تحلیل عملکرد مدیریت شهری بر دسترسی شهروندان به خدمات رفاه اجتماعی؛ مطالعه موردی: محلات منطقه 18 شهر تهران (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
درجه علمی: نشریه علمی (وزارت علوم)
امروزه هدف مدیریت شهری، دستیابی عموم شهروندان به رفاه اجتماعی، یافتن چگونگی ارتقای سطح زندگی و راه های دریافت خدمات عمومی و در نهایت تأمین نیاز اساسی جامعه شهری است. هدف این پژوهش سنجش متغیرهای عملکرد مدیریت شهری در رابطه با دسترسی شهروندان به شاخص های رفاه اجتماعی در محلات منطقه 18 شهر تهران است. روش پژوهش، از نوع «تحلیل محتوا» و «پیمایشی» است. داده ها با استفاده از پرسش نامه گردآوری شده اند. برای تجزیه وتحلیل داده ها از نرم افزارهای SPSS, GIS استفاده شده است. بر اساس نتایج مدل تلفیقی میانگین رتبه ها در این پژوهش عملکرد مدیریت شهری و تأثیر آن بر میزان برخورداری از رفاه شهروندان با استفاده از مدل های تاپسیس، فازی، ویکور و WASPAS نشان داد که محلات بهداشت، ولیعصر شمالی، صاحب الزمان، ولیعصر جنوبی، در رتبه برخورداری، و محلات شهرک فردوس، شهرک امام خمینی، هفده شهریور، شهید رجایی در رده نیمه برخوردار از رفاه شهری و محلات یافت آباد، شمس آباد، در ردیف برخوردار کم و محلات خلیج فارس و صادقیه نیز در رتبه عدم برخورداری از رفاه شهری قرار می گیرند. اختلاف معناداری بالاتر از 05/0 بیانگر آن است که در محلات صادقیه با اختلاف میانگین 2/5-، خلیج فارس با اختلاف میانگین 88/4- و محله شمس آباد با اختلاف 83/4- بیشترین نارضایتی شهروندان به چشم می خورد. شاخص های بعد کالبدی در محلات موردمطالعه متفاوت است و در محلات بهداشت با اختلاف میانگین (27/0-) ولیعصر شمالی (32/0-)، صاحب الزمان (34/0-)، ولیعصر جنوبی (41/0-) با اختلاف کمتری و در سطح معناداری بالاتر از 05/0 بیانگر آن است که عملکرد مدیریت شهری در رفاه شهروندان بیشتر از محلات دیگر بوده است.Analysis of Urban Management Performance on Citizens' Access to Social Welfare Services the Case Study of Neighborhoods in Region 18 of Tehran City
Today, urban management aims to achieve social welfare for all citizens, to find ways to improve the standard of living and ways to receive public services, and finally to provide the basic needs of urban society. This research aims to measure the performance variables of urban management regarding citizens' access to social welfare indicators in the 18th district of Tehran. The research method is "content analysis" and "survey". Data were collected using a questionnaire. SPSS and GIS software were used for data analysis. Based on the results of the integrated model of the average ranks in this research, the performance of urban management and its effect on the level of welfare of citizens using TOPSIS, FAZI, VIKOR and WASPAS models showed that the health neighbourhoods, Valiasr North, Sahibulzaman, and Valiasr South are in the rank of enjoyment. The areas of Ferdous Town, Imam Khomeini Town, Hefdeh Shahrivar, and Shahid Rajaei are in the category of semi-enjoyed urban welfare. The neighbourhoods of Yaftabad, and Shamsabad, are in the category of low enjoyment, and the neighbourhoods of Khaleej Fars and Sadeghieh are also in the rank of not enjoying urban welfare. A significant difference higher than 0.05 indicates that in Sadeghieh neighbourhoods with an average difference of -5.2, Gulf of Fars with an average difference of -4.88, and Shamsabad neighbourhood with an average difference of -4.83, the most dissatisfaction of citizens is seen. The indicators of the physical dimensions are different in the studied localities and health localities with an average difference (-0.27), Northern Valiasr (-0.32), Sahibul Zaman (-0.34), Southern Valiasr (-0.41) with a smaller difference and At a significance level higher than 0.05, it indicates that the performance of urban management in the welfare of citizens has been more than other localities Extended Abstract Introduction Providing the welfare of citizens and other related services is one of the social rights of citizens which was considered in the 20th century, and that is why municipalities also seek the best quality in providing services to citizens. In recent years, the concept of social welfare has been seriously considered by sociologists, economists and other fields related to the development of the city and the quality of life. It can be said that social welfare provides the needs and desires of people in society. Therefore, urban management as the most important governing institution of the city that is directly related to the citizens should play its role in raising the welfare indicators of citizens. A role that urban management of region 18 of Tehran city should also play. The purpose of this study is to examine and measure the performance variables of urban management in relation to citizens' access to social welfare indicators, and to focus the attention of officials and urban planners on the indicators of social welfare in the study areas and to provide solutions in order to improve current problems by identifying and analyzing the performance, role and position of urban management in relation to citizens' access to social welfare. Methodology The method of the present research is analytical and comparative and its analysis is in the form of content and survey. The data collection method is a combination of library and survey methods in the form of questionnaires, interviews and observations. The library method was through the analysis of collecting documents, notes, tables and maps. In the survey method, direct observation, a questionnaire and face-to-face interviews with citizens were used. To determine the sample size in the study area, Cochran's method was used, based on which 384 questionnaires among the neighborhoods were distributed and the results entered into SPSS software. The studied neighborhoods were examined using four physical, socio-cultural, economic and environmental indicators in the form of 20 items. The obtained data were analyzed by statistical tests in SPSS software. Fuzzy Topsis, Vikor and WASPAS models were used in this study. Results and discussion In this study, the performance of urban management and its effect on the citizens' access to social welfare services were evaluated using Fuzzy TOPSIS, VIKOR and WASPAS models, and the results showed that the study neighborhoods obtained different rankings. The results of data analysis by fuzzy TOPSIS technique showed that the performance of urban management on urban welfare in the study areas was different. Aamong the neighborhoods in the study area, Behdasht (0.742), northern Valiasr (0.643), Sahib al-Zaman (0.589), southern Valiasr (0.563), are among the neighborhoods that the performance of urban management on the urban welfare of citizens has been evaluated positively. The results of the VIKOR method in the region 18 of Tehran city shows that among the neighborhoods of this region, two neighborhoods of Behdasht and Valiasr North are fully possessed of urban welfare (0.000) and four neighborhoods of Sahib Al-Zaman (0.496), Valiasr South (0.371), Imam Khomeini (0.518), and Ferdows (0.552) are partly possessed of urban welfare and four neighborhoods of 17 Shahrivar (0.721), Shahid Rajaei (0.614), Yaftabad (0.889) and Shams abad (0.975) are at the level of low possession of urban welfare and the four neighborhoods of Khalijefars (0.871), Sadeghieh (0.982), Tolid Daru (0.989) and Shad Abad (0.995) do not possess urban welfare services. The study of WASPAS method in the study area shows that the Behdasht, North Valiasr, Sahib al-Zaman neighborhoods are in a state of urban welfare possession and the neighborhoods of Valiasr South, Ferdows, Imam Khomeini, 17 Shahrivar are partly possessed of urban welfare, and Shahid Rajaee, Yaft Abad, Shams Abad and Khalije Fars neighborhoods have low possession urban welfare and Sadeghiyeh, Tolid Daru and Shad Abad do not possess urban welfare. Conclusion Considering that most of the indicators that have been used for determining the effectiveness of urban management performance on the citizens' access to social welfare services have a high level of meaning, so it can be said that the satisfaction in most neighborhoods are significantly below average. The amount of explanatory items in the social and cultural dimension in the Behdasht (17.38), Valiasr North (17.31), Valiasr South (17.28) neighborhoods are highest and Shams Abad (13.38), Khalije Fars (13.23), Sadeghieh (12.21) neighborhoods have the lowest values. Physical dimension indicators are different in the study area and in the Behdasht (-0.27), North Valiasr (-0.32), Sahib al-Zaman (-0.34), South Valiasr (-0.41) neighborhoods with Less difference and at a significant level higher than 0.05 indicates that the performance of urban management in the welfare of citizens has been more than other neighborhoods and in Sadeghieh neighborhoods with an average difference of -5.2, Khalije Fars with an average difference of -4.88 and the Shams Abad neighborhood with a difference of 4.83 has the most dissatisfied citizens. Comparing the effectiveness of urban management performance in the welfare of citizens in the environmental dimension in the neighborhoods shows that only in Behdasht area with an average difference of -0.8 and North Valiasr neighborhood with an average difference of -1.1 The effectiveness of urban management performance is quite significant. And Shamsabad, Khalije Fars and Sadeghieh neighborhoods have the most differences with the current average. Funding There is no funding support. Authors’ Contribution Authors contributed equally to the conceptualization and writing of the article. All of the authors approved thecontent of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work declaration of competing interest none. Conflict of Interest Authors declared no conflict of interest. Acknowledgments We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.