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افزایش مشکلات ناشی از رشد بی رویه شهرها، محققان و مدیران شهری را به چاره اندیشی و حل مسائل شهری واداشته است. یکی از راه های مؤثر در کاهش مسائل، رشد هوشمند شهری است که از اصل های مهم آن، توسعه میان افزا می باشد. این اصل بر استفاده و بهره گیری از ظرفیت های درونی شهرها مانند توسعه بر روی زمین های متروکه و بدون استفاده داخل بافت موجود شهرها، توسعه دوباره ساختمان ها و محیط های در حال استفاده تأکید دارد. هدف اصلی این پژوهش شناسایی ظرفیت های رشد هوشمند بر اساس اصل توسعه میان افزا در منطقه یک شهر یزد می باشد. این پژوهش ازنظر هدف، کاربردی و ازنظر روش مطالعه، توصیفی- تحلیلی می باشد. در تحلیل وضعیت کاربری اراضی منطقه یک شهر یزد مشخص گردید که 34 درصد از منطقه یک شهر یزد را زمین بایر تشکیل داده است. در ادامه جهت شناسایی ظرفیت های توسعه محدوده های ساخته شده معیارهای مؤثر در توسعه با استفاده از مبانی نظری و مطالعه تحقیقات مرتبط با رشد هوشمند و توسعه میان افزا انتخاب گردید سپس با تعیین میزان ارجحیت معیارها نسبت به یکدیگر و به کمک تکنیک SWARA وزن هریک از معیارها به دست آمد. سپس لایه های موردنظر در محیط ARCGIS آماده سازی گردید و از روش مجموع ساده وزنی (SAW) جهت نرمال سازی لایه ها و تلفیق آن ها بهره گرفته شد و نقشه اولویت بندی ظرفیت های توسعه محدوده ساخته شده در چهار طبقه ارائه گردید که اولویت اول 328 هکتار، اولویت دوم 305 هکتار، اولویت سوم 320 هکتار و اولویت چهارم 118 هکتار محاسبه شده است

Investigation of the Infill Development Capacities in order to Achieve Urban Smart Growth the Case study of Region 1 of Yazd City

The increase in problems caused by the excessive growth of cities has forced researchers and urban managers to think of solutions and solve urban problems. One of the effective ways to reduce problems is the smart growth of the city, one of the important principles of which is intermediate development. This principle emphasizes the use and exploitation of the internal capacities of cities, such as the development of abandoned and unused land within the existing context of cities and, the redevelopment of buildings and environments in use. The main goal of this research is to identify the capacities of smart growth based on the principle of intermediate development in the region of one city of Yazd. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of study method. In the analysis of the land use situation of one city of Yazd, it was found that 34% of the area of ​​one city of Yazd is barren land. Further, to identify the development capacities of the built areas, the criteria effective in development were selected using theoretical foundations and research studies related to smart growth and interrelated development. The weight of each criterion was obtained by determining the priority of the criteria compared to each other and with the help of the SWARA technique. Then, the desired layers were prepared in the ArcGIS environment and the simple weighted sum (SAW) method was used to normalize the layers and combine them, and the map of prioritizing the development capacities of the constructed area was presented in four layers, the priority is 328 hectares, the second priority is 305 hectares, the priority The third is 320 hectares and the fourth priority is 118 hectares Extended Abstract Introduction The increase in problems that caused by the uncontrolled growth of cities have forced urban researchers and managers to tackle and solve urban problems. One of the most effective ways to reduce these issues, is urban smart growth that one of its important principles, is infill development. This principle emphasizes on using and benefiting of cities internal capacity, such as development on abandoned land and vacant land within the existing texture of cities, redevelopment of buildings and sites. The main purpose of this research is to identify capacities of infill development in the region1 of Yazd city. It can be said that theories of urban smart growth and infill development (as an independent theory and one of the principles of urban smart growth) have been the basis of this study. Urban smart growth seeks to use urban spaces to compactness and prevent urban growth. Due to the fact that the city of Yazd has expanded horizontally and with a sprawl phenomenon, the use of infill development theory can take advantage of the city's internal capacities and prevent the city's uncontrolled expansion, and the benefits of this development can be achieved with the goal of implementation of urban smart growth.   Methodology This research in terms of goal is an applied one and in view point of the research method is descriptive – analytical and the extraction of appropriate criteria is based on library resources and documents. At first, the effective parameters and criteria were selected by reviewing the articles related to infill development and according to the characteristics of the study context. Then, by completing the questionnaire by 15 experts and specialists, the degree of preference of these criteria against each other was assessed and with the help of SWARA technique in EXCEL software, the weight of each criterion was obtained. Afterwards, the appropriate layers were prepared in ARCGIS environment and in order to normalize the layers and combine them, the Simple Additive Weighting method (SAW) which was implemented in ARCGIS environment was used. In this method, the weight obtained from SWARA technique was multiplied by the criteria and finally the textures that are suitable for infill development were identified.   Results and discussion The main purpose of this research is to identify capacities of infill development in the region1 of Yazd city. At first, the area and location of vacant lands were considered as the main priority of development then in order to identify the development capacities of the constructed areas, the effective criteria on infill and smart growth development were selected. Next by determining the priority of these criteria (land use diversity, floor, building age, construction quality, ownership, structure, particle size distribution, access to the street network, access to green space, access to educational land use, access to health care land use, access to business land use, access to religious land use, access to facilities land use), the weight of each criterion was obtained relative to each other. Then, the layers were prepared in the ARCGIS environment and zoned by using of the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method that implemented in the ARCGIS environment. Textures that are suitable for infill development were identified and prioritized. The priorities are calculated as the first priority is 328 hectares, the second priority is 305 hectares, the third priority is 320 hectares and the fourth priority is 118 hectares. The first priority are the land use and parcels that have low floors, low quality, high antiquity, public and state ownership, greater access to service land uses and the street network.   Conclusion By examining the land use of Yazd city, it was found that due to the sprawl and growth of the city and lack of proper management, many lands in the city are undeveloped and without construction, which can be considered as vacant lands as one of the important priorities in integrated growth and infill development. In fact, in the city of Yazd, due to the large number of vacant lands, development should be focused on these areas, and also with solutions such as increasing taxes or creating incentives to accelerate the process of their development. In region 1 of Yazd city, similar to other parts of it, as we go from the central parts to the fringe of the city, vacant and unused lands will increase. Thus, vacant lands must first be developed in order to population growth and per capita services. However, it is important to note that attention to vacant lands should not deter urban management from paying attention to worn-out central textures or textures that are more conducive to accessing services and are more economically viable. Therefore, the research findings indicated that this region of Yazd city has suitable capacities for infill development as one of the principles of urban smart growth and the research hypothesis is confirmed.   Funding There is no funding support.   Authors’ Contribution All of the authors approved thecontent of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work.   Conflict of Interest Authors declared no conflict of interest.   Acknowledgments We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.
