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بیان مسئله: تسبیح موجودات یکی از مباحث مهم و کلیدی مطرح در قرآن کریم و تفسیرهای شیعه و سنی، احادیث روایی و نیز بیشتر تألیفات عرفانی است. اهمیت این مسئله تاحدی است که در شعر و ادبیات فارسی نیز بازتاب وسیعی داشته است و بسیاری از شاعران مشهور ادب فارسی در آثار خود، بدان پرداخته اند؛ البته درباره چگونگی این تسبیح و شیوه استماع آن، در متون و منابع اسلامی، ادبی و عرفانی، اختلاف نظرهای فراوانی وجود دارد. نورالدین عبدالرحمن جامی از شاعران بزرگ قرن نهم و از پیروان دلبسته مکتب ابن عربی، تحت تأثیر آبشخورهای دینی و آموزه های ابن عربی و نیز به پیروی از شاعران پیشین کوشیده است تا با نگاهی متمایز، در آثار خود، به ویژه هفت اورنگ ، به تبیین و تشریح این مسئله بپردازد. روش: در این پژوهش، سعی شده است با استفاده از روش توصیفی   تحلیلی، ضمن بیان دیدگاه های مفسران، متکلمان و عارفان، این نگاه متفاوت نیز واکاوی شود. یافته ها و نتایج: جامی تسبیح موجودات را به دو گونه گفتاری و غیرگفتاری تقسیم کرده است؛ تسبیح گفتاری موجودات تنها با حس و خیال درک می شود و اصحاب کشف با کمک حواس و اصحاب عیان با یاری خیال و حواس باطنی می توانند این تسبیح را بشنوند؛ اما تسبیح غیرگفتاری یا حالی موجودات با گوش خردِ اهل حس فهمیده می شود؛ زیرا تسبیح گفتاری برای ارباب حس یا اهل کشف و نظر فقط با عقل، قیاس و ذکر لفظ و کلام درک پذیر است. درواقع تفاوت برجسته جامی با پیشینیانش در تحلیل و تبیین معمای پر رمز و راز چگونگی تسبیح موجودات، گذشته از نوع و شیوه استدلال، همین تسبیح قالی موجودات با نیروی خیال است.

An Investigation of the Glorification of Beings and their Intelligence in Jami’s Haft Orang

The glorification of creatures is one of the important topics discussed in the Holy Qur'an , Shia and Sunni interpretations, narrative hadiths, and most mystical works. The importance of this issue is such that it has a wide reflection in Persian poetry and literature, and many famous poets of Persian literature have addressed it in their works. Of course, there are many differences in the opinions about the nature of this glorification (tasbih) and the way to listen to it in Islamic, literary, and mystical texts and sources. Nooruddin Abdul Rahman Jami was one of the great poets of the 9th century and one of the close followers of the school of Ibn Arabi. He was influenced by religious teachings, the teachings of Ibn Arabi, and following the example of the poets before him, and tried to explain the issue of glorification in his works, especially in Haft Orang . In the present study, an attempt has been made to analyze this view using the descriptive-analytical method, while expressing the views of commentators, theologians, and mystics. It can be said that he has divided the glorification of beings into verbal and non-verbal aspects. The glorification of beings can be understood only by senses and imagination, and the companions of discovery can hear this glorification with the help of the senses. But, non-verbal glorification is understandable by the inner ear of the senses. In fact, Jami’s prominent difference from his predecessors is in the analysis and explanation of the mysteries of how creatures glorify, apart from the type and method of reasoning of creatures with the power of imagination. Introduction The glorification (tasbih) of creatures is one of the important topics in Islamic sources, which has also had a wide reflection in Persian poetry and literature. Of course, there are different opinions in Islamic, literary, and mystical texts and sources about the nature of glorification and how to listen to it. It is one of the most important and challenging religious, mystical, and literary topics because what and how to perform glorification and whether it is in the verbal language remain unknown. Jami is one of the poets and mystics who have had a special look at this category. Jami Khatam, one of the great poets of Persian poetry in the Iraqi style, in addition to the variety of Persian poetry and prose formats, has also followed his predecessors in terms of content and theme. He is one of the most prolific writers and his works in both literary and mystical sections include Divan Poems , Haft Orang , Nafahat Elans , Naqd al-Nusus fi Sharrah Naqsh al-Fusus , Lawaih , Rayy al-Ma'at, Evidence of Prophethood , etc. (Afsahzad, 1999, p. 35; Danesh Pajoh & Mokhtarpour Ghahroudi, 2008, p. 12-45; Modaberi, 1990, p. 7-8; Safa, 1989, p. 347-348 ). In his works, especially in Haft Orang , he tried to answer the mysteries of the glorification of beings using his religious and mystical teachings, along with the thoughts of Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi. In this regard, the present study aims to investigate the glorification of beings and their intelligence in Jami’s Haft Orang . The three research questions posed in the study are as follows: What is the nature and essence of the glorification of creatures and the way to listen to it in Islamic, literary, and mystical texts and sources? What was the quality of the glorification of creatures, especially their verbal glorification in Jami's works? And what is his view on this matter? In his works, especially Haft Orang , how has Jami responded to the mysteries of the glorification of creatures by using his religious and mystical aphorisms? Review of the Literature A review of the literature reminds us that the issue of the glorification of creatures is one of the most challenging religious, mystical, and literary topics. However, there are some studies in this regard. For Example, Aram (2011) investigated cosmic consciousness and glorification in the Qur'anic and literary views. In another study, Mohammadi Sheikhi and Fereidunpour (2016) examined the generality of the true glorification of creatures in the epistemological geometry of religious thought. Moreover, Seraj and Mansouri (2017) provided a philosophical explanation of the issue of the glorification of beings from Mullah Sadra's point of view. They have established three arguments for the generality of the glorification of creatures in the universe based on their knowledge, awareness, and their own special language. The issue of glorification can be examined from different perspectives, including the interpretations of the Holy Quran , theologians, philosophers, and researchers of natural sciences, mystics, and mystical works. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, there are few, if any, studies investigating the glorification of creatures in Jami’s works. Jami, following his contemporaries and poets before him and also influenced by the school of Ibn Arabi, considered all creatures, including plants, inanimate objects, and animals, without exception, to glorify God Almighty. According to Jami, only the Lord of Revelation understands the glorification. He did not consider the speech of inanimate objects, plants, and animals to be necessary for speech and says: Just as God Almighty is able to speak without words and expressions, He has granted such speech to all the creatures of existence, including inanimate objects, plants, and animals. Jami believes in both kinds of glorification (i.e. verbal and non-verbal) of beings, as he mentions them in Haft Orang .   Methodology In this descriptive-analytical research, an attempt has been made to analyze Jami's different views on the issue of the glorification of creatures and its types in Haft Orang , as well as the quality of this glorification from his point of view, while expressing the perspectives of commentators, theologians, and mystics. Results The verbal glorification of beings is one of the most important issues that have been discussed in Islamic works, as well as authentic mystical and literary sources. Jami, one of the great poets of the 9th century, also paid special attention to this issue and in his Haft Orang by referring to the principle of "All things are incomparable and non-comparable". He considered all beings to be connected to the divine essence; there should be no similarity between God and creatures. Therefore, the necessity of attributing the creatures to the source of the absolute consciousness of existence, that is, the Almighty God, has led to the consciousness of the creatures. By knowing their consciousness, it can be concluded that they are perfect. Jami, in Haft Orang , influenced by the teachings of the school of Ibn Arabi, considers all possibilities in the system of existence to be glorified and masculine, and he believes that this glorification is realized in a real way and with the language of ‘Qal’. But not everyone is able to understand these conversations. In analyzing and explaining the glorification of beings, Jami followed the examples of mystical poets before him and tried to depict the verbal glorification of beings after their creation in Haft Orang . But in order to distinguish his opinion from others, after dividing the glorification of beings into two verbal and non-verbal forms, he admitted that glorification without words or formation (presence) is acceptable by any common sense. Moreover, he divides verbal glorification into two categories. In the first category, only special people (discoverers of the nature of the universe) are able to understand this glorification through reasoning and analogy. In the second category, it is understandable through imagination and with the help of the inner senses. In other words, the only prominent difference in Jami’s view, despite his pure imitation in the analysis and explanation of the glorification of beings, is the glorification of beings with the power of imagination. Otherwise, one can easily trace the thoughts of Ibn Arabi and great poets such as Molavi, Attar, and Sana'i in Jami’s works.
