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تبیین مسئله: داستانِ «پادشاه و وزیر یهودی» در مثنوی معنوی  در خوانش نخست، بیانگر روشی در سیاستِ صاحب منصبان برای تفرقه افکنی میان پیروان یک دین و آیین است. این داستان از دیدگاه معرفت شناختی و اندیشگانی نیز تصوّرات غلط و اشتباه های انسان را در استدلال به نمایش گذاشته است. مولانا در این داستان با نمایش طرح و نقشه وزیر برای نابودی دین مسیحیّت، عملاً نشان داده است که چگونه استدلال نادرست و نیز قضاوت و عمل مبتنی بر آن استدلال باعث فاجعه می شود. روش در این جُستار چگونگی استدلال و توجیه وزیر و پادشاه یهودی برای کار آنها به صورت توصیفی   تحلیلی نقد و بررسی می شود تا نقص ها و ایرادهای ساختار اندیشه آنان پدیدار شود. یافته ها و نتایج: دستاورد پژوهش بر این موضوع دلالت دارد که اشتباه پادشاه و وزیر یهودی منشأ شناختی دارد و به تصوّرات نادرست آنها برمی گردد. آن دو با ذهنیّت بنیادگرایانه دوقطبی، به موضوع (دین مسیحیّت) اندیشیده اند و برپایه همین ذهنیّت به ارزشگذاری، قضاوت و سرانجام صدور حکم اقدام کرده اند.

An Epistemological Critique on the Story of ‘the Jewish King and the Minister’ in Masnavi Ma'navi

The story of the ‘Jewish King and Minister’ in Masnavi Ma'navi , in the first reading, shows a way in the policy that the landlords divide the followers of a religion. From epistemological and intellectual perspectives, it has also shown the misconceptions and mistakes of human beings in reasoning. In this story, Mowlana, by showing the plan of the minister to destroy the religion of Christianity, has practically shown how wrong reasoning, as well as judging and acting on that argument, causes disaster. The results show that the mistake of the Jewish king and the minister has a cognitive origin and it goes back to their misconceptions. They have thought about the subject (= Christianity) with a bipolar fundamentalist mentality and based on this mentality, they have evaluated, judged, and finally issued a verdict.   Keywords Epistemology, Reasoning, Fundamentalism, Mowlana, the Jewish King and the Minister.   Introduction Mowlana in Masnavi Ma'navi , in addition to proposing theological, mystical, epistemological, and ontological issues, also paid thoughtful attention to social harms resulting from people's misunderstandings of spiritual concepts and issues and has shown their unfortunate consequences in the form of a story. The story of ‘the Jewish King and the Minister’ in Masnavi is an example of religious wars and tensions in which Mowlana explained its causes and factors and showed its unfortunate consequences. Mowlana has given great importance to how people think and imagine. In his thought, it is important that people's imaginations are correct. Therefore, criticizing people's mentality and how they think is one of the topics that Mowlana tackled. In Mowlana's thought, it has been very important that what a person imagines to be true may not be true. In other words, the thought and belief that a person has a correct idea is not really correct and is wrongly formed. He has mentioned this issue in Masnavi with various parables. For this reason, he has emphasized correct thinking and avoiding perceptual errors, because the occurrence of such errors will lead to unfortunate consequences such as wrong valuation, wrong judgment, and wrong behavior. In the mentioned story, Mowlana shows the work of the king and the minister in creating division among the Christians in such a way that the reader realizes their mistake at the end, and by reflecting and following the source of this mistake, he finds out that the way of reasoning. The result obtained from this reasoning has caused the formation of wrong ideas in the minds of the king and the minister. By criticizing the fundamental propositions hidden in the justifications that the king and the Jewish minister had in mind for their actions, it is determined that there are logical objections to some of them. In some cases, even though there is logical truth in the inference, the assumptions are incorrect due to contradictions with the realities of the outside world. Therefore, it is possible to determine and explain precisely why and how the king and the minister had a mistake in thinking and made a wrong judgment due to a mistake in knowing the facts and committing a crime.   Review of the Literature In the explanation of this story, according to the tradition of explanation and interpretation in the past, Masnavi commentators explained the important mystical concepts and terms, mentioning its sources and background in the works before Mowlana, and also deciphering the characters and elements of the story. Commentators have preferred to pay more attention to the story at a symbolic level than a real and historical level. For this reason, elements and persons have interpreted it mystically. For example, Nicholson (1999) has stated in the description of the story that in the physical world, the secret king of the sensual soul, the secret minister of the false illusions of the mind, Jesus, the soul, and Christians are spiritual powers. Angharawi (2002) also wrote about the conclusion of the story, which can be interpreted both in relation to the real world and the mental world. According to the real world, what is meant by the King of the Jews is the devil of an elf and the minister is the devil of a man. But as for the mental world, what is meant by the King of the Jews is the soul, and the minister is the power of illusion, and what is meant by Jesus is the spirit, and Christians are spiritual powers. Regarding the general reference to the story, Sheikh Adina Mohammad Khwarazmi (n.d) has stated that the purpose of mentioning the story is to express the envy and hatred of their false thoughts and their tricks toward their true thoughts. As it appears from these researchers, the mentioned story has been interpreted from a mystical point of view and in a symbolic way to express spiritual concepts. Of course, sometimes it has been noticed at the social and political level, like what Forouzanfar (1993) said in the description of the story, the main aim and purpose of this story is to criticize the religious prejudices that ignorant people are caught up in any age and the presidential aspirants use it as a museum of their dirty teachings to deceive the common people and achieve the presidency and wealth. In addition to such materials that are mentioned in the explanations of Masnavi Ma'navi regarding the mentioned story and are directly part of the background of the debates about this story, there are also materials about Mowlana's point of view about the errors of thought that are related to the present topic. Regarding the errors of thought, Golizadeh et al. (2011), after expressing the similarities between two thinkers, Francis Bacon and Rumi, consider their differences in the way to get rid of these errors to reach the truth.   Methodology In the present epistemological study, the reasoning and justification of the Jewish minister and king for what they do are analyzed in an analytical way, so that the flaws and defects of their thought structure emerge.   Results In this story, Mowlana has shown the misperceptions and miscalculations of the Jewish minister and king so that the role of cognitive errors in the occurrence of a disaster can be seen. By focusing on the assumption that "anyone who has a religion other than Judaism is an enemy of God and His religion", the king and the minister committed such a criminal act and justified their work with the same premise that they are destroying the enemies of God and the divine religion. However, all those justifications are false, because they are based on false assumptions. Their cognitive structure about religion is a two-pole fundamentalist, who have made propositions on the basis of truth for themselves. Based on those propositions, they have argued and justified Christianity. There are false presuppositions in the cognitive propositions of the king and the minister, and their knowledge about religion lacks the necessary conditions. The mind and thoughts of the Jewish king and the minister have been formed in such a way that they consider Christians as infidels and enemies of God. This is why they consider it permissible to kill and betray them. It is clear that such thinking originates from the fact that the king and the Jewish minister consider themselves right and the other wrong. All the justifications are incorrect because they originate from misconceptions and anyone who reads the story with an epistemological pathology approach will understand that the Jewish king and the minister are cognitively mistaken. Therefore, the main cause of all the actions of the Jewish king and the minister has been wrong ideas about other religions and a wrong understanding of the truth of religion. The king and the minister are examples of one-dimensional and absolutist characters. When in power, such personalities adopt authoritarian policies and always seek to suppress the opposition and limit them. Such characters do anything to achieve their goals, contrary to the principle that "the end does not justify the means". For them, due to the fact that they have Machiavelli's personality traits, the goal justifies the means, and in order to reach the goal, they consider all the ways and means to be permissible and legal for themselves, and they justify them to themselves. Therefore, their personality traits, each of which is influenced by the other, can be drawn as the following chain: Appearance → One-Dimensionality → Absolutism → Extremism → Authoritarianism
