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کنش گفتاری یا کارگفت از نظریات زبان شناسی و فلسفی کاربردشناسی زبان به شمار می آید. در این نظریه ، کاربرد افعال در ساختار گفت وگویی با توجه به موقعیت کلام و ارتباط های اجتماعی بررسی و واکاوی می شود. روایت منطق الطیر نیز با توجه به اینکه متن داستانی شاخصی در زمینه ی گفتمان روایی است، بر پایه ی گفت وگوها پیش رفته و روایت آن در پیوند با ساختار معنایی افعال و جملات گفت وگویی، با کنش گفتاری تلاقی می یابد و در ساختار نظام دهنده ی داستان یا روایت کلی آن بررسی می شود، چنان که معنای افعال در کنش گفتاری و در مسیر القای مفهومی خاص در هنگام کارکرد فعل بازیابی می گردد. هدف پژوهش حاضر، تحلیل افعال و بافت موقعیتی پاره گفتارهای منطق الطیر با توجه به شاخصه های نظریه ی کنش گفتاری است و در پی پاسخ دادن به این پرسش است که گفت وگوهای هدهد و پرندگان قابلیت بررسی بر پایه ی پنج گونه کنش گفتاری دارد یا خیر. این پژوهش به روش تحلیلی و آماری، کنش گفتاری افعال را در پیشبرد گفتمان روایی منطق الطیر و با توجه به بررسی پنج گونه کنش گفتاری «گفت وگوهای هدهد و پرندگان» مطرح می کند و نشان می دهد که نوع کنش گفتاری اظهاری (توصیفی) در گفت وگوهای مذکور، کارکرد اجرایی بیشتری داشته و دیگر کنش های گفتاری موردبحث در سایه ی این گونه تحقق یافته اند؛ هرچند کنش عاطفی پرندگان و کنش ترغیبی افعال هدهد نیز درجهت گفتمان روایی و بافت موقعیتی ساختار جملات نقش برجسته ای داشته اند.

Study and analysis Attar’s Mantegh-o-Teyr Speech Acts in Advancing Narration with Emphasis on John R Searle’s Theory

Dr. Manouchehr Tashkori Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz Nasrin Gobanchi PhD student in Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Chamran University Ahvaz Introduction Speech act is considered as one of the linguistic and philosophical theories of language application. In this theory, the application of verbs in the structure of conversation is examined and analyzed according to the situation of speech and social relations.On the other hand, the narration of Mantegh-o-Teyr, considering that it's anindicator narrative text in the field of narrative discourse, is based on dialogues, and its narration intersects with the speech act in connection with the semantic structure of dialogic verbs and sentences and is examined in the systematizing structure of the story or its overall narrative. Speech act theory is one of the most important theories in the use of words and sentences. In this theory, the way of functioning, system and rules of dialogues, words and sentences in the syntactic and semantic structure are examined and the regularity of sentences and practical expressions in thematic and executive actions are also considered. The theory of speech action, first developed by John Austin and later by his student John Searle, nurtured, matured, and categorized it directly and indirectly into the five categories of "descriptive, persuasive, Commitment, declaration and emotion." Research method, background and purpose The research is descriptive-analytical and is based on library sources. After analyzing the dialogues based on spoken verbs and paying attention to Searle's theory of speech action and speech events, the authors analyze the situational verbs and contextual contexts of Mantegh-o-Teyr according to the characteristics of this theory, five speech acts; Declarative, persuasive, emotional, declarative and commitment and their implementation are statistically discussed. Regarding to the background of this research, it should be said that various researches have been done on speech act in some poems; Such as "Serl's speech act and its connection with gender and social status in Garshasbnameh" by Maryam Jalali and MasoumehSadeghi (2016), "Attar Mantegh-o-Teyrand Conversational Logic" by Ahmad Razi and Mohsen BatlabAkbarabadi (2010) alsothearticle "Analysis of the Narrative Structure of Attar's Poems" by BatlabAkbarabadi and Razi (2012) and the article "A Study of Adaptation in the Narration of Persian and Arabic treatise of Birds from the Perspective of the Connection of John Searle's Theory of Speech Action and More" Gerard Genette Text (1399) by Samira Shafiei. The aim of this study is to analyze the verbs and situational context of the dialects of Mantegh-o-Teyraccording to the characteristics of speech act theory. Discussion Speechact of verbs in Attar'sMantegh-o-Teyr Attar expresses his pure and symbolic mystical thoughts in a narrative structure and in an allegorical way, in the form of long poems using dialogues between birds and birds, or a third-person narrative (poet) or anecdotes quoted from Hudhud has mentioned it in the form of a story. He introduces the main narrative in the dialogue between the hooded and the birds, in which questions and answers are exchanged and the type of speech acts of both is expressed as direct or indirect expressive acts. According to Searle's theory of speech act, Attar and Hudhud or birds or sub-narratives (anecdotes and allegories), spoken verbs or thematic verbs in speech are more implicitly expressed by executive action,which in Attar's narrative have a declarative (descriptive) state and in Hudhud's narration they contain more declarative or persuasive speech action (warning or suggestion), but the birds's narrative is more declarative and emotional and the sub-narratives are more descriptive. . Hudhud's speech act in Mantegh-o-Teyr Hudhud's speech act in expressing the valleys, answering the birds' excuses, conversations, ane
