تحلیل داده ها انجام و نتیجه گردید که الگوی رفتار گردشگران برچگونگی معاشرت و نظافت شخصی شهروندان شهر همدان موثر بوده است. همچنین الگوی رفتارگردشگران برچگونگی صحبت کردن، غذاخوردن و لباس پوشیدن شهروندان شهرهمدان موثرنبوده است. البته با برگزاری جشنواره های فرهنگی مانندرقص های محلی وجشنواره غذاهای محلی استان همدان درایام نوروزوتابستان، همچنین آموزش نحوه رفتارباگردشگران ازطریق رسانه هاخصوصاً صدا و سیما و با ایجاد مراکز تفریحی و اقامتی مناسب و سرگرمی های جذاب، تا مدت زمان حضور گردشگران در شهر همدان را افزایش داد.

A Study of the Effects of Tourists Behavior Model on Social Behavior of the Citizens of the City of Hamedan

Abstract The present study is to investigate the determining effects of tourists, behavior model on how social behavior of citizens in Hamedan city .This research has been shaped by the question how much influence the pattern of tourists behavior on how social behavior of Hamedan citizens . For example: talking, eating, dressing, personal cleaning are collection of social behavior. Therefore, based on a random sample was selected from among their sample. We chose 267questionnaires from residents of Hamadan. The scale consisted of 6 demographic questions and25 questions are on social behavior. The test is based on Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality review has been were. Then single-sample T test research hypotheses with the success ratio among the five hypotheses confirmed two theories and hypotheses second, third and fourth were rejected. Friedman test was used to rank the factors and data analysis performed using SPSS software .The result tourism behavior pattern how socializing and personal grooming has influence on the citizens of Hamadan . Tourism behavior pattern how talking, eating, wearing clothing has not been effective on the citizens of Hamedan . Introduction Principles of social behavior is to observe what kind of personality it will develop non-essentialist and social levels, high levels leads to an individual's personality courteous, educated of of the shows the comfort Reliable easy to show that makes the audience his defeat. . The behavior and social skills, including how to socialize, how to eat, how to talk, dress and personal grooming (Dashtakyan, 1392). In other words, in this study the effect of social behavior on Social Skills tourists ((socializing, eating, talking, and personal grooming and dress)) is measured in Hamedan citizens. Material and Methods The study was quantitative studies. Approach used in this study is a descriptive survey. Data collection questionnaire, library, internet, research and studies conducted. Simple random sampling and field data collection was conducted.Field data collection method was simple random The population of Hamadan all citizens, including 500,000 person .sample size is 267 person Hamadan. Cochran was calculated based on the table and the data were analyzed with spss software. Discussion and Results In this study we have used SPSS method and questionnaires to analyzing the impacts of tourist’s behaviors on social behavior of Hamedan citizens and after analyzing we gain following results:  Whatever the number of entry tourists to tourism destinations like Hamedan city raises up the impact will be more intensive but this level  of impressiveness of destination environment is not just depend on the entry tourist but also depends on social and cultural  potentials of destination community and cultural integration in the destination and will effect that too.  In society with strong cultural roots the scale of impressiveness will be low and in other hand the tourist will be impressed by destination culture. Hamadan city is a community with powerful and rich history and cultural heritage. Also due to high cultural integration the scale of impressiveness from tourist in this city is in low situation.   In this study 5 factors of social behavior include: relationships, conversations, Eating habits, Personal care and wearing’s been analyzed and the intensity of impressiveness by hamedanians of tourist’s language and accent and wearing and clothes and eating and drinking habits has been assessed. In the case of public healthcare and relationships citizen slightly impressed by tourists. People especially young groups in countries like Iran when see tourists wearing and behaviors trying to be like them. In young group opinion this kind of impact is not absolutely negative and in many cases it is positive but old ones always warns others about being like foreigners and whom doesn’t have native roots and same culture. This disagreement results in conflict between the society. According to the results Hamadan citizens are not effected by tourist’s habits and behaviors so this conflict in Hamedan is not so strong. People are representatives of their cultures.in other hand connection between people is mean to connection between cultures. Face to Face communication will make cultures wealthy. The culture is a tool to find and growing talents and potentials and create moral, social, historical and geographic landscapes.   Nature and culture are complete each other and people’s cultural identity forms under effects of environment. But always the culture environment has strongest impact on people compare to other environments. Enhancing the culture is one powerful goal for tourists to attend to travel all around the world. Tourism is an instrument to developing awareness and social visions and promotion in public culture. Visiting the attractions and artificial and cultural signs is always interesting to people. Tourist find out about spirits and behaviors and personality of people by analyzing such this destinations. People like to have situation in their control. In fact people without this feeling often have some kind of depression. Cultures increase such this feeling. Cultures create costume, legends, and norms for people and allow them to have satisfactory feeling about themselves. Culture make traditions, and this tradition not only tell people what was effective in the past but also tell them what is suit nowadays.   Costumes make social environments predictable. For instance, if you inter in a social event, you know how to react. According to mentioned above and the results of this study, we should use public medias to teach people how to treat with tourists and also encourage people to have communication with tourists effectively. The average time of tourists residence in hamedan is 7 days, and we know that culture delivery needs more time to have serious effect on people so it can’t have deep impacts on tourists. However establishing festivals and exhibitions could make difference in promotion the native culture. The results of this study is in according to moradi, alilou , boroujeni, and yesil results witch mentioned in research history. Conclusions According to mentioned comments and articles reviewed in tourism subjects, following suggestions offered to enhance the reaction of hamedanian people to tourists for promotion the culture and costumes of this city - Establishing temporary and constant festivals and exhibitions of tourism attractions in order to introduce Iran’s attractive spots especially hamedan province and unexplored areas. - Teach hamedanian people how to treat with strangers and tourist through public media especially local medias.  - Establishing national conferences and participation in abroad conferences and invitation foreign known authors to hamedan. - Establishing cultural festivals like local dance festival or local food or music festivals in peak visitor’s entry times like nowrouz Holliday and summer. - Take advantages from hamedanian artist’s creativity in order to use in artificial for marketing and tourist attraction and introducing Hamadan’s myth. - Building and establishing entertainment centers and residential places and attractive entertainments to make tourist to stay longer than usual. - Setting local tours to guide tourists which this one is very useful to promote citizen culture.
