مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه



درنگی بر مفهوم علوم انسانی آلمانی (Geiteswissenschaft)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۹۴۹ تعداد دانلود : ۴۵۵
پرسش از چیستی علوم انسانی در ایران معاصر پرسشی زنده و پویاست. اینکه علوم انسانی به چه کار می آید؟ یا اینکه آیا علوم انسانی اصلاً باید به کاری بیاید؟ اینکه علوم انسانی با دین چه نسبتی دارد؟ و پرسش های بسیار دیگری اکنون میان صاحب نظران این حوزه در ایران ساری و جاری است. اما پرسش از چیستی علوم انسانی که از ابتدا یکی از پرسش های فلسفه علوم انسانی بوده است، خاستگاهی در آلمان قرن نوزدهم دارد. به همین دلیل، پرسش از چیستی علوم انسانی بی درنگ در خاستگاه این پرسش، ناتمام خواهد بود. در این مقاله تلاش خواهد شد تا در واژه Geisteswissenschaften، که معادل آلمانی علوم انسانی است، تدقیق بیشتری شود. در ابتدا نشان خواهیم داد که ریشه این کلمه چیست و چه طنینی در زبان آلمانی دارد؟ پس از آن به این موضوع خواهیم پرداخت که این واژه در آلمانی چه مباحثی را پیش کشید؟ و متفکرانی مانند دیلتای و گادامر در این خصوص چه گفتند؟ پس از آن به ترجمه Geisteswissenschaften در انگلیسی و پیامدهای آن خواهیم پرداخت و در آخر تلاش می کنیم تا با مداقه در Humanitiesو Human Sciences  در انگلیسی، ربط و نسبت آن را با Geisteswissenschaftenنشان دهیم.

اعتباریات و علوم انسانی از منظر علامه طباطبایی(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: اعتباریات The conventional علوم انسانی humanities علامه طباطبایی Allamah Tabatabaei

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۸۰۴ تعداد دانلود : ۴۸۱
از جمله مباحث مبنایی فلسفه علوم انسانی، تعیین ماهیت مفاهیم و گزاره هایی است که در نظریه های این علوم به کار می روند. ماهیت این مفاهیم و گزاره ها بستگی تامّ به ماهیت موضوع این علوم دارد. علامه طباطبایی، به عنوان یکی از بارزترین متفکران اسلامی، عملاً به نظریه پردازی در برخی مسائل علوم انسانی دست یازیده اند. مطالعه رویکرد ایشان در این نظریه پردازی ها، خصوصاً در تفسیر شریف المیزان و همچنین دقت در قراینی که در نظریه اعتباریات ایشان وجود دارد، ما را به این امر رهنمون می کند که از منظر ایشان، موضوعات علوم انسانی به دو دسته عمده حقیقی و اعتباری قابل تقسیم اند؛ البته سهم عمده از آن موضوعات اعتباری اجتماعی است که کنشگران اجتماعی به نحو ذهنی خلق می کنند و بنابراین مفاهیم و گزاره های به کاررفته در نظریه های علوم انسانی، اغلب اعتباری می باشند که این امر تأثیر بارزی بر هدف و روش این علوم بر جای می گذارد؛ یعنی هدف از پژوهش را به فهم، تفسیر و انتقاد از وضع موجود و در ادامه به ترسیم نظامی آرمانی بسط می دهد و نیز روش تفهمی و تفسیری را قبل از تشکیل قیاس- البته به نحو جدلی- و نظریه پردازی در مورد این گونه موضوعات ضروری می گرداند. طرح این گونه مباحث درنهایت می تواند تا حدودی راه محققان را در مسیر پرسنگلاخ تولید علوم انسانی اسلامی هموار و شفاف گرداند تا اینکه در ازای موضوعات مختلف علوم انسانی، هدف و روش مناسب و صحیح را برگزینند.

Transcendent Wisdom Patterns for Political Science


کلیدواژه‌ها: Transcendent Philosophy Philosophical Patterns Political Science humanities Native Paradigm existence

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۴۰۴ تعداد دانلود : ۲۲۰
About whether Islamic philosophy can play a role in the production of humanities? There is a continuum of ideas that, on the one hand, are ideas that have neglected the role of Islamic philosophy in general. And on the other hand, there are ideas that incor-porate the teachings of Islamic philosophy into paradigmatic elements for the produc-tion of a new type of human science. In the meantime, the ideas emphasize the distinc-tive features of transcendental wisdom, such as the doctrine of the originality of exis-tence, the unity of existence, the imposition of existence and the essential movement among other branches of Islamic philosophy. But acknowledging the role of transcen-dental wisdom in directing humanities, it is clear that the teachings of transcendental wisdom do not directly relate to the humanities. The purpose of this paper is to show how the teachings of transcendental wisdom can influence the science of politics. The claim of this writing is that the teachings of transcendental wisdom constitute a series of philosophical models that, through the transposition of the teachings of transcendental wisdom and political science, make it possible for political science to benefit from tran-scendental wisdom. Examine the present claim through reference to the works of tran-scendental wisdom, and it becomes clear that the teachings of the transcendental wis-dom create philosophical patterns that, in turn, are used as the philosophical foundations of political science. The most important result of this article is the possibility of estab-lishing a science of politics based on the teachings of Transcendent Philosophy. The significance of this achievement for humanities can be used as a structural element in establishing a native paradigm in the humanities.

Humanizing Humanity: the Global Significance of the Humanities(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۱۸۵ تعداد دانلود : ۱۷۶
Humanities is the oldest area of study that revolves around the study of human beings, what makes us human and our historical development, and what we are expected to do. This discipline deals with human behavior, human nature, social and political values. Humanities comprise of various disciplines that include art, history, law, linguistics, philosophy, religious and ethics among others. All these subjects affect us as human beings and has an effect on our historical development as well as where we are headed to. Proper teaching of the humanities goes beyond learning the best way to write a sentence or how to draw a comparison between historical figures. In other words, if sciences represent the development of the mind, the humanities, as the name implies, exemplify the development of the human soul. In the current paper, the author discusses the crucial contribution of the humanities by exploring its actual meaning as well as its distinctive features.

Appraisal Resources in Book Reviews: A Study of Cross-Gender Variations(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Appraisal Theory Book Review humanities Gender Native writer

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۸۶ تعداد دانلود : ۱۹۵
Writing a book review is an instance of evaluative academic writing where the writer is involved in an interaction with the author and the reader, evaluates the viewpoints stated in the book and voices his own position and stance in a dialogue with the reader. Working within the framework of Martin and White’s (2005) Appraisal Theory as an effective tool for studying the essential resources employed in this interaction and evaluation, the present study examined 60 book reviews from the Humanities academic journals written by native male and female writers, and tried to investigate the type and frequency of the three Appraisal categories (Attitude, Engagement, Graduation). The findings indicate that both writer groups made extensive use of these resources in their writings. However, the male book review writers exceeded the female writers in all the three categories. In addition, the Attitude resources were used the most and The Engagement resources were the least employed resources. The implications of the study for teaching writing skills and developing materials and tasks for writing courses at academic levels are mentioned in detail

Identifying and Prioritizing the Dimensions and Components of Academic Entrepreneurship Development in the Field of Humanities(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۱۸۷ تعداد دانلود : ۲۱۸
The field of humanities is different from other fields in many aspects, therefore, in order to develop academic entrepreneurship in this field, we need its special model. In this article, two goals are pursued, first, the key components of the development of academic entrepreneurship are identified, and then we discuss the prioritization and influence of the dimensions on each other. This article is practical in terms of its purpose. After carrying out library studies, using the fuzzy Delphi method, we have identified the dimensions, and in the second step, we have used the Dematel method and the ranking of the components using the analytical network process (ANP) to find cause and effect relationships. Therefore, the components of the government's role, entrepreneurial culture, the educational structure and financial infrastructure of the penetrating (cause) and the components of the university structure, research and commercialization and the communication links under the influence (effect) are introduced. The first priority of university entrepreneurship development was entrepreneurial culture and in order expanded developmental periphery including research and commercialization, communication links, strengthened steering core including university structure, stimulated academic heartland includes educational structure, financial resources including financial infrastructure and the least important is the government component.

How to Face with Western Sciences Relying on the Humanities and the Extent of Benefiting from them with in the Approach of Ayatollah Misbah Yazdi(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Western Sciences humanities Misbah Yazdi

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۹۹ تعداد دانلود : ۱۳۴
SUBJECT AND OBJECTIVES : There are different theories about how to deal with western sciences, especially western humanities. From secular intellectuals who consider Western science and technology the only way to progress. As for others who believe that no golden leaf can be found in Western science and civilization that can be used. METHOD AND FINDING : The research method in this article is descriptive and analytical and of the library type. The findings indicate that from Ayatollah Mesbah's viewpoint, in the face of western science, damage has been done that should be avoided. Among these harms, we can mention the political and nationalist approach, self-defeating, eclecticism, and the adaptation of religion to Western science. The correct approach is western science and should be criticized and selected in this context. But for some reasons, the benefits of these sciences are minimal in most fields. especially the foundations and assumptions, rational and descriptive methodology and the normative aspect of human sciences; But the use of basic sciences, experimental sciences and experimental methodology can be maximized. CONCLUSION : According to Ayatollah Mesbah, western sciences can be used in general; But the extent of their application in different fields is not the same. A difference should be made between the foundations and methods and findings of science.

The Quranic Teachings Concerning Humanities and Social Sciences

کلیدواژه‌ها: the Qur’anic Social Teachings Human Universal Laws Social Sciences humanities Divine Traditions

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۸۴ تعداد دانلود : ۷۲
The Quranic teachings concerning humanities and social sciences have their own applications and significance. In fact, The Qur’an as a divine, revealed and comprehensive book has unique teachings for providing human mundane and spiritual happiness through giving applied and social teachings which are immortal, universal and global. It gives us many transcendent teachings regarding our understanding of ourselves, God, the world, the Day of Judgment and other social facts, and by introducing social laws, shape our social behavior and thinking. The Qur’an shows us the universal laws of happiness and adversity, the result of justice and oppression, developments and decline, victory and fall, and the result of social dealings. In addition, it helps us to recognize the mechanism of social events and the cause of social developments. By rethinking the Quranic teaching pertaining to the social life of human being, in this research, I try to show the importance of social aspects of the Qur’anic teachings and their importance and functions in human’s social life, hence we infer some social laws of the Qur’an which help us in developing social sciences and humanities. In fact, this research indicates the importance of understanding and using social teachings of the Qur’an in human life and related sciences in order to help social researchers to use them in their social investigations.