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Simultaneously with the Islamic Revolution victory, the Iranian people, by denying the previous value system, sought the Islamic culture themes as the new social capital of the country and its expansion from personality systems to various structures of society. The richness of this capital will give the community additional soft power that its importance is equal to hard power. The present study aimed to explain social capital and its impact on soft power and evaluate the country's situation during the holy defense to use social capital resources as a powerful defense against enemies. The descriptive method uses a documentary (library) study on the indicators of productive resources and conservation elements and dissemination of social capital. It then collected data and comparative evaluation of these indicators' status in the holy defense. The mechanism of social capital's impact on the soft power amount depends on the resources such as education and science, religion and ideology, civic institutions, and the media. After the Islamic Revolution, the data show their quantitative and qualitative growth to promote soft power during the holy defense. The results indicated that after the Islamic Revolution, despite the significant dependence on software and hardware resources of Western countries, Iranian society, by using the factor of religious ideological’s beliefs to promote its power against foreigners in the holy defense to gain a lot. These beliefs enlightened the people and fought against the corruption of the Pahlavi regime. It used from its progressive basis to respect science and education, religious value resources, and cooperation of the ummah to reform society and spread it, use the best communication methods, and convey meanings to people.
