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هدف این مقاله، تحلیل میزان اثرگذاری متقابل عوامل داخلی و خارجی توسعه پایدار در مناطق آزاد ایران است. شناسایی مهم ترین عوامل داخلی موثر بر مقرون به صرفه شدن بهبود عوامل خارجی و برعکس مد نظر است. برای این منظور، ارتباطات عوامل داخلی و خارجی توسعه پایدار در مناطق آزاد ایران از طریق تحلیل ساختار همبستگی میان آنها بررسی و تحلیل می شود. داده ها بر اساس پرسشنامه ای از عوامل داخلی و خارجی جمع آوری شدند. سپس از روش تحلیل همبستگی کانونی، روابط میان متغیرهای کانونی با عوامل داخلی و خارجی توسعه پایدار شناسایی و ضرایب همبستگی کانونی، بارهای عاملی، بارهای عاملی متقاطع کانونی و نیز نسبت واریانس تبیین شده عوامل داخلی و خارجی با متغیرهای کانونی تحلیل و تفسیر می شوند. یافته ها همبستگی کانونی بین عوامل داخلی و خارجی را نشان می دهند. سه تابع کانونی از چهار تابع کانونی حاصل معنادار می باشند. به علاوه، مطابق نتایج، هر دو دسته متغیرهای کانونی، همبستگی معناداری با عوامل متناظر دارند. حدود نیمی از مجموع واریانس های عوامل خارجی متغیرهای کانونی با عوامل داخلی تبیین می شود. در نقطه مقابل، بخش قابل توجهی از مجموع واریانس های عوامل داخلی مذکور عوامل خارجی را پوشش می دهند. مطابق تحلیل همبستگی کانونی، عوامل داخلی «رفاه و خدمات» و خارجی «فرهنگ سازی» بیشترین همبستگی را با هر دو دسته متغیرهای کانونی مربوط دارند.

Analyzing the internal and external factors of sustainable development of free trade-industrial zones of Iran

Introduction The article’s aim is to analyze the interaction of internal and external factors of sustainable development in the free zones of Iran. In other words, identifying the most important internal factors affecting the improvement of external factors and vice versa is considered. For this purpose, the relationships between internal and external factors of sustainable development in the free zones of Iran are analyzed through the analysis of the correlation structure between them. For the success of organizations in a dynamic and changing environment, managers must strive to improve processes and sustainability. Also, in the process of sustainable development, the impact of internal and external factors of sustainability should be examined and analyzed. Based on the importance of free zones in the country's economy, the issue of sustainable development of these zones needs to be considered from different angles and using scientific methods. Given that the multiple relationships between internal and external factors and the direct relationship between internal and external factors, the sustainable development of free zones has not been done with each other, and closing this gap is a necessity. Because, external factors of sustainable development are not within the authority of free zones and depend on organizations, companies and communities. Neglecting the impact of these factors on domestic factors can lead to more costs in achieving sustainable development of free zones. For this purpose, in this study, the relationships between internal and external factors are examined and analyzed to finally achieve sustainable development of free zones based on accurate information and analysis of various aspects to achieve the best achievement at the lowest cost in sustainable development of these zones. Methodology The main method is the canonical correlation analysis method. Using questionnaires containing questions related to internal and external indicators, which are prepared in the form of a five-point Likert option, experts answer it in an online survey. The collected data from internal and external factor questionnaires are analyzed using SPSS 24 software. Then, canonical correlation analysis is performed to study the correlation between internal and external factors of sustainable development of free zones. This canonical correlation is made for the study between two data sets that include seven internal factors in the first set and four external factors in the second set. The statistical population of this study consists of specialists and professors of Payame Noor University and 184 randomly selected statistical sample participated. Results and Discussion After performing the canonical correlation analysis method, the findings related to the correlation between canonical variables, the proportion of variance of internal and external factors explained by the first and second set canonical variables, canonical factor loads, and canonical cross-factor loads were obtained. The results, based on the Fisher test show that the correlation of three pairs of canonical variables among the four possible pairs is confirmed at the significance level of 0.05. The correlation of the first canonical pair is equal to 0.994 with a specific value of 9.039. Also, the correlations of the second and the third canonical pair are equal to 0.705 and 0.659, respectively, with special values of 0.989 and 0.767. The calculated values show that 90, 49.7 and 43.4% of the variance in the canonical variables related to external (internal) factors are explained by the canonical variables related to internal (external) factors, respectively. The set of canonical variables related to internal factors represents 65.9% of the sample dispersion of the sample of internal factors, while the three identified canonical variables related to external factors cover 93% of the sample dispersion of the sample of external factors. Also, the proportion of variance of the canonical variables of the first group to the total dispersion of the four external factors was equal to 46.3%, while 69.3% of the variance of the seven internal factors is explained by the canonical measures of the second set. Conclusion The results show that the proportion of variance in the set of internal factors that is explained by the canonical variables of the first set is less than the proportion of variance identified in the set of external factors that is explained by the canonical variables of the second set. Also, the proportion of variance of the four external factors explained by the canonical variables of the first set is less than the proportion of variance of the seven internal factors covered by the canonical variables of the second set. Based on the calculated factor load values, it was shown that the canonical variables of the first set generally have significant factor loads with all internal factors, including 1) welfare and services, 2) support and regulation, 3) pollution control, 4) protection and prevention 5) Productivity, 6) green operation and 7) infrastructure and facilities. Similarly, it was observed that the values of the factor load of the second set, canonical variables on all four external factors, including 1) culture building, 2) environmental measures, 3) knowledge and communication, and 4) local community support are significant. In this context, the internal factors of "welfare and services" and the external factors of "culturalization" have the most factor factors with the canonical variables of the first and second categories, respectively. The calculated values for cross-factor loads showed that changes in the four internal factors "welfare and services", "support and regulation", "green operation" and "infrastructure and facilities" will have the greatest effect on canonical variables derived from external factors. In addition, cross-factor loads are significant for all external factors other than "knowledge and communication", the largest of which is related to the "culture-building" factor. In general conclusion, it can be said that internal and external factors of sustainable development of free zones significantly affect each other.
