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بیان مسئله: مولانا برخی از اندیشه ها و تجارب عرفانی خود را تنها در گونه ادبیِ «مناجات» بیان می کند. وی افزون بر ایجاد نوعی فرم ویژه خلاقانه در مناجات، کارکرد برجسته آن را در انتقال مفاهیمی وضع می نهد که مقصود غاییِ داستان هایی در مثنوی با کاربرد آن حاصل می شود. هدف اصلی پژوهش عبارت است از: بررسی وجوه هنری این نوع ادبی در قالب زبانِ عرفانی؛ نقش بارز آن در بیان نکته های باطنی با شناخت روایت و تحلیل گفتمانی و نیز چگونگی بسط موضوعات متکثر در گذر تلفیق آنها در یک شبکه پیچیده منسجم و هماهنگ. روش: این پژوهش به شیوه توصیف و تحلیل داده ها و مبتنی بر مبانی نقد و نظریه، با توجه به یک حدیث و چهار داستان از دفتر پنجم مثنوی و در 69 بیت به انجام رسیده است. یافته ها و نتایج: در اشاره به برخی یافته ها می توان گفت خطاب های عاطفی مولانا در شکل مناجات، زبان ویژه ای، هم در شکل و هم در محتوای آن می آفریند که نگرش تأویلیِ او را در دریافت معانیِ خاصی به این شیوه نشان می دهد؛ نیز تأکید می کند که این شیوه بیان علاوه بر ایجاد توازن و انسجام در میان اجزای داستان و از لابه لای پیچیدگی های معانی ضمنی، بعضی دلالت های عمیق و گسترده متن را به گونه مشخص تری ظاهر می کند؛ این قابلیتْ خوانش های متعددی از موضوع ارائه می دهد و از این طریق بر عملکرد کیفیِ خواننده برای درک صحیح ترِ وی از پیام های آن تأثیری آشکار می گذارد؛ بدین ترتیب علاوه بر القای مفاهیم عمیق عاطفی به خواننده، برخی خلأهای انتقال و دریافت شناخت دقیق مضامین عرفانی هم جبران می شود.

The Explanatory Function of Hymn in the Analysis of the Fifth Book of Mathnavi Stories

In some of Mathnavi ’s stories, Mowlana expresses some of his mystical thoughts and experiences in the literary form of a ‘Hymn’. In addition to creating a special creative form in prayers, he establishes prominent functions in conveying concepts. The ultimate purpose of stories in Mathnavi is achieved through the use of the functions. The artistic aspects of this type of literature in the form of mystical language, its prominent role in expressing esoteric points, and how to expand multiple topics and integrate them into a coherent complex network, are the main goals of the present study. Based on the way of describing and analyzing data and the basics of criticism and theory, one “hadith” and 4 stories from the fifth book of Mathnavi in 81 verses were reviewed. Referring to some findings, it can be said that Rumi's emotional addresses in the form of hymns create a special language in their form and content. This way of expression, in addition to creating balance and coherence among the components of the story and due to the complexities of implicit meanings, reveals the deep and broad implications of the text. It provides multiple readings of the subject and has a clear effect on the reader's qualitative performance by using narrative knowledge and discourse analysis. It is more accurate than text messages. Such a quality causes some gaps that should be filled in the transmission and reception of accurate knowledge of mystical themes.  1. Introduction In the collection of Persian literature, a kind of prayer with emotional elements is found in religious, literary, and mystical texts and a special form of it called “Monajat” (Hymn) is considered one of the important literary genres. Many examples of this type can be seen in famous mystical works, which imply multiple meanings. Moreover, the role of its types is not limited to having "emotional elements" (Shamisa, 2017, p. 242). Rather, its semantic meaning, both in the field of emotion and thought, is far beyond the kind of explanations that are generally mentioned in the works of researchers. Therefore, examining the aesthetic reason of this literary genre finds special importance in artistic analysis because it arranges the word in its form and presents the meaning at a sublime level. In Mathnavi , the types of hymn can be seen in terms of accurate and effective communication of form and meaning along with the scope of Mowlana’s reflections and emotions. Mowlana works very skillfully in terms of the use of hymn in Mathnavi so that whatever word is naturally required, he includes it in his speech based on the purposes and goals of his speech and interprets his expression through it. A hybrid Mathnavi is influenced by "the activism and creativity of the Sufi mind and language in reading the Qur'an " (Akbari & Partners, 2020, p. 118). For a better understanding of the mystical meaning, it is necessary to pay attention to the concepts and themes arising from it. Due to the dynamic form of the work and the strengthening of the persuasive feature of the Mathnavi language, its role in the main process of the story becomes prominent. In the present study, we have selected all the hymns of the fifth book of Mathnavi and analyzed their explanatory function in terms of form and meaning, based on the proposition of mystical language in the context of fiction and based on its discourse analysis in the form of a special narrative. "Hymn" in religious, literary, and mystical texts, as a special literary genre, has numerous examples. It arouses the reader’s emotions with the pathos of a strong feeling like a kind of burning and melting caused by the language and its expression. Mathnavi ’s hymns show examples of the word in its broad concepts more prominently, and at the same time, present an emotional, intimate, and impressive expression. Hymn, as a kind of precise artistic insight based on esoteric revelations, makes the points and subtleties of the concepts resulting from the conflict between the unseen world and the world of nature (Shafi'i Kodkani, 2014, p. 27) deep in Mowlana’s speech. Determining the function of hymns is important in the evaluation of Mathnavi stories from the point of view of explaining their artistic foundations. The processing and quality of the narration of the story and the analysis of the dialogues of the main characters of the story are carefully examined and further, the analysis of the topics is done on this basis.   2. Review of the Literature Researchers have analyzed the current issue from Mowlana’s point of view and with theoretical approaches. Their research often refers to the examination of types of hymns and not supplications - nor emotional and intellectual analysis and their role in the interpretation of story themes. In addition to books such as Monajat in Persian Literature (Yasipour, 2003) and Monajat and romantic whispers (Sadeghi Ardestani, 2004), which have been written in a general way, there are references in the interpretation of the mystical hymn (Refer to Shafi'i Kodkani, 2014, pp. 20-26). In the study ‘ Hymn in Molavi's thought ’ (Elmi, 2009), the hymn is considered a relationship between man and God and one of the important issues in monotheistic religions. Ghanbari and Makibadi (2013) in the study of examining the basics of prayer from the perspective of Mowlana with emphasis on Mathnavi examine the basic assumptions about the hymn. Mahmoudi and Wali Mohammadabadi (2015) in a study on " Prayer from the point of view of Ibn Arabi and Mowlana " believe that a significant part of the surviving mystical works is about prayer. Lavzheh (2022) in a study on " Hymn – Stories in Mathnavi " examines the role of supplications in the interpretation of Mathnavi stories and believes that Mowlana explains the symbolic, abstract, and implicit concepts of the story through the use of supplications to explain the content and understanding of the reader. About the review of the author, no specific and analytical research has been done about the function of hymns as a literary genre in explaining stories from the fifth book of Mathnavi , except for the recent article that examines the entire Mathnavi . The reason for examining this issue in the fifth book is that, compared to other books of Mathnavi , the largest number of hymn verses can be seen in it, the meanings of which are combined with a distinct, coherent, and harmonious structure with the concepts of the researched text. Hymns show remarkable diversity and multiplicity in Mowlana’s imagery. This is evident in words and terms such as hidden and obvious existence, obedience and stability, and many other concepts, which we will mention some of the most important ones in the following. From the beginning of the fifth book, the series of discussions begin with the Sufi "existence" and ends with the mystical "Reference", and this shows the symbolic meaning of Mowlana’s attitudes in this book. These concepts, which are among the deep and complex themes considered by Mowlana, are also relevant in the hymns of this book with the utmost prominence. This issue demands that the present topic be studied more carefully in its detail and on a case-by-case basis.   3. Methodology In this study, by analyzing the concepts and based on the principles of criticism and theory, we ask how it is possible to understand the many themes of hymns in the understanding of the content of Mathnavi stories through studying the language of Mowlavi's mysticism. We also ask how Mowlana innovates in the field of narration and expansion of mystical concepts by analyzing the types of discourse in hymns and their context-oriented mood.   4. Results Mowlana transforms hymns in the field of mystical speech based on the broad capabilities of his language by using the form and content of his stories in terms of story-telling techniques. Moreover, by using the literary form of hymns, he creates the peak of Sufi poetry, which is the result of mystical experience and inner intuition, in the processing of the form and in the explanation of the content, as well as in the interpretation of the concepts and difficult and complex mystical themes. Each story develops a main theme through the expression of many mystical concepts and terms in the form of a privileged narrative. The stories connect with each other in a circular movement and become complementary to the themes. Therefore, the hymn in any story has no prior plan and is based on artistic needs. It is a kind of connecting link of all the "discourses, themes, and issues" that were analyzed in the “Hadith” and the four stories of the fifth book. The concepts of Mowlana’s words in the examined hymns can be deduced through terms such as the wine of love (B./306), the answer to prayer and its teaching (B./ 309, 4162 and 4163), knowledge (B./ 306), leadership of the soul and guidance of souls (B./ 784), obedience and stability (B./ 1197), jealousy (B./ 1200), drunkenness (B./ 3307), slip and sin (B./ 3307), mystery (B./ 3309), the secret of God's existence (B./ 3310), obvious gifts (B./ 3310), hidden and manifest existence (B./ 3312), acquisition and expansion (B./ 3313), language and wisdom (B./ 3314), everlasting glory (B./ 3316), image and life (B./ 3319), generosity (B./ 4090), kindness (B./ 4092) ), forgiveness and forgiveness (B./ 4093, 4110, 4111 and so on), neglect and arrogance (B./ 4095), divorce and separation (B./ 4114), connection (B./ 4117) ), tolerance and anger (B./ 4153), ignorance and knowledge (B./ 4157), forgetfulness (B./ 4157), intercession (B./ 4160), return to God (B./ 4181). They are among the most profound and practical mystical concepts in the interpretation of the themes of the fifth book of Mathnavi . Meanwhile, the theme of "God's forgiveness" has a significant frequency, which is in accordance with the content of Mathnavi Hymns. Through the orderly and coherent texture of hymns, Mowlana brings his received meanings closer to the discourse context of the audience. The hymns of Mathnavi form an important part of the story in the process of understanding and deducing concepts (in the arena of Sufi epistemology) and explaining the details of the mystic world of Mowlana. Their integration with the experiences of the vast field of Sufism elevates the themes of the story in a mystical system, the result of which is the movement of the text from the complexities caused by metaphors and symbols towards precise and plural statements of meaning. Therefore, the meanings of Mathnavi stories do not seem repetitive. Mowlana’s mental creativity and the diversity of his expression styles in the realm of mystical language combine a group of new mystical ideas in a stable composition called the "Hymn". Hymns are formed through thinking in Quranic structures, moral teachings and the mystical foundations of Islamic culture, and Mowlana’s creative power in the field narrative. Some of the concepts of hymns have aimed at enriching the poetic images of Mathnavi , some have shaped the interpretation of the content of the stories, and some others have developed the allegorical and symbolic aspects of the themes from the path of mystical interpretation. Other forms of hymns have broadened the scope of Mowlana’s thoughts.
