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در این پژوهش به بررسی اثر بخشی برنامه درمانی تاب آوری پنسیلوانیا بر اهمال کاری و مؤلفه های اضطراب در نوجوانان تیزهوش کمال گرا شهرستان دزفول پرداخته شد. روش پژوهش نیمه آزمایشی و در قالب طرح پپیش آزمون- پس آزمون با گروه گواه انجام شد. جامعه آماری این پژوهش شامل دختران نوجوان تیزهوش 12 تا 16 سال در سال تحصیلی 1399-1398 بود که به فراخوان پژوهشگران پاسخ مثبت داده و پرسشنامه کمال گرایی را پر کردند. روش نمونه گیری به شیوه در دسترس بود. از بین کسانی که نمره کمال گرایی بالا داشتند 30 نفر انتخاب و به شکل تصادفی در دو گروه آزمایش و گواه قرار گرفتند. پیش آزمون بر روی هر دو گروه اجرا گردید و مداخلات در 12 جلسه دو ساعته انجام شد و بعد از اتمام جلسات درمانی، پس آزمون از هر دو گروه گرفته شد. ابزار گرد آوری داده ها پرسشنامه های مقیاس اهمال کاری تحصیلی سولومون و راتبلوم و مقیاس اضطراب بک بود. برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها از تحلیل کواریانس تک متغیری و بررسی پیش فرض های تحلیل کواریانس استفاده شد. نتایج نشان داد که برنامه تاب آوری پنسلوانیا به کاهش اهمال کاری تحصیلی و اضطراب نوجوانان تیزهوش کمال گرا کمک می کند. پیشنهاد می شود این برنامه درمانی برای نوجوانان تیزهوش در جهت افزایش انگیزه های فردی و پیشرفت تحصیلی مورد استفاده قرار گیرد

The effectiveness of Pennsylvania resilience training on the symptoms of procrastination and anxiety in perfectionist gifted adolescents

Introduction Talented students are the national assets of any country and not paying attention to them can cause psychological damage to individuals. In this study, the effect of the Pennsylvania resilience treatment program on procrastination and anxiety components in perfectionist intelligent adolescents in Dezful was investigated.   Method The research method was experimental and in the form of a pre-test and post-test research design with a control group. The statistical population of this study included adolescent girls aged 12 to 16 years who responded positively to the call. They were invited to the clinic and filled out the perfectionism questionnaire. Then, among them, 30 people with high perfectionism scores were selected and randomly divided into experimental and control groups. A pre-test was performed on both groups and after the treatment sessions, a post-test was taken from both groups. Data collection tools were questionnaires by Solomon and Ratblum and the Beck Anxiety Scale (BAI).    Results Univariate analysis of covariance and analysis of covariance assumptions were used to analyze the data. The results of the analysis of covariance showed that the effect of academic procrastination scores in the pre-test stage was significant (p=0.32, F=5.145), meaning that there is a significant relationship between academic procrastination pre-test scores and post-test scores in this variable. Also, after controlling the pre-test scores, the effect of the group on the score of academic procrastination in the post-test stage was significant (p=0.001, F=23.50). Based on the observed averages, it can be concluded that resilience training by the Pennsylvania method has reduced academic procrastination by 46% in the post-examination phase. The effect of scores on the pre-test stage was also significant (P=0.026, F=7.565). This means that there is a significant relationship between the pre-test scores of anxiety and the post-test scores of this variable. Also, after controlling the pre-test scores, the effect of the group on the anxiety score in the post-test stage was significant (p=0.010, F=7.648). Based on the observed means, it can be concluded that resilience training by the Pennsylvania method has reduced anxiety by 22% in the post-test phase.   Discussion The results of the analysis showed that the Pennsylvania Resilience Program has reduced academic procrastination and anxiety in perfectionist intelligent teens.  
