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مقدمه: پژوهش حاضر بیانگر این نکته است که موفقیت در پیاده سازی معماری مدیریت دانش در حوزه خدمات الکترونیک برای کسب وکار در کتابخانه های دیجیتالی مستلزم ارزیابی مدیریت دانش در کتابخانه دیجیتال است. این راهکار شامل ارزیابی مدیریت دانش در کتابخانه دیجیتال و راه اندازی لینک کسب وکار الکترونیکی در کتابخانه های عمومی شهر تهران است.روش شناسی: این پژوهش بر اساس هدف مطالعه کاربردی و توسعه ای است و بر اساس روش گردآوری داده ها مطالعه توصیفی از نوع پیمایش مقطعی است. همچنین در این مطالعه از روش پژوهش آمیخته (کیفی و کمی) استفاده شد. ابزار گردآوری داده ها در بخش کیفی، مصاحبه نیم ساختاریافته و در بخش کمی پرسش نامه نیز با اعتبار صوری و طیف لیکرت بود. جامعه آماری در بخش کیفی شامل 33 نفر از کارشناسان مدیران کتابخانه دیجیتال است که با روش نمونه گیری هدفمند انتخاب شدند که با 12 مصاحبه به توافق نظری رسیده است.یافته ها: یافته های پژوهش نشان می دهد مدیریت دانش در کتابخانه دیجیتال در سطح آغازین قرار دارد. شکاف بین سطح عملکرد و سطح مورد انتظار زیاد است. متغیرهایی از قبیل نیازمندی های خدمات الکترونیک کسب وکار کتابخانه های دیجیتالی و زنجیره ارتباطی معماری مدیریت دانش در کتابخانه های دیجیتالی مورد نیاز است. در اصل یافته های پژوهش شامل موارد زیر است: سطح مدیریت دانش در کتابخانه دیجیتال: آغازین؛ شکاف بین عملکرد و انتظارات: زیاد؛ نیاز به بررسی بیشتر در سامانه کتابخانه دیجیتال: متغیرهای نیازمندی های خدمات الکترونیک کسب وکار کتابخانه های دیجیتالی و زنجیره ارتباطی معماری مدیریت دانش.نتیجه گیری: در این پژوهش نیازمندی های کتابخانه های دیجیتال در قالب معماری مدیریت دانش برای کسب وکار الکترونیکی مطرح  و در این زمینه مدل کتابخانه های دیجیتالی را برای بهبود عملکرد این خدمات بیان شده است؛ که می توان به عنوان راه گشایی برای پیشبرد اهداف این کتابخانه و کسب وکار الکترونیکی و کارآفرینی در دنیا مطرح کرد.

Prioritizing the Knowledge Management Architecture of Electronic Services for Business in Digital Libraries

Introduction: The present study states that the success in implementing the knowledge management architecture in the field of electronic services for business in digital libraries requires the evaluation of knowledge management in the digital library. For this purpose, the researchers have studied the implementation of digital library research in the form of digital enterprises to set up a link for electronic business such as culture centers in digital and functional form in public libraries of Tehran. Basically, the application of this work is that by first setting up a link in the digital library at the level of public libraries, it is possible to open the door to electronic business, so that researchers can do research in this field and people seek work and creation in entrepreneurship, and in this way, electronic services can be launched in public libraries and these services can be guided through prioritization and knowledge management architecture, and a model and pattern that has been proposed in this research can be opened. and considered the initiator of this work.Methodology: This research is based on the purpose of an applied-developmental study and based on the method of data collection, it is a descriptive study of the cross-sectional survey type. Also, in this study, a mixed research method (qualitative-quantitative) was used. The data collection tool in the qualitative part was a semi-structured interview, and in the quantitative part, a questionnaire with face validity and with a Likert-type scale. The statistical population in the qualitative section includes 33 experts of digital library managers, who were selected by the purposeful sampling method, which was reached up with 12 interviews. To analyze the data in the qualitative part, the theme analysis method and MaxQDA software were used. Then, using gap analysis and performance analysis, the priority of knowledge management architecture in e-business services was discussed. The quantitative statistical population includes 150 digital users and 50 digital library user experts. The sample size was checked with Morgan's table, Cronbach's alpha and Likert's scale were also used for the questionnaire, and Friedman's test was also used for prioritization. Sampling in quantitative section was done randomly. In order to answer the research questions for the qualitative part, it was done through indirect observation, and after answering the interview questions, it was semi-structured. Basically, the user was allowed to do it alone and to some extent with an open hand without having any answer to the relevant questions in a restricted manner.Findings: The research findings show that knowledge management in the digital library is at the initial level of the productivity model in digital libraries. The gap between the performance level and the expected level is wide. But in general, they achieved a meaningful relationship. In the field of electronic services, expectations (importance) are close to perceptions (performance). But in the case of variables such as knowledge management results, knowledge processes, knowledge management architecture, e-business, gaps in requirements and priorities were observed. According to the research obtained in the background section, it needs more understanding and investigation which shows that variables such as electronic business service requirements of digital libraries, the communication chain of knowledge management architecture in digital libraries are needed in this library and should be investigated. It can also be said that the research findings show that knowledge management in the digital library is at the initial level. The gap between the performance level and the expected level is wide. Variables such as electronic business service requirements of digital libraries and communication chain of knowledge management architecture in digital libraries are needed. Basically, the findings of the research include the following:Level of knowledge management in digital library: beginnerGap between performance and expectations: largeThe need for further investigation in the digital library system: the variables of electronic business service requirements of digital libraries and the communication chain of knowledge management architecture.Discussion and conclusion: The results of the research showed that the requirements of digital libraries have been raised in the form of a knowledge management architecture for electronic business, and in this context, the model of digital libraries to improve the performance of these services has been expressed in the suggestions section which can be used as a digital company to start a business in digital libraries. Basically, this company is the initiator of other businesses as well as research works in any organization and library, which is good enough to give hope for donation and this work. It is a way to advance the goals of this library and electronic business and entrepreneurship in the digital world. Also, in the section of suggestions for improving and promoting this work, the network method is also mentioned, which is the best way to do electronic work in the virtual world. Also, this method can open the way for ontology and information retrieval in the digital world, and in principle, this way can be suggested for better performance in both specialized and public libraries.
