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پرداختن به فضا به عنوان ظرف و عرصه ظهور نابرابری های اجتماعی و اقتصادی از اهمیت زیادی برخوردار است. از طرفی فضاهای شهری همانند تمام محصولات اجتماعی تولید و مصرف می شوند و هم زمان که واسطه روابط اجتماعی اند، خود نیز برآیند این فرایند می باشند. بنابراین برای شناخت فضا لازم است که فرآیندهای اجتماعی به خوبی شناخته و تحلیل شوند. در این پژوهش با توجه به حاکمیت سرمایه داری بر شهرهای ایران، تأثیر اقتصاد سرمایه محور بر فرآیند تولید فضاهای شهری ارومیه موردبررسی قرارگرفته است. هدف این پژوهش بررسی نحوه تأثیرگذاری سرمایه داری بر روند تولید فضاهای شهری ارومیه و استخراج عوامل مؤثر بر آن بوده است. پژوهش حاضر از لحاظ هدف روش تحقیق، از نوع کاربردی می باشد. هم چنین پژوهش حاضر ازنظر ماهیت و روش، کیفی است. روش تحلیلی این پژوهش روش دیالکتیکی لوفوری است که به شدت با روش تاریخی- تحلیلی گره خورده است و دوره های تاریخی گوناگون از قاجار تا امروز بررسی و تحلیل گردیده اند. هم چنین برای جمع آوری داده از ابزارهای اس نادی همچون من ابع کتابخان ه ای، سایت ها، نقشه، عکس و برنامه ها استفاده گردیده است. در نهایت پژوهش به این نتیجه رسیده که فضا از پیش ساخته نیست و فضاهای شهری ارومیه بر اساس ضروریات انباشت سرمایه شکل گرفته اند. نتایج این پژوهش تصویری روشن به برنامه ریزان، تصمیم گیران و مدیران شهری برای حل مشکلات فضایی شهرها به خصوص شهر ارومیه داده است. هم چنین کنترل و هدایت توسعه فضایی شهر ارومیه بر اساس عدالت اجتماعی از دیگر کاربردهای این پژوهش بوده است

Analysis of the Role of Urban Spaces Production Factors the Case Study of Urmia City

Space and how to organize it is one of the challenging problems that different sciences have paid much attention to for a long time. Looking to space as a base to show economic and social inequality is very important. Urban space can be produced and consumed like other social productions. Therefore, cognition and analysis of social processes are necessary to introduce space. In this research, according to the rule of capitalism in the cities of Iran, the impact of the capital economy on the process of Urmia urban space production is considered. The aim of this research is to consider the impact of capitalism on Urmia urban space production and the effective factors of extraction on it. This research, as the aim of method research, is practical. Also, this research is qualitative in terms of nature and method. The analytical method of this research is the Lefebvre dialectical method, which is tied to the historical-analytical method. So, in this research, different historical eras from "Ghajjar" are now considered. Documental tools like library sources, websites, maps, pictures, and programs, as well as field tools like view and interview, are also used to collect data. This research concluded that the space is not fabricated, and the urban spaces of Urmia are formed based on the necessity of capital. The results of this research have the obvious view that city managers, decision-takers, and planners should solve the difficulties of urban spaces, especially in Urmia city. Also, controlling and guiding the space development of Urmia city based on justice is the other practice of this research.   Extended Introduction Space and how to organize it is one of the challenging problems that different sciences have paid much attention to for a long time. Looking to space as a base to show economic and social inequality is very important. Urban space can be produced and consumed like other social productions. Therefore, cognition and analysis of social processes are necessary to introduce space. Given that the dominant mode of production in Iran, and by extension, in all its cities, is a capitalist mode of production, undoubtedly, the formation of spaces is also based on the needs and necessities of this mode. The inequality of urban areas in Urmia in terms of sustainable development indicators and the lack of spatial balance has led to the city's deviation from the index of sustainable urban development. Undoubtedly, the reasons for spatial inequality between different zones and neighborhoods in Urmia are strongly related to the capitalist mode of production and the logic of profit maximization. In this research, according to the rule of capitalism on the cities of Iran, the impact of the capital economy on the process of Urmia urban space production is considered. This research aims to consider capitalism's impact on Urmia urban space production and extraction effective factors on it.   Methodology This research, as the aim of method research, is practical. Also, this research is qualitative in terms of nature and method. The analytical method of this research is the Lefebvre dialectical method, which is tied to the historical-analytical method. So, in this research, different historical eras from "Ghajjar" are now considered. Documental tools like library sources, websites, maps, pictures, and programs, as well as field tools like view and interview, are also used to collect data. In this research, the primary index of urban space production in capitalist societies has been studied and extracted as a historical process. The working principles are designed based on the threefold dimensions of Lefebvre's space production. All indices have been collected based on theoretical foundations and these three dimensions. Additionally, in this study, some indices are recognized based on Harvey's accumulation cycles.   Results and discussion The essential components of the space created during the Qajar period in Urmia were the manifest religious, ethnic, and national diversity in the context of biodiversity, various livelihood practices, urban spaces, and a dense urban texture with a complex network of narrow roads and winding alleys. The essential components of the space created during the First Pahlavi era in Urmia were the creation of streets, a central square, widening traditional passageways, establishing the groundwork for the entry of automobiles into urban spaces to address the new urban and industrial life needs, hasty and rapid street development, and transforming streets into a new concept of urban space. The essential components of the space created during the Second Pahlavi era in Urmia were the formation of marginal settlements lacking a land use system, the establishment of multiple important and main boulevards in the city, the influx of migrant populations to Urmia following land reforms and its direct and indirect effects, migration of Kurdish-speaking communities to Urmia, and the establishment of suburbanization rural complexes such as Tarzloo. The essential components of the space created during the Post-Islamic Revolution and the War in Urmia were unprecedented growth of the city limits of Urmia, implementation of numerous urban development activities in cities, such as street construction, asphalt paving of alleys and roads, city pipework, construction of new buildings and offices, the establishment of parks, and more by the government. The essential components of the space created during post-revolution and structural adjustments in Urmia are the intense stratification of the five quadrants of Urmia in recent years and the disparity in urban facilities and services among them, intensive monetization of the use of urban spaces and the high cost of living in the city, intense privatization of urban spaces, particularly in expensive neighborhoods and streets, horizontal growth of residential spaces in Urmia, and increase in suburban development in Urmia.   Conclusion The production of space in every society follows its unique production methods, and each city's distinctive features will differ from any other society or city. Therefore, space is not predetermined, and various factors play a role in shaping it. Also, space in Urmia is not fabricated, and the urban spaces of Urmia are formed based on the necessities of capital. The footprint of capitalism in Iran can be traced back to the late Qajar period. As explored in this research, the Pahlavi era marked a significant and fundamental period of extensive changes in preparing Iranian society to accept capitalism. In the Second Pahlavi era, the initiatives of the first era were continued. Furthermore, after the Islamic Revolution, various governments, influenced by the political economy of space, also demonstrated the gradual dominance of capitalist production in Iranian society within urban spaces.   Funding There is no funding support.   Authors’ Contribution Authors contributed equally to the conceptualization and writing of the article. All of the authors approved thecontent of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work declaration of competing interest none.   Conflict of Interest Authors declared no conflict of interest.   Acknowledgments We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.
