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پست مدرنیسم، وجه غالب باور فرهنگی زمانه ای است که تمامی کنش ها را دوباره قالب ریزی می کند؛ تا آن جا که قدرت متمرکز، جای خود را به کثرت گسسته داده، جلوه ای از معاصریت هویت را آشکار می کند. این پژوهش کیفی داده بنیاد، با هدف تأویل هویت معماری معاصر ایران بر مبنای پست مدرنیته و اندیشه انتقادی، به دنبال پاسخ این پرسش است که هویت چگونه می تواند به مثابه رویکردی انتقادی، بر بازشناسی معماری پست مدرن، به ویژه در دوره ایران معاصر، تأثیر داشته باشد؟ یافته ها نشان می دهند پیامد جمع بندی متغیرهای علّی پژوهش در شرایط میانجی وضعیت موجود، رویدادی را رقم می زند که در نگرشی بنیادی میان حقیقت (خودشیفتگی تا خودباختگی) و ماهیت (خودباوری) ایرانی، و در گفتمانی تاریخی میان بازخوانی آن چه هست و بازنمایی از آن چه باید باشد، به صورت سلبی (و نه ایجابی)، در خوانشی از یک رئالیسم انتقادی، در حال شدن است و در ارزیابی خودانعکاسی از تفسیری بازخوردی، نحوه بودن را بازمی آفریند.

Iran contemporary architecture and the problem of identity (a realistic representation of the post-modernism critical reading in architecture)

Post-modernism is the dominant aspect of the cultural belief of the time that re-frames all actions and constructs distinct ideas of experiences and conditions at the deepest levels and everything that can be known about the contemporary world; As long as the centralized power gives way to a discrete plurality, and bring to the fore a manifestation of contemporary identity in the current era. This research - which has been done using the qualitative method and the grounded theory approach - with the general purpose to analyze and interpret the identity of Iran contemporary architecture based on post-modernity and critical thought, looking for an answer to this question, How can identity, as a critical approach, have an effect on the recognition of post-modern architecture - especially in the Iran contemporary era? In this research, the systematic approach known as Strauss and Corbin's theory (2019) was used to analyse the data. According to the classification of Corbin and Strauss (2022), the systematic approach has three stages of open coding (concepts), axial coding (Casual Conditions, Actions & Interactions, Context, Intervening Conditions and Consequences) and selective coding. In the collection and extraction of the main categories and sub-categories, from the documentary and citation resources and the interview tools have been used. The special emphasis of the research is on the views and opinions of those professors and architects who work both academically and professionally. Hence, the research data has been compiled and analysed in semi-structured interviews. The responses at the highest saturation level reached relative saturation in the 17th interview. The interview process is continued until the 25th to ensure the data and obtain absolute saturation. The content of data was coded by Strauss and Corbin coding method in three stages (open, central and selective). In the coding process of 17 interviews, the frequency of the 5969 coded items, was reduced to 317 open codes from the frequency ratio of 1337 codes after refining and merging. The obtained codes, in the number of 53 axial categories and 8 selective categories, were related to the axial theme of Iran Contemporary Architecture Identity. The Observations Percentage Agreement of 90.37% indicates relatively complete reliability and coverage of criterion level of more than 0.6 of Kappa coefficient, describing validity as ideal. Therefore, the research quality index is acceptable, and the reliability and validity of the research are confirmed. The research results can be valuable and interpreted by examining the criteria of matching, generalization, understanding, and control. The findings show that the result of summarizing the causal variables of the research in the mediating conditions of the existing situation, provides an event that in a fundamental attitude, between the (narcissism to self-defeat) truth and (self-belief) Iranian essence, and in a historical discourse, between a re-reading of what exists and a re-presentation of what should exists, in a Preventive (and not Mandatory) form and in a reading of a critical realism and feedback interpretation of self-reflection evaluation from the feedback of others, they recreate the way of being.
