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برندهای شهری ماندگار از بسترهای اجتماعی و برهم کنش جریانات تعاملی انسان و محیط شکل می گیرند و ملاک ارزیابی آن، میزان رضایتی است که در اثر تجربه محیط بر ذهن شهروندان ثبت می شود. هدف اصلی این پژوهش، سنجش میزان رضایت مندی شهروندان شهر سبزوار از تجربه طرح آزمایشی برندسازی خیابانی منتخب در شهرک توحید شهر سبزوار با عنوان"خیابان غذا و تفریح" می باشد. روش تحقیق این پژوهش ماهیتی تحلیلی-توصیفی دارد که در ابتدا، برای مشخص شدن بهترین خیابان جهت اجرای طرح آزمایشی برندسازی و بررسی دیدگاه شهروندان با تکیه بر مولفه های ترافیکی و کالبدی، از تکنیک تاپسیس استفاده شده است. بر این اساس، خیابان فردوسی به عنوان بستر آزمایش طرح برندسازی انتخاب و سپس با اجرای جشنواره آزمایشی خیابان غذا و تفریح به ثبت میزان رضایت و شناسایی نیازهای اصلی شهروندان در صورت تداوم طرح، پرداخته شد. در این راستا، از طریق فرمول کوکران، 384 پرسشنامه بین تمامی شهروندان، توزیع و طبق آزمون کرونباخ پایایی و اعتبار این پرسشنامه ها 713/0 محاسبه شد. در نهایت داده های گردآوری شده با آزمون تی تک نمونه مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت بر این اساس سطح معنای مولفه ها از 05/0 کمتربوده و فرضیه رضایتمندی شهروندان از طرح پیشنهادی با عنوان خیابان غذا و تفریح تائید شد. تنها مولفه ای که از منظر شهروندان نیاز به توجه بیشتر در طرح های آتی دارد، بحث آسایش اقلیمی با سطح معنای 10/0 است. در نهایت نیز از طریق آزمون فریدمن مولفه های رضایت مندی کاربران از طرح برندسازی، به ترتیب در 4 سطح: رضایت از کیفیت های اجتماعی، کیفیت های عملکردی-کالبدی، کیفیت های مدیریتی و کیفیت های زیست محیطی رتبه بندی شدند.

Assessing citizens' satisfaction with the food and entertainment axis in urban branding (Case study: Shahrak-Tohid of Sabzevar)

Sustainable urban brands are formed from social contexts and interactions between humans and the environment. The evaluation criterion is the level of satisfaction recorded in the minds of citizens as a result of environmental experience. This study aims to measure citizen satisfaction with the selective street branding trial project in Tohid-Shahr of Sabzevar, entitled "Food and Recreation Street." This study uses a descriptive-analytical approach in which, at first, the TOPSIS technique was exerted to determine which street would be the best to implement a pilot branding plan and to analyze citizens' perspectives based on traffic patterns and physical characteristics. Accordingly, Ferdowsi Street was selected as a trial platform for the branding plan. Then, through the Food and Recreation Street pilot festival, the level of satisfaction and identification of citizens' main needs, if the project continues, was measured. In this regard, through Cochran's formula, 384 questionnaires were distributed among all citizens, and according to Cronbach's test, the validity of these questionnaires was calculated to be 0.713. Finally, the data collected was evaluated by a t-test. Accordingly, the components' meaning level was less than 0.05, and the hypothesis of citizens' satisfaction with the proposed plan was confirmed. The only component that needs more attention in plans is climatic comfort, with a level of meaning of 0.10.  Finally, the Friedman test ranked user satisfaction's four categories for the branding plan: satisfaction with social attributes, functional-physical attributes, managerial attributes, and environmental attributes   Extended Abstract Introduction The subject of branding has long been a competitive tool in the world to attract an audience and highlight the unique features of a product, region, or place. The most critical goal in branding is to create a distinguished identity. While in harmony with its similar cases, it has significant differences that have separated it from its homogeneous context as a pattern. In branding, we face the audience's perception of the environment to analyze their level of satisfaction. This recorded image in the minds of users, which is due to the experience of the environment, can be the result of external and internal forces of each person's mind, which ultimately leads to highlighting a place or product with a positive feeling, in this way the audience of the brand will continue to reuse it; Or by recording an unpleasant image on the mind, it creates a kind of negative emotions arising from the brand for users, so it destroys the desire of the audience to reuse that product or place . Sustainable urban brands are formed from social contexts and interactions between humans and the environment. The evaluation criterion is the level of satisfaction recorded in the minds of citizens as a result of environmental experience . This study aims to measure citizen satisfaction with the selective street branding trial project in Tohid-Shahr of Sabzevar, entitled "Food and Recreation Street ."   Methodology The methodology of this research is descriptive-analytical in nature. In order to choose the best street in the Tohid Shahr district for the implementation of the trial branding plan, the traffic and physical indicators of the streets have been weighed with the interposition of experts, using the TOPSIS technique. In order to measure the citizen's satisfaction with the qualities presented in the trial project, 384 questionnaires were distributed among the project visitors, which were analyzed with a one-sample t-test and Friedman test through SPSS software .   Results and discussion In evaluating citizens' opinions on creating food and entertainment streets, the validity of the questions was evaluated with expert views and after frequent corrections during meetings between the mayor and NGO members. Likewise, the reliability of this questionnaire was calculated at 0.713 through Cronbach's alpha test. It should be noted that reliability higher than 0.700 confirms the appropriateness of the research questions. Initially, to select the best platform for the trial project, the AHP method was used to weigh the traffic-performance criteria of the streets. In this method, the validity of the calculated weights was confirmed through the inconsistency rate (0.02). The TOPSIS weight matrix is calculated based on the effect of the weight and type of criteria on the ratio of each street to its traffic-functional component. Finally, the best platform for the experimental implementation of the food and entertainment street plan has been determined by determining the ideal and non-ideal options and calculating the distance between the proposed options and the ideal solution. The results of the TOPSIS technique indicate that Ferdowsi Street, with its large width, low branches, proximity to the central green space of Shahrak-Tohid, short length, easy access of citizens, and less traffic volume, was selected as the platform for the pilot project to become a food and entertainment street . To measure satisfaction, the study group is all citizens of Sabzevar, who are divided into four groups: residents of Ferdowsi Street, Neighborhood Businessmen, residents of Shahrak-Tohid , and residents of the central core of Sabzevar comprehend the needs of each group. Therefore, among the respondents, 4.4% (17 people) are residents of Ferdowsi Street, 63.8% (245 people) are residents of Shahrak- Tohid, 25.8% (99 people) are residents of the central core of Sabzevar and 6% (23 people) local Businessmen . The sample t-test results show that the average of the sample population in all components except environmental quality was more than the mean, and its significance level was less than 0.05. It denotes that the conditions provided in the trial festival of the Food and Recreation Street project have had a positive effect on citizens' perceptions and have been able to satisfy them. Among all the proposed components, citizens consider the easy access to Ferdowsi Street and the existence of various modes of transportation, with an average of 4.13 as the most significant component in Ferdowsi Street, which is the most prominent executive advantage of the project in Ferdowsi Street. Moreover, the readability of the environment, which is directly related to the relationship between the nature and appearance of the festival, after access, has been the most popular factor among food festival participants and has been influential in introducing the potential of Ferdowsi Street to users .   Conclusion According to the significant level of the components, which was less than 0.05, the hypothesis of citizens' satisfaction with the proposed plan, called food and entertainment street, was approved. The only component that needs attention from the citizens' point of view is the climate comfort issues. In this street, the average of calculated satisfaction is lower than the set average of 3, and its significant level was calculated at 0.10. The Friedman test is a suitable tool for identifying the prioritization of environmental components by citizens and guides city managers in diagnosing problems and providing solutions according to the real needs of users. Users' priority of the qualities presented in the trial project includes social qualities, functional- physical qualities, managerial qualities, and environmental qualities. Finally, with 79.2% of the votes, the citizens consider Ferdowsi Street a suitable platform for implementing the food and entertainment street. With 67.9% of the votes, they declare they welcome the proposed project if the plan continues. This shows that the food and entertainment street brand, in general, has recorded a positive image in the minds of users and citizens. In order to increase vitality in districts, such streets are needed for spending time .
