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در این پژوهش، به فرایند شکل گیری چالش های خانوادگی و راهبردهای رایج بین زوجین ناهمسان مذهب و پیامدهای آن در خانواده، با روش شناسی کیفی و نظریه زمینه ای توجه و سپس مسائل آن واکاوی شده است. برای جمع آوری اطلاعات، با 29 نفر از زوجین ناهمسان مذهب در استان سیستان و بلوچستان با روش نمونه گیری نظری، مصاحبه عمیق و نیمه ساختار یافته انجام شد. داده ها طی سه مرحله کدگذاری و تحلیل شد. یافته های پژوهش نشان داد «ازدواج پرخطر و ناهمسان همسری مذهبی»، شرط علی پدیده محوری «خانواده ناهمگون و تضادهای خانوادگی» است که همراه با شرایط زمینه ای «تعاملات غیر مسالمت آمیز خانوادگی در فضای متعصبانه» و وضعیت مداخله گر «تعارض مذهبی و قومیتی زوجین و تعاملات غیر تفاهم آمیز»، موجب راهبردهایی نظیر «ناسازگاری زوجین و زیست تنش زا» در زوجین ناهمسان مذهب و به پیامد «نارضایتی از زندگی ناهموار و ناآرام» ختم می شود.

Religious Heterogeneity and Family Challenges: A study of the Contextual Theory of Couples in Sistan and Baluchistan Province

Introduction According to Mathis Kalmin, the question of "what makes intergroup marriage important from a sociological point of view" lies in its inherent dynamics: intergroup marriage does not merely reflect the boundaries that currently separate groups in the society, but also has the potential of cultural, social, and economic changes". (Rodriguezgarcia, 2015:25). Sistan and Baluchistan Province is one of the southern provinces of the country, which has a diverse ethnic and religious structure. From the distant past until now, there has been inter-group marriage among the different ethnic and religous groups and in this province. Today, due to the social, political, and cultural changes inside and outside the country, this issue has become more intense and important. Since ethnic and religious divisions in themselves have the potential to create and intensify social conflicts, inter-group marriages can be effective in reducing and adjusting these conflicts. Due to inter-group marriages, the absorption and integration of groups within each other are accelerated and cultural and social cohesions increase.     Materials & Methods This research sought to analyze the semantic system of religiously different couples living together in Sistan and Baluchistan Province. Due to the sensitivity of the situation of the studied society and acquisition of deep and real information from qualitative research, in addition to discovering a conceptual model of this process based on the participants' points of view, the grounded theory methodology was used. In fact, the researcher sought to create a theory by examining and studying those, who were involved in similar action or interaction processes (Strauss & Corbin, 1999). To select the participants from different parts of Sistan and Baluchistan Province and due to the restriction of religious heterosexual marriage and lack of easy access, a targeted sampling method was firstly utilized. The selection criteria of the participants were based on the different religions of the couples living in Sistan and Baluchistan Province and their other differences and dissatisfaction with their married lives. In this research, the couples, who differed based on the type of religion in Islam, were selected in a way that one of them was Sunni and the other was Shia. The couples’ qualities of married life were determined by asking them to express their opinions about the following issues at the beginning of the interviews: satisfaction of married life with the spouse, feeling of regret for marrying a person of a different religion and recommendation of this form of marriage to others (for example, how is the relationship between you and your spouse now? What advice do you have for a girl and a boy, who want to get married in a similar way? Why do you want to marry a person of another religion? Have you ever regretted marrying your wife and why?). In case of expressing dissatisfaction and regret and disagreement with the spouse, more exploratory questions were asked (for instance, Describe your experience of being married to a person with another religion? What was your biggest disagreement during this period of your life? What happened when a disagreement occurred? How was it resolved? What were the circumstances that led to the disagreement? What consequences do you think marriage with a person with another religion has?). After analysis and classification of the interviews and comparison of their categories, the theoretical sampling was applied to complete the conceptual model.   Discussion of Results & Conclusion  Despite the predominance of consanguineous marriage in Iran (Hashmi et al., 2013), the different forms of non-consanguineous marriages are especially observed in Sistan and Baluchistan Province as a province with a diverse cultural context. Due to the expansion of social dynamics and interactions in the modern world and the clash of different cultures with each other, the possibility of the formation of heterosexual ways of marriage in societies increases. What is important is that the regulations within the family are not the same among different social and cultural groups and marriage between two different cultures may lead to conflicts and family tensions in the absence of suitable contexts. Family conflict is different from other forms of conflicts because the family context is more compatible with the idea of unity and coherence, as well as completeness of relationships and close ties. The findings of the present research indicated that the couples under study experienced many family challenges and conflicts in the religious heterosexual family. The conflicts could range from a simple disagreement to acts of violence. People in the different religious families, who had been separated, experienced a different world with different feelings, meanings, paths, and lifestyles. In this way, the couples and their families faced many different challenges and consequences. The inappropriate and risky style of choosing a spouse causes family conflicts in the lives of couples of different religions. The most important factor that, if missing, can increase the family tensions of couples of different religions is non-peaceful and fanatical interactions in the family. In the context of society with cultural gaps, such as religious and ethnic conflicts, people desire for intra-group communications and inter-religious marriages can face many challenges. These challenges affect all family members, including husband, wife and children. It overshadows the quality of family interactions. This social process leads to family disintegration and finally couples and children’s dissatisfaction with their stressful life. Also, the religious heterogeneity of parents brings educational conflicts and mental turmoil to the family, especially to the children, which causes their distance and isolation according to the pluralistic point of view.
