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سلبریتی ها نقش مهمی در بازتولید رویه های زندگی روزمره و مناسک در قاب رسانه های جدید ایفا می کنند. سوگواری آنلاین یکی از ساحت هایی است که آنان در بازآرایی و رسانه ای کردن آن نقش ایفا می کنند. این مطالعه می کوشد با استفاده از تحلیل روایت مضمونی، چگونگی بازتولید سوگ در صفحات اینستاگرامی و ابعاد تجربه سوگواری آنلاین سلبریتی ها را واکاوی کند. به همین منظور، سه سلبریتی سوگوار (بهاره رهنما، نسیم ادبی و رضا صادقی) به صورت غیرتصادفی هدفمند انتخاب و پست های مرتبط با سوگواری آنان اعم از متن، ویدیو، صوت و تصویر تحلیل شدند.تحلیل روایت نشان داد نمایش سوگ در رسانه های اجتماعی، صحنه اجرا را تا فضای زندگی خصوصی سلبریتی ها گسترش داده و مجال بیشتری برای بازتعریف هویت به مثابه فرد سوگوار فراهم کرده است. رهنما و ادبی از این فضا برای خود – برندسازی و صادقی برای برندینگ آثار خود بهره برده اند. همچنین مطالعه نشان داد سه سلبریتی خط روایتی متفاوتی را در پیش گرفته اند اما هر سه نفر به بازتولید مناسک مذهبی یا سنت در فضای آنلاین دست زده اند و از سوگواری برای تقویت پیوندهای اجتماعی خود (با اشخاص مهم و هواداران) استفاده کرده اند.

Celebrity culture and presentation of mourning on new media Narrative analysis of Bahareh Rahnama, Nasim Adabi and Reza Sadeghi's Instagram Pages

With the ever-increasing mediatization of social life areas, being seen and attracting attention has gained the highest value, and all tools have been used to represent the “self” (Marwick, 2012).  Celebrities have also found the possibility to live in front of their fans and share many events of their daily life with them on social media. According to Goffman, the "scene" of everyday life is ready for the performance (Goffman, 2019) and social media can expand this field even more. Among social media platforms, Instagram has been widely used by users, including celebrities, due to its special features, such as being image-oriented, easy to use, and available as a mobile application.On Instagram, celebrities have the opportunity to share thanatologic subjects like death, loss, and bereavement as well as other aspects of their daily lives. Thus they share their experiences of joys, sorrows, achievements, positive and negative emotions, emotional attachments, and losses with their fans and present pieces of it on this stage. For this reason, it is important to study the online actions of celebrities and their interactions with the fans. ObjectiveTo analyze the behavior of Iranian celebrities in the social networks, the authors of this paper chose "mourning" -which is one of the most sensitive and upsetting human experiences- as the subject of their study. That’s based on this fact that the mourning mediated through social networks has a visual and narrative character in which people carry out the ceremonies related to the deceased person completely in the media and through the media (Gibson, 2007).This study seeks to find out from what angles celebrities express the experience of "lack" on their Instagram page. Mourning means a normal reaction to the loss of a loved one which sometimes involves grave departures from the normal attitude to life (Freud, 2012). This inevitably manifests in mourning rituals, speech, non-verbal communication, and all of the actions of the grieving person. The important questions are as follows: how celebrities bring their mourning to the stage on their Instagram page, what dimensions they give to their mourning, and how they interact with their followers about this loss? Research MethodThe authors of this article first compiled a list of bereaved celebrities and reviewed their Instagram posts about their bereavement from April 2020 to the time the research began (January 2022). Finally, using targeted non-random sampling method, among the observed celebrities, three were chosen for deeper investigation. In addition to the high number and variety of audiences, the basis for selecting these three people was the variety of text and image posts and related hashtags, as well as greater narrative coherence of the posts. All of the related Instagram, from the beginning to the time of the research, were extracted and analyzed using the Van Dijk model. In this research, a bereaved celebrity is someone who has lost a close family member or close friend and a celebrity is a famous person in the real/non-virtual world, who has also a significant number of followers in the virtual world.To ensure the reliability of this study, all its methodological details -including the sampling method and its selection logic- the data collection method, and the data analysis method were described. Both researchers participated in the data analysis and reviewed each other's views. Also to ensure the validity of this study, both authors were present and participated in the entire research process. In this study, in order to document the analysis, evidences from Instagram posts were brought many times and an attempt was made to analyze the findings with the presentation of evidences.FindingsThe main question of the study is as follows: how celebrities express the experience of "lack" on their Instagram page? In this study, three celebrities offer us three different narratives. Nasim Adabi's narrative is in sync with the natural pace of mourning: bewilderment, acceptance, and continuation of life and this psychological ups and downs can also be followed in the themes raised in the posts. In Rahnama's narrative, mourning does not go through its natural cycle; It turns into repeated small cycles. Father is not dead. He continues to live on the virtual stage, and the course of mourning for his death is interrupted before it is complete, returning to the starting point to serve the performance of a show that is supposed to be on the stage for a long time. In the narrative of Reza Sadeghi, the usual mourning process is not seen from the beginning to the end. What can be seen are repetitive, unvaried, and monotonous strategies, with an audience-friendly and populist language which is full of repetitive, passionate sad words and themes, with the label of mourning. The deceased is a mediator for the mourner's voice to be heard. In fact, the deceased cooperates with the mourner in promoting his music and reproducing his identity and helping him become more visible. ConclusionThe common point of this study and some other studies mentioned in this paper is the stage that mourning provides to celebrities to represent themselves. This allows the celebrity to turn this stage into a new arena to construct a new dimension of his identity as a bereaved person. Celebrities play an important role in the creation of new rituals in the online world, and the mourning of celebrities can become rituals of the online world - rituals with the presence of the deceased who continue to live in the virtual world and the ordinary users who want the continuation of the life of these deceased in the online world. In this way, ordinary users borrow online expressions of mourning from bereaved celebrities, and as a result, the online mourning experience of ordinary users may become even more dramatic than before. Of course, the mourning of celebrities is more glamorous, but this stage has provided an arena for the identification and mourning of ordinary users at a lower level.
