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تعیین نوع رابطه بین مؤلفه های مختلف فرسایش خاک می تواند اطلاعات کامل تری از نحوه عملکرد این مؤلفه ها در حوضه های آبخیز مختلف و در کاربری های متفاوت ایجاد کند. در این تحقیق به منظور تعیین نوع رابطه بین مؤلفه های مختلف فرسایش در کاربری های مختلف نهشته های سازند گچساران، بخشی از حوضه آبخیز کوه گچ شهرستان ایذه با مساحت 1202 هکتار انتخاب گردید. در این تحقیق با استفاده از رگرسیون تک متغیره نوع روابط بین رسوب – رواناب، رسوب – نفوذ، رسوب – شروع آستانه رواناب و فرسایش، رواناب – نفوذ، رواناب – شروع آستانه رواناب و فرسایش، نفوذ – شروع آستانه رواناب و فرسایش تعیین شدند و همچنین به بررسی میزان ارتباط بین آن ها نیز پرداخته شد. نمونه برداری مؤلفه های مختلف فرسایش خاک در 6 نقطه و با 3 تکرار و درشدت های مختلف بارش 75/0، 1 و 25/1 میلی متر در دقیقه در سه کاربری مرتع، منطقه مسکونی و اراضی کشاورزی به کمک دستگاه شبیه ساز باران انجام شد. به منظور انجام تحلیل های آماری از نرم افزار SPSS و EXCEL استفاده گردید. نتایج نشان داد که به طورکلی درشدت 75/0 میلی متر در دقیقه در هر سه کاربری مرتع، کشاورزی و مسکونی و در ارتباط بین همه مؤلفه های مختلف فرسایش خاک در هفت مورد رابطه مثبت و در یازده مورد رابطه منفی وجود دارد و درشدت 1 میلی متر در دقیقه در هر سه کاربری مرتع، کشاورزی و مسکونی و در ارتباط بین همه مؤلفه های مختلف فرسایش خاک در هفت مورد رابطه مثبت و در یازده مورد رابطه منفی وجود دارد و درشدت 25/1 میلی متر در دقیقه در هر سه کاربری مرتع، کشاورزی و مسکونی و در ارتباط بین همه مؤلفه های مختلف فرسایش خاک در هشت مورد رابطه مثبت و در ده مورد رابطه منفی وجود دارد.

Determining the relationship type between different components of soil erosion using rain simulator in Gachsaran Formation

Determining the type of relationship between different components of soil erosion can provide more complete information about the performance of these components in different watersheds and land uses. In this study, in order to determine the type of relationship between different components of soil erosion in different land uses of Gachsaran Formation deposits, a part of Kuhe Gach watershed with an area of 1202 hectares was selected. In this study, using univariate regression, the type of relationships between sediment - runoff, sediment - infiltration, sediment - runoff and erosion threshold, runoff - infiltration, runoff - runoff and erosion threshold, infiltration - runoff and erosion threshold were determined and also, the relationship between them was also examined. Sampling of erosion different components at 6 points with 3 replicates and at different rainfall intensities of 0.75, 1 and 1.25 mm/min in three land uses of the range, residential area and agricultural lands using a rain simulator was performed. SPSS and EXCEL software were used for statistical analysis. The results showed that in general in the intensity of 0.75 mm/min in all three land uses, range, agricultural and residential and in the relationship between all the different components of soil erosion in seven cases, there is a positive relationship and in eleven cases, there is a negative relationship. And at an intensity of 1 mm/min in all three rang, agricultural and residential land uses and in the relationship between all the different components of soil erosion in seven cases, there is a positive relationship and in eleven cases, there is a negative relationship. And at an intensity of 1.25 mm/min in all three uses of the range, agricultural and residential land uses and in the relationship between all the different components of soil erosion in eight cases, there is a positive relationship and in ten cases, a negative relationship. Extend ed Abstract Introduction Determining the type of relationship between different components of soil erosion can provide more complete information about the performance of these components in different watersheds and land uses. Soil erosion is known as earth cancer due to its intensifying properties and apparent or hidden environmental and social multilateral effects. Preventing soil erosion is vital and necessary to preserve valuable natural wealth. Investigation of runoff and sediment production is one of the main and important processes of soil erosion and loss that it seems necessary to be aware of the characteristics affecting it. Runoff and sediment production due to water erosion depends on factors such as soil texture, building and soil infiltration and rainfall characteristics. Erosion component is an element or component of erosion processes that without having them cannot be analyzed erosion process. By measuring the various components of soil erosion and the relationship between them, in addition to proper analysis of the erosion process, an appropriate understanding of this process and proper evaluation of it can be found. This research provides useful and valuable work to better understand soil erosion processes in the desired watershed and also to provide deeper research in various other basins.   Methodology In this study, in order to determine the type of relationship between different components of soil erosion in different land uses of Gachsaran Formation deposits, a part of Kuhe Gach watershed with an area of ​​1202 hectares was selected. In this study, using univariate regression, the type of relationships between sediment - runoff, sediment - infiltration, sediment - runoff and erosion threshold, runoff - infiltration, runoff - runoff and erosion threshold, infiltration - runoff and erosion threshold were determined and also, the relationship between them was also examined. Sampling of erosion different components at 6 points with 3 replicates and at different rainfall intensities of 0.75, 1 and 1.25 mm/min in three land uses of the range, residential area and agricultural lands using a rain simulator was performed. SPSS and EXCEL software were used for statistical analysis. This rain simulator is suitable for determining the soil erosion characteristics, runoff, water infiltration and soil researches and its use is a standard method for determining the runoff of surface deposits in the field. A total of 18 sediment samples, 18 runoff samples, 18 soil infiltration samples and 18 runoff and erosion threshold samples were performed. SPSS and EXCEL software were used to perform all statistical analyses and then the final models were determined using univariate regression.   Results and discussion The results showed that in general in the intensity of 0.75 mm/min in all three land uses, range, agricultural and residential and in the relationship between all the different components of soil erosion in seven cases, there is a positive relationship and in eleven cases, there is a negative relationship. And at an intensity of 1 mm/min in all three rang, agricultural and residential land uses and in the relationship between all the different components of soil erosion in seven cases, there is a positive relationship and in eleven cases, there is a negative relationship. And at an intensity of 1.25 mm/min in all three uses of the range, agricultural and residential land uses and in the relationship between all the different components of soil erosion in eight cases, there is a positive relationship and in ten cases, a negative relationship.   Conclusion The results of this study showed that erosion different components in Gachsaran Formation have very complex relationships and certainly each watershed has unique relationships in erosion different components.Therefore, with proper knowledge and understanding of the relationships between erosion different components in watersheds, can be reached a basic solution to reduce erosion in different basins. One of the most important reasons for failure in erosion is the lack of understanding of erosion different processes and the relationships that be created between them, which will ultimately lead to poor executive tasks that without being a treatment for erosion in watersheds will only increase the executive costs.   Funding Tarbiat Modares University   Authors' contributions Design, Methodology, Software, Investigation, Writing- Original Draft, Review & Editing, Visualization, Resources: Hamzeh saeediyan Project administration, Investigations, Resources, Supervision: Hamid reza Moradi   Conflicts of interest The authors declared no conflict of interest.   Acknowledgments We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.
