نقش جهان

نقش جهان

نقش جهان سال هفتم زمستان 1396 شماره 4 (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)



Improvement of Students' Satisfaction with Physical Factors in Educational Environments based on the Concepts of Quran Verses and Jurisprudential Narratives(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

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تعداد بازدید : ۵۹۲ تعداد دانلود : ۳۰۴
The physical conditions of the environment greatly affect the efficiency and effectiveness of individual and group learning. On the other hand, it is important to recognize the physical and mental needs of students based on the achievements of humanities and education in order to fit the educational spaces and coordinate the architecture of the space with their needs. Therefore, relying on the concepts of Quran verses and jurisprudential hadiths based on the necessity and importance of critter satisfaction is during the satisfaction of people and satisfaction of the Lord; in this research, we try to identify satisfaction as one of the factors affecting the quality of school architecture and take steps to improve and improve the situation. In addition to addressing the basic needs, qualitative considerations are also addressed. The present research, from the point of view of purpose, includes basic research and in terms of the nature is quantitative-qualitative research. The survey research method is used and the information which has been collected as a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods has been used and analyzed the relationships between variables. The statistical population of this study is high school students in Tehran. Multi-stage cluster sampling method was used for sampling. In order to measure the views of individuals, the table of purpose and content has been compiled based on studies and interviews with experts in the fields of education. Achievements show that five factors affecting satisfaction: 1) flexibility and spatial dimensions, 2) readability and accessibility, 3) beauty of space (Aesthetics), 4) environmental comfort, and 5) Territory and participation of people have been extracted. So what has been achieved is that, in order tosatisfy people

Landscape Perception Indicators Based on Islamic Aesthetics: Case Study: Qazvin, Iran(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۴۳ تعداد دانلود : ۲۵۸
The importance of aesthetics in perceiving urban landscape seems to be essential. Usually, the subject of aesthetics holds a position in ideas and viewpoints of philosophers. In Islamic perspective all the creatures are beautiful due to their connection to the creator of all the beauties. In this research, the subjects such as landscape perception, landscape aesthetics, perception in viewpoints of Iranian Islamic philosophers, and aesthetics in both Holly Quran and ideas of Iranian Islamic philosophers are surveyed and analyzed. The purpose of this paper is to obtain some answers for these two questions: what are aesthetics indicators in Islamic view? How is landscape perception explained by these indicators? This is descriptive-analytic research. The findings are that Islamic philosophers consider absolute beauty, God, as origin of all the beauties. On the other hand, Islamic philosophers are believed to be holistic, using atomistic approaches. In addition, consideration to both subjective and objective axes in landscape aesthetics is thought to be necessary. Finally, indicators and components of Islamic aesthetics are introduced and landscape perception is provided based on these indicators in two fields of sensory-visual and social perceptions according to three perceptual fields of sensory, imaginary, and rational. How is landscape perception explained by these indicators? This is descriptive-analytic research. The findings are that Islamic philosophers consider absolute beauty, God, as origin of all the beauties. On the other hand, Islamic philosophers are believed to be holistic, using atomistic approaches. In addition, consideration to both subjective and objective axes in landscape aesthetics is thought to be necessary. Finally, indicators and components of Islamic aesthetics are introduced and landscape perception is provided based on these indicators in two fields of sensory-visual and social perceptions according to three perceptual fields of sensory, imaginary, and rational.

Impacts of Islamic- Iranian Identity on Mental health outcomes in traditional houses(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

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تعداد بازدید : ۲۷۲ تعداد دانلود : ۴۱۶
Introduction: Nowadays, mental health of people has become a complex issue. So that the world health organization has proposed different solutions for health improvements. There has been an increase in mental disorders and depression in different communities and the importance of mental health has been neglected in many cases. It has been stated that social structure and culture play a fundamental role in the formation of some diseases such as depression and stress disorders. Therefore, further investigation is required for the relevance of the two important issues of mental health and culture. UNESCO defines culture “a set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of a society or a social group that in addition to art and literature, it encompasses lifestyles, ways of living together, value systems, traditions and beliefs.” Architecture's role in the expression of beliefs and culture, which are the expression of human identity, are believed to be an undeniable role. Therefore, the culture of any society, is the basis of the societies' architecture, in a way that it is the reflection of the community's culture. Iran's traditional architecture is the identity of faith, divine nature of goodness and deep passion. Given the link between mysticism and art in Iranian culture, the principles of Islamic art, especially architecture, influenced by the mystical dimension of Islam. Islamic civilization is based on peace and peaceful houses. According to the Quran, home is a place of rest and peace. So the first aim of building a house is to provide a place for human comfort. In recent years, with the change of lifestyles, the concept of home and residence has been changed. Therefore, the concept of home that was responsive to the needs of the life of human beings, has been changed as a mechanical product. This study endevours to exploit the principles of appropriate home from reliable sources such as Quran and Shi'a jurisprudence and investigate these principles in Iranian-Islamic traditional houses in order to reach a suitable guideline for contemporary houses with regards to Iranian-Islamic culture for mental health improvements of people. Literature review Mental health issue is less addressed in the researches and also there is not enough attention toward increasing mental health and stabilizing it. In most of the essays there are some sorts of solutions which are referring to a cure after happening this mental damage while, it is possible to figure out a solution for preventing this important modern issue which is preventable. Therefore, a sort of architecture which is connected to the life of people and also is a part of this life would have an undeniable effect on stabilizing the mental health. The cultural identity of the society could be considered as an important factor for the mental health of each person. Iranian-Islamic culture in contemporary houses are the most important issue in society needs mental peace and human separation from their culture leads to alienation from the original values of the community. One of the most important strategies in the design of contemporary architecture inspired by the principles of respect for the traditional homes of Iranian-Islamic culture that has defined the overall stability of international sustainability. Generally the features of Iranian culture, not only helps mental health but also helps the sustainability of architecture. According to Iranian culture, house is not just a shelter for residents, moreover, it should induce relaxation. The human sense of independence and external noise is not transmitted to the interior of the house.Traditional Islamic architecture reflects the enduring idea of archetype in the past, present and future through continuous image with timeless character wherein the act of creation on the part of some vast horizons disappear, to be together. Since sustainability has all the comprehensive features to meet the human, psychol

Comparative Study of architecture and landscape technologies in Charbagh Street in Safavid Era and Champs/Elysess Axis(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۰۲ تعداد دانلود : ۳۲۳
Iran has an arid climate which characterized by long, hot, dry summers and short, cool winters. Therefore, sunlight and its heating effects were important factors of Iranian architecture and gardens structural design. Textures and shapes were selected by architects to harness the light and supply a shadow in the summer. Water is very important in this climate, both in the architectural design and longevity of gardens. In addition to water, the plants in Iran had been particularly significant. In ancient civilization of Iran, plants have had special position. Supernatural powers that had been in trees such as life-giving, young giving, productivity and Immortality made them sacred for Ancient Iranian people. However, attending to supernatural power of plants was the importance reason that people regarded to plants and made some symbols such as “Life Tree” has income. In Zoroastrian religion books, more values have said about Supernatural cost of plants. Plants have a special value in Zoroastrian Fire Temples, religious ceremony and routine life. Therefore, garden and gardening were sacred for Iranian. The term Zoroastrianism is, in general usage, essentially synonymous with Mazdaism, have discovered dependent on Achaemenids Empire (559–330 BC) and there were in Pasargad. In the Islam tradition the garden as Paradise is, perhaps, even stronger, since the Quran (the central religious text of Islam) describes Heaven as a garden. Islam was spread to the Persians, and reciprocally the Muslims adopted the Persian style of garden. Therefore garden has been invaluable to Iranians. Persian Garden includes some types which one them is Garden City. Isfahan as the Capital of Safavid Dynasty has designed as a big garden according garden city model. Therefore, some solutions have used in urban design regarding Isfahan's arid climate. Safavid government followed the realization of cities ideal that rooted in Islamic beliefs and opinions. The investigations in historical perspective of Safavid cities indicates the importance of cities as the place for presence of symbols and signs. The Symbols which has remind as the ideological concepts, power of dominating government and also getting identity to the city. During the history of Safavid urban design, there were some direct and wide streets (Charbagh) which were the main factors of development and improvement of cities among urban functional and symbolic elements. In historical background of Isfahan garden city is pointed to construction of street (Charbagh) which has attracted the European tourists attention and it will investigate in this article. Initial section of this article is allocated to explain about historical background of Isfahan city in Safavid era and also Charbagh Street. Then this paper with emphasis on some historical documents and analytical studies, compares the Isfahan Charbagh Street with its similar sample in France (Champs-Elysées Street). The conclusion of this article indicates the similarity of Isfahan Charbagh Street and Champs-Elysées Street in some skeletal specifications and the way of formation. French Boulevards were constructed after Isfahan Charbagh in terms of time and they were formed after publishing itineraries and pictures of tourists from this place in Europe .

Iranian Islamic culture, an opportunity to promote quality of urban design projects’ implementation(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

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تعداد بازدید : ۲۰۰ تعداد دانلود : ۲۱۶
Iranian Islamic culture can be appointed as an opportunity to promote urban design projects’ quality of implementation. Every community’s cultural brief can be traced in its economical, social structure. Theoretical and practical principals of Islam religion in compound with cultural conditions could lead to some executive policies in different important arena such as economical, political and social. These can promote each countries development in different aspects. Urban design projects needs efficient, smart and keen observing management system to be implemented well. Complicated process of an urban design project can be fulfilled and delivered only in this condition. “Urban Design is a political and not a technical issue. The technical aspects are very simple. The difficult decisions relate to who is going to benefit from the models adopted”. ENRIQUE PENALOSA says. In Iran urban management system as the only permissive system for defining and ratifying urban design projects, has the main role to have these projects implemented. Municipalities as the most important external parable of urban management system must define the projects on the base of real scope of the city, for instance considering the environmental, infrastructural, social and economical conditions and capacities of a city. So you can predict a project as a feasible plan. Scrutinizing the main challenges of implementation of urban Design plans and the feasibility of them in Iran, some points can be mentioned such as; weaknesses of the quality of implementation, over length of the implementing process or even not finishing or abandoning a project, and in many cases providing several parallel plans for some specified subjects of urban design project. This condition leads to consuming so much time and expenses and other sources in vein. So the subject of plans feasibility in urban design, as a main part of urban design process, is considered not only un-negligible but also vital. Research method On the base of the researches done by the author, the organizational system of urban developing management, due to its important role of coordinating other Interfering factors in development of the city, can be identified as the most important and influencing factor of urban design implementation process. In this article for increasing the validity of results, several methods have been used for collecting data. Studying related law materials and urban design projects, interviewing urban managers and professionals and experts. The qualitative and quantitative data and facts which have been collected and analyzed and presented via different tablets and models tells us that urban management system due to its important role of coordinating other interfering factors in the process of physical development of the city is that important if you ignore it, you might lose the best opportunities to promote the urban public spaces quality. Via the capabilities of the knowledge of urban design as an effective tool our cities can turn into better places to live. Of course it depends on how well you interface the cultural context of the area that is to be designed. Not studying well about social and cultural context of a society not only leads to spending time and money in vein but also by spoiling the knowledge of urban design and its policies for developing some area of a city can lead to a mall urban design project that ruins the townscape. Consequently people in this situation are unsatisfied with their cities decision makers and everyone who is concerned with the problem. In this condition the city managers would lose their social supports for the other coming projects. Defining the Problem Achieving good urban space is based on handling good urban design that is based on how deep we think about and how serious we take the procedural aspects of this interdisciplinary knowledge- profession. According to Lang (1994) a complete urban design process includes five steps; 1- intelligence

Investigating the interactions of Islamic teachings affecting Airport Design(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

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تعداد بازدید : ۲۱۹ تعداد دانلود : ۱۹۵
Introduction Designed according to the principles of the Iranian Islamic architecture in the world do not have many samples. Western culture influenced modern architecture and has little respect to the culture and customs of Iranians. Be careful in places design like airports is very important in a place that a large number of passengers every day. This research is a descriptive study and information gathering tool has been library tool and Tried to influence elements of Islamic-Iranian architecture in the design of an airport. In today's world in which the technology speaks first prior to everything, the shortage of time and the need for speeding works is clear for everyone. It must be accepted that the need for a high speed in transportation category can be important and discussible more than anything. Regarding the airplane as the fastest vehicle in today's world leads us to the space for accessing the airplane, i.e. the airport. irport terminals are buildings, which were considered as main arrivals and departures gates of the cities. And its main users are temporary and the building serves them as a pathway. This space is a perfect platform for the creation of a permanent mental and memorable space at the beginning of an entrance to a city or a country. In addition to the important issue of the performance in airport designing, paying attention to the combination between space, form, structure and light in this building plays an important role in designing. Regarding the optimum consumption of the energy and strategies for the sake of reducing greenhouse gases and supplying the complex energy by itself and regarding the modern technology, it is necessary to definitely equip an advanced airport complex to smart materials. Therefore, regarding the mentioned items, an architect can provide convenience for passengers with proper designing and easily guide them to their objectives. Airports are a collection of different plants and equipment has been made to provide facilities for handling and air transport. As maritime transport requires port, the airport can also be likened to the air port that is required for air transportation. In places such as airports, that all passengers must be attend at least an hour early, and in many cases different reasons caused delays for passengers, it is essential to reduce psychological pressure work with a variety of solutions(Factors and solutions to improve). In an airport environment, many factors can be taken into account that can be suitable environment, away from stress and mental tension designed. In an airport environment, many factors can be considered with the help of those factors; it can be suitable environment away from stress and mental tension designed. Passengers expect a comfortable and charming terminal facilities and the behavior be effective, acceptable and done without wasting time. For this reason, the design of passenger terminal must be functional and beautiful architecture. Iranian architecture has architectural features that in compare with other countries has particular value: features such as proportional design, accurate calculations, the correct form of coverage, compliance with technical and scientific issues in the building, high balconies, tall columns and the various decorations that each of which in simplicity represents the magnificent architecture of this land . Ecological, ethnic and cultural type causes of human construction are very diverse in the area of housing and other buildings in our country. Discussion and Conclusion The use of different materials, different styles, very much functions of a building that still remains in our country many old houses. It seems knowing what we have in the past and recognize the principles and standards of our traditional architecture and give them a body language, pave the way to achieve what is intended, and it is the responsibility of individual architects to refer to original sources and valuable examples. The pri

The Role of Space for Religious Ceremonies in the City with an Emphasis on Muharram Ceremonies (Case Study: Timcheh Mozafariye, Tabriz Bazzar-Iran)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۵۸ تعداد دانلود : ۲۴۹
Nowadays the issue is that most Islamic traditions have been neglected in the society. The influence of theological and religious values on the construction and development of urban spaces are much more important. In the present study an attempt was made in order to define the Islamic city and its requirements and investigate the role of spaces related to rituals and religious ceremonies held in commemoration of Muharram through a case study of Timcheh Mozaffarieh in Tabriz Baazar. In investigating the theoretical way of study is a descriptive-analytical method and for the sample survey-analysis was applied. Data collection was done through interviewing the experts and scholars in religion, library study of the theories and definitions on the subject and field study (questionnaire). In the studied case (Timcheh Mozaffarieh in Tabriz Baazar) it was also observed that many people from most of the groups (people participating in ceremonies, businessmen in downstairs of Timcheh, businessmen in upstairs of Timcheh, heads of mourning groups, Islamic Development Staff and police) agree upon holding the five-day mourning ceremony in Timcheh Mozaffarieh in Tabriz Baazar despite of some problems, since it has been held there for about a century and transferring it to another place will damage its glory. The reason we have observed in the obtained results and findings is the sense of belonging and attachment to this place after years of holding many ceremonies in this place and the memories people have of it in their minds which are part of their lives. Another reason is the identity that holding Muharram ceremonies have given to this place through all these years. Therefore, identity along with memorable and repeatable events reinforces the potential of this place. According to the obtained results, most of people in 5 groups (people participating in ceremonies, businessmen in downstairs of Timcheh, businessmen in upstairs of Timcheh, heads of mourning groups, Islamic Development Staff and police) have agreed upon holding Ashura and Tasua mourning ceremonies in Timcheh Mozaffarieh in Tabriz Bazar which gives a special identity and fame to this place, and provides a sense of belonging to it. However, there are some problems in holding these ceremonies and an attempt was made to solve them by studying the problems and suggesting some solutions and also try to maintain the originality and durability of this precious place, which is due to holding special rituals and mourning ceremonies in Muharram, by inviting participants in these ceremonies, heads of mourning groups and businessmen in Timcheh to help.


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