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مهدی کوشکستانی


فیلتر های جستجو: فیلتری انتخاب نشده است.
نمایش ۱ تا ۱۰ مورد از کل ۱۰ مورد.

The Relationship between Body Composition with Blood Pressure and Sleep Quality in Male Dormitory Student at Allameh Tabataba'i University

کلید واژه ها: Blood pressure Sleep Quality Muscle mass Body fat percentage exercise

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۵۱
Background and Pupose: Hypertension and poor sleep quality can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, stroke, etc. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between body compositions with hypertension and sleep quality in male students living in Allameh Tabataba'i University dormitory. Material and Method: The present study was descriptive-correlational. The statistical population consisted of 170 male dormitory students of Allameh Tabataba'i University who were randomly selected. First, body composition indices and blood pressure of subjects were measured and recorded. Then, the Pittsburgh Questionnaire were completed by students (PSQI) to assess their sleep quality. Data were analyzed using SPSS 21 software at a significant level (P

Relationship between the Level of Physical Activity and Nutritional Status with Fatigue in Elderly Residents of Rest Homes in Tehran

کلید واژه ها: Geriatric syndrome exercise Tehran Health aging

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۵۴
Purpose: On the other hand, fatigue is one of the most important indicators of aging syndrome. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the level of physical activity and fatigue in elderly residents of rest homes in Tehran. Method: This was a descriptive correlational study in which 20 rest homes located in Tehran province constituted the study population. By visiting rest homes, the eligible subjects were chosen. Physical activity was measured by the Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly (PASE). The FACIT Fatigue Scale is a short, 13-item, easy to administer tool that measures an individual’s level of fatigue during their usual daily activities over the past week. Nutritional status was evaluated by mini nutritional assessment (MNA). Results: The results of statistical analysis indicated a significant and positive correlation between PASE and FACIT scores (r=0.48, p<0.01) while, there was a significant negative correlation between FACIT score and age (r=-0.23, p<0.01). Also, there was a significant positive correlation between MNA and FACIT (r=0.40, p<0.01). In addition, a significant positive correlation was found between MNA and PASE score (r=0.31, p<0.01). Conclusions: The findings of this study indicate that holding sports classes under the supervision of exercise physiologists is an essential matter to increase health and prevent age-related complications in elderly residents of Tehran rest homes.

Effect of resistance training on FTO and PPAR-y genes expression in muscle tissue of obese diabetic rats

کلید واژه ها: exercise Metabolic diseases Gene expression Diabetics resistance training

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۴۹
Purpose: It has been well proven that type 2 diabetes is one of the most common non-communicable diseases leading to many complications and mortality every year. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of resistance training on FTO and PPAR-y gene expression in muscle tissue of obese diabetic rats. Study design: This experimental study was performed on 12 male Wistar rats (10 weeks old and 220±20 g bodyweight). Methods: Animals received 6 weeks high-fat diet and then in order to induce type 2 diabetes an intraperitoneal injection of a single dose of 30 mg/kg freshly prepared streptozotocin (STZ) (Sigma, USA) solved in citrate buffer (pH 4.5) was performed. Diabetic rats were divided into two (Resistance and control) groups randomly. The resistance program included 6 weeks, 5 sessions per week. The muscle expression of FTO and PPAR-γ was measured using the real-time PCR method. Independent t-test and Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) were applied to compare the means. Results: The muscle mRNA expression of PPAR-γ and body weight significantly increased after 6 weeks of resistance training (p=0.031, p=0.037; respectively) but there was no significant change in the muscle mRNA expression of FTO (p=0.317). Also, blood glucose significantly decreased in the training group compared to the control group (p=0.01). Conclusion: According to the results of this study, it can be noted that 6-week resistance training by decreasing glucose levels and increases insulin sensitivity, and the muscle expression of PPAR-γ plays a prominent role in the control and treatment of type 2 diabetes in obese patients.

ارتباط میان افزایش سن، سطح تحصیلات و استرس با سطوح خستگی در سالمندان آسایشگاهی شهر تهران(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: استرس سالمندی تحصیلات آسایشگاه خستگی

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۷۵۷ تعداد دانلود : ۱۲۰
سالمندی با کاهش عملکرد جسمانی بدن و توسعه ی بیماری های مختلف جسمانی و روانی همراه است. هدف از پژوهش حاضر بررسی ارتباط میان افزایش سن، سطح تحصیلات و استرس با خستگی در سالمندان آسایشگاهی شهر تهران بود. پژوهش حاضر از نوع مقطعی همراه با طرح پرسشنامه بود که جامعه آماری آن را افراد مسن ساکن خانه سالمندان تشکیل می دادند. با توجه معیار ورود و خروج از تحقیق تعداد 131 نفر در این پژوهش به صورت داوطلبانه شرکت کردند. در ابتدا شاخص های آنتروپومتریک از قبیل قد، وزن، محیط دور کمر به لگن، و شاخص توده بدنی با استفاده از متر نواری و دستگاه بادی کامپوزیشن مدل OMRON BF511 اندازه گیری و ثبت شدند. سپس سطوح استرس و خستگی ارزیابی و ثبت شدند. در نهایت از آزمون های ضریب همبستگی پیرسون و تی-مستقل و همچنین نرم افزار SPSS ورژن 23 به منظور تجزیه و تحلیل آماری استفاده شد. نتایج حاصل از آزمون تجزیه و تحلیل آماری داده ها نشان داد که در گروه استرس بالا، سطوح خستگی ( P<0.01 ) و سن ( P<0.01 ) به میزان معنی داری بالاتر از گروه استرس پایین بود. همچنین میان سطوح استرس و نمره خستگی ارتباط معکوس و معناداری ( P<0.01 ) وجود داشت به طوریکه با افزایش سطوح خستگی، استرس نیز افزایش می یابد. میان نمره خستگی با سن ( P<0.01 ) ارتباط معکوس و با وزن ( P<0.01 ) و تحصیلات ( P<0.01 ) ارتباط مثبت و معناداری وجود داشت. با توجه به نتایج این پژوهش میتوان بیان کرد که بکارگیری راهکارهایی مانند برگزاری کلاس های آموزشی در جهت بهره مندی از فواید آموزش و یادگیری و همچنین فراهم کردن امکانات روانی و محیطی مناسب در مراکز سالمندان به منظور کاهش سطح استرس افراد از بسیاری از تغییرات منفی فیزیولوژیک و روانی حاصل از پیری جلوگیری می کند. همچنین این مسئله میتواند با کاهش سطوح خستگی در سالمندان آسایشگاهی زمینه را برای بهبود سلامت و افزایش طول عمر آن ها فراهم کند.

The Effect of 12-Week Endurance Training on Lipid Profiles and Fat Percentage of Overweight Girls

کلید واژه ها: aerobic children obesity Triglycerides Fat

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۴۵۲ تعداد دانلود : ۲۴۹
Background and Purpose: Overweight and obesity in childhood are associated with the potential risk of cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome in adulthood. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of 12 weeks of moderate endurance training on lipid profile and body composition of overweight girls. Material and Method: The present study was semi-experimental with pre-test and post-test design, in which 19 overweight girls aged 8 to 12 were randomly selected. Before and after intervention, body composition of subjects was measured under fasting conditions by BODY LOGIC BODY FAT ANALYZER and biochemical indices were measured and recorded by enzyme-calorimetric method. Results: Statistical analysis showed that 12 weeks of endurance training resulted in a significant reduction in triglycerides levels (p<0.025) and body fat percentage (p<0.002), while no significant change was found in cholesterol serum levels and body mass index. Conclusions: The findings of this study suggested that moderate intensity endurance training lead to improvement of body composition and biochemical parameters related to obesity in overweight girls, which reflected the vital role of these training in preventing obesity and related cardiovascular diseases among children and adolescents.

The Relationship between Body Composition with Blood Pressure and Sleep Quality in Male Dormitory Student at Allameh Tabataba'i University

کلید واژه ها: Blood pressure Sleep Quality Muscle mass Body fat percentage exercise

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۷۴ تعداد دانلود : ۲۱۹
Background and Pupose: Hypertension and poor sleep quality can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, stroke, etc. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between body compositions with hypertension and sleep quality in male students living in Allameh Tabataba'i University dormitory. Material and Method: The present study was descriptive-correlational. The statistical population consisted of 170 male dormitory students of Allameh Tabataba'i University who were randomly selected. First, body composition indices and blood pressure of subjects were measured and recorded. Then, the Pittsburgh Questionnaire were completed by students (PSQI) to assess their sleep quality. Data were analyzed using SPSS 21 software at a significant level (P

Evaluation of the Relationship between Explosive Power and Anthropometric and Body Composition Indices in Female Volleyball Players

کلید واژه ها: Muscle mass Explosive power Sargent Volleyball Fat percentage

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۵۷۷ تعداد دانلود : ۲۹۶
Background : Volleyball is known as sport that requires high physical fitness, including muscle power, agility and reaction; hence, body composition and anthropometric features play important roles in this field. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between anthropometric and body composition indices with lower limb explosive power in female volleyball players. Material and method : This correlational study was conducted in which 16 semi-professional female volleyball players with an average age of 20.4 ± 1.34 years and BMI of 22.09 ± 3.42 kg/m2 voluntarily participated. All volleyball players had a history of participation in the Tehran province volleyball league. First, data were collected and recorded by demographic questionnaire. Then, the body composition (fat percentage, muscle mass, visceral fat) was measured and recorded in the 3-hours fasting condition by body analysis device (OMRUN Bf511). Finally, Sargent Vertical Jump Test was used to evaluate explosive power of the lower limb muscles. Results :  Pearson correlation coefficient was used at the significant level p Conclusion: The results of this study show that resistance training along with volleyball specific power training can increase the muscle mass as well as it is at the same time.

ترکیب بدنی و قد، عوامل مرتبط با عملکرد در والیبالیست های دختر جوان

تعداد بازدید : ۵۵۵ تعداد دانلود : ۴۲۵
موضوع: مطالعات حاکی از ان است که علاوه بر مهارت های فنی و تاکتیکی، شاخص های Iنتروپومتریک و ترکیب بدنی، از مهم ترین عوامل بهبود عملکرد والیبالیست ها است. اهدف: هدف از پژوهش حاضر بررسی ارتباط میان ترکیب بدنی و قد با عملکرد ورزشی در والیبالیست های دختر بود. روش تحقیق: در این پژوهش مقطعی، 16 نفر از والیبالیست های دختر نیمه حرفه ای که سابقه بازی در لیگ تهران را داشتند به صورت تصادفی انتخاب شدند. ابتدا پرسشنامه دموگرافیک جمع آوری و ثبت شد. سپس به منظور بررسی عملکرد ورزشی از ازمودنی ها تست پرش سارجنت در 3 مرحله گرفته و بهترین رکورد ثبت شد. سپس قد و ترکیب بدنی به ترتیب به وسیله نوار سنج دیواری و دستگاه بادی کامپوزیشن مدل Omron (BF511) در شرایط 3 ساعت ناشتایی اندازه گیری و ثبت شدند. تجزیه و تحلیل اماری با استفاده از ضریب همبستگی پیرسون و نرم افزار SPSS ورژن 21 صورت گرفت. دستاوردهای مقاله: نتایج حاصل از تجزیه و تحلیل اماری داده ها بیانگر ارتباط مستقیم میان توان انفجاری پایین تنه ورزشی با قد (P<0/005)و توده عضلانی (P<0/002) و ارتباط معکوس با چربی زیر پوستی (P<0/005)بود، در حالی که میان BMI و توان انفجاری ارتباط معناداری مشاهده نشد(P 0.344). نتیجه گیری: با توجه به نتایج حاصل از تحقیق میتوان بیان کرد که توده عضلانی و قد از مهم ترین ویژگی های ترکیب بدنی و انتروپومتریک در والیبالیست های دختر است که شانس رسیدن به موفقیت ورزشی را افزایش می دهد.

Relationship between the Level of Physical Activity and Nutritional Status with Fatigue in Elderly Residents of Rest Homes in Tehran

کلید واژه ها: Geriatric syndrome exercise Tehran Health aging

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۴۹۷ تعداد دانلود : ۲۶۰
Purpose: On the other hand, fatigue is one of the most important indicators of aging syndrome. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the level of physical activity and fatigue in elderly residents of rest homes in Tehran. Method: This was a descriptive correlational study in which 20 rest homes located in Tehran province constituted the study population. By visiting rest homes, the eligible subjects were chosen. Physical activity was measured by the Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly (PASE). The FACIT Fatigue Scale is a short, 13-item, easy to administer tool that measures an individual’s level of fatigue during their usual daily activities over the past week. Nutritional status was evaluated by mini nutritional assessment (MNA). Results: The results of statistical analysis indicated a significant and positive correlation between PASE and FACIT scores (r=0.48, p<0.01) while, there was a significant negative correlation between FACIT score and age (r=-0.23, p<0.01). Also, there was a significant positive correlation between MNA and FACIT (r=0.40, p<0.01). In addition, a significant positive correlation was found between MNA and PASE score (r=0.31, p<0.01). Conclusions: The findings of this study indicate that holding sports classes under the supervision of exercise physiologists is an essential matter to increase health and prevent age-related complications in elderly residents of Tehran rest homes.

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