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هدف پژوهش حاضر بررسی نقش ممیزی ویژگی های شخصیتی در تشخیص سبک های تجربه و بیان خشم می باشد. این پژوهش از نظر ماهیت کمی، از نظر هدف کاربردی می باشد. جامعه آماری افراد ایرانی بین 18-62 سال فعال در فضای مجازی در سال 1399-1400  تشکیل دادند. 241 آزمودنی به روش در دسترس انتخاب شدند و به منظور جمع آوری اطلاعات از پرسشنامه نئو (Costa & McCrae) و بیان حالت هیجانی و صفت شخصیتی خشم (Spielberger) به صورت آنلاین استفاده شد. نتایج تحلیل ممیزی نشان داد به ترتیب 4 ویژگی روان رنجوری، وظیفه شناسی، برون گرایی و سازگاری به طور معنی داری قادر به تمییز افراد به لحاظ شیوه تجربه و بیان خشم می باشند اما در ارتباط با تجربه گرایی ارتباط معنی دار نبود. بر اساس یافته ها می توان نتیجه گرفت که تفاوت های افراد به لحاظ ویژگی های شخصیتی در نحوه ای که فرد خشم را تجربه و ابراز می کند تأثیر می گذارد.

The Discriminant Analysis of Personality Characteristics in the Determination of the Styles of Anger Experience and Expression

Introduction Anger is one of the most basic emotions in human beings. Psychologists regard anger as a normal and typically healthy emotion with evolutionary functions that is occasionally experienced by human beings. The way anger is experienced or expressed is important because uncontrolled anger will negatively impact not only people's social or personal well-being but also their relationships with others. Several factors can influence the way anger is expressed or experienced. Anger experience and its expression are distinct concepts. Anger experience refers to the emotional state that one feels. On the other hand, anger expression refers to the behavioral dimension, which is one’s way of dealing with the feeling of anger The aim of this study is discriminant analysis of personality characteristics (the Big Five personality traits) in determining the styles of the experience and expression of anger (State anger, Trait anger, Anger expression-out (AX-O), Anger expression-in (AX-I), Anger control-out (AC-O), and anger control-in (AC-I)).   Method Population in the study included people over 18 years old. 241 participants (women = 149, men = 92) were selected using the convenience sampling method. To collect data, the Short Form NEO personality inventory & State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory 2 (STAXI-2) questionnaires were used. Date were analyzed using discriminant analysis and Variance Analysis. Results Results revealed that, among the Big 5 Personality Traits, four traits—neuroticism (λ=.666), conscientiousness (λ=.715), extroversion (λ=.758), and agreeableness (.795), respectively were able to discriminate individuals significantly on the basis of their anger experience and expression styles. However, Openness to Experience (λ=.928) was not significantly related to the dependent variable.   Discussion Based on the results, one can conclude that individual differences in personality characteristics influence the way people experience and express anger. Personality traits are among the factors influencing the way anger is expressed and experienced. As the development of personality traits begins early in childhood and such traits are supposed to remain constant all through the individual's life, it's important for parents and educators to take into account the role personality traits (the Five Big personality factors) can play in the wide negative ramifications brought about by the unhealthy manifestations of anger. Parents and educators are thus recommended to make use of the theoretical knowledge and empirical findings to help develop adaptive personality traits in children and reduce the negative impacts caused by inappropriate ways of experiencing and expressing anger. These findings can help clinical psychologists develop intervention programs based on the Five Big Personality Factors to help prevent the harms created by the unhealthy ways of the manifestation of anger.  
