مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه
Capital market
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این تحقیق با هدف بررسى و شناخت بخشى از فرایند ایجاد ریسک وارتباط آن با هزینه هاى مالى شرکت ها، در بورس اوراق بهادار کشور انجام شده است. در این تحقیق نخست مروری بر نظریه هاى موجود در بحث ساختار سرمایه و رابطه بین نسبت بدهى و نرخ بازده حقوق صاحبان سهام شده است.و به دنبال آن پژوهش گر با جمع آورى اطلاعات مالى شرکت هاى سهامى عام یک نمونهء 86 عضوى از میان 12 صنعت انتخاب و دو فرضیهء مکمل را آزمون کرد. در آزمون فرضیهء اول که از مدل رگرسیون خطى، با تلفیق کلیه صنایع استفاده شد، نتیجهء حاصله دلالت بر عدم ارتباط معنى دار خطى و مثبت بین اهرم مالى و ریسک سیستماتیک داشت و در آزمون فرضیهء دوم، ابتدا شرکت هاى نمونه بر اساس شاخص ریسک تجارى با استفاده از آزمون LSDطبقه بندى شده و سپس تست اعتباروجود اهرم هاى متفاوت مالى در هر طبقهء ریسکى انجام شد (با استفاده از آزمون ANOVA) ، در نهایت ارتباط بین اهرم مالى و ریسک سیستماتیک شرکت ها در مورد هر کدام از گروه ها و طبقات ریسکى، با استفاده از آزمون مقایسهء انحرافات انجام گرفت. نتایجع این آزمون نیز بر عدم ، جود پراکندگى معنى دار در ریسک سیستماتیک شرکت ها، بعد از افزایش بدهى نسبت به قبل از افزایش بدهى، دلالت داشت.
Developing New Financing Instruments for Iran’s Higher Education System (Case Study: Mortgage Securities Model)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Optimizing the financing of Iran's higher education system faces major challenges such as smallness of the private sector, lack of a competitive market in knowledge production, the state's small role in higher education, and also the absence of new financial instruments in the capital market along with the development of the money market. As a result, the most important financing resources and major clients of academic research projects are state-run organizations, which also raise finance through tuition. Apparently, there are a few reasons why the higher education system should change its financing methods to achieve great goals. These reasons include intensified economic sanctions, declined capacity of the state to finance this sector, decreased power of families and firms to cover educational and research expenses through private budgets, and the necessity of making higher education expenses efficient with respect to the need to train the future workforce.
The method of this study is a descriptive-qualitative, which was carried out in two stages of the library and the implementation of the Delphi method by referring to 20 experts.
Aiming to introduce new instruments to make banking asset-backed securities (of facilities type) to education and research clients (families and firms), this study seeks to prove the hypothesis that the mortgage-backed securities can be employed to achieve the following goals. The first goal is to grant facilities to the students who are financially unable to pay tuition. This relieves the pressure on the Students Welfare Fund. The second goal is to grant business financing facilities to talented students. Finally, the third goal is to finance the firms that have research needs but are unable to cover the expenses through their revenues. Regarding 17 indicators, the research findings indicate that experts reached a consensus (Kendall's W= 0.702).
The Asymmetric Impact of Weighting Economic and Political Events on the Fluctuations of Banking Group Index (Case of Tehran Stock Exchange)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Stock Exchange Investors have paid more attention to the banking group in recent years so that in many cases, the direction of the banking index has changed the general direction of the market. Therefore, exploring the banking index fluctuation is important from the point of view of investors as well as the direction of the market. The purpose is to examine the effectiveness and direction of news, as one of the most important factors in the formation of volatility, on the banking group index in Tehran Stock Exchange by using 1460 daily records during 2018-2019 and the GARCH family's method. The data were collected for four different newsgroups, including economic, political, psychological, and financial. After that, the news that had more relationship with the banking group was separated to underscore in the weighting stage and divided into the positive and negative news, according to the perspectives of capital market experts and economic elites. The results indicated that newsgroups have a significant effect on the group index, and only the negative political model on the banking group has an asymmetric effect. The results indicated that political and economic news has a positive and significant impact on banking index fluctuations.
Investigating the Relationship between Earnings Management and the Stock price bubble of the Firms Accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Capital market is considered one of the most important channels in appropriating the financial resources optimally, and any disruption occurs in it will encounter the appropriation of financial resources in the economics of each country with a serious problem. The economic bubble is one of the reasons disrupting capital appropriation. Generally, when there is a difference between the price of a share and its expected price in the future, the economic bubble issue is considered. The economic bubble will face investors by choosing the best investment opportunities. It will finally deviate the process of equipping and appropriating the resources optimally from its principled path. The present study aims at investigating the relationship between earnings management and economic bubble. To achieve this purpose, the number of 109 companies has been studied from 2008 to 2018. The study's hypothesis was tested through a multivariate regression method and panel data method and utilizing Eviews9. The findings show a significant relationship between earnings management and economic bubble, which shows that besides the external factors, the managers' behavior may influence the generation of the economic bubble.
Assessing the relationship between balance sheet conservatism and profit and loss conservatism with cost of equity capital(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Markets such as Money Market, Labor market, Commodity market along with Capital market are committed to optimal allocation of capital and financial resources. One of the most important sources of information is financial reports. Investors base their decisions on the balance between risk and return and are interested in estimating their expected future returns and investments using information reported by the company and other evidence. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between accounting conservatism and cost of equity capital and evaluate the economic results of accounting conservatism through information perspective. Therefore, in order to achieve the main objective of the research, first the reports and documentation of past performance of the sample member companies have been studied and the required data have been collected. The research hypotheses were then evaluated which consisted of one main hypothesis and two sub-hypotheses, indicating that there is a negative and relatively strong relationship between conserv-atism and capital cost. Differentiating between several aspects of accounting con-servatism and examining the relationship among each aspect and cost of equity capital are new innovation of the present study. .
Designing and Evaluating Trading Strategies Based on Algorithmic Trading in Iran's Capital Market(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
One of the important factors in making a profit through financial markets is a quick and correct response to market events, which is possible only by examining all aspects of the market. Today, to solve this challenge, the use of trading algo-rithms has become inevitable and can be considered as transactions made by computers that these transactions are controlled and reviewed through algorithms. Depending on their type and purpose, these algorithms examine different aspects and, according to the strategies defined for them, make decisions and signal by order registration. These trading methods are growing rapidly in the world, espe-cially in strong and developed financial markets. Proper implementation of algo-rithmic transactions reduces transaction costs and increases the accuracy of inves-tors in their investments. One of the most widely used of these strategies is the trend-following strategy, which is welcomed by many traders. This strategy can be implemented in different ways and through different trading tools. In the pre-sent study, five types of them were examined and implemented on one of the most traded symbols of the Tehran Stock Exchange. The purpose of this study is to implement some of the popular strategies in algorithmic trading along with the introduction of algorithmic trading, its strategies in the Iranian stock market, which includes the study of its advantages and disadvantages. The present study is a cross-sectional retrospective and field survey in terms of applied purpose and in terms of data collection.
Design and Efficiency Measurement of Social Responsibility Model of Companies Active in Capital Market Affected by the Epidemic of Covid-19(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: The purpose of this research is to design and evaluate the effectiveness of the social responsibility model of companies active in the capital market affected by the epidemic of the Covid-19 disease. Methodology: The current research is a mixed research (qualitative-quantitative) and is practical in terms of purpose. In the qualitative part, nineteen members of the expert panel were determined using the snowball method. At the same time, G_Power software was used to determine the size of the statistical sample in the quantitative section, which determined it to be 120 cases. In order to analyze the data to reach the research objectives, Delphi technique was used in the qualitative part. Also, in the quantitative section, structural equation modeling using SmartPLS software was used to measure the efficiency of the model. In the qualitative section, after reviewing the research literature, 19 primary indicators were identified in the form of three main components, and the opinions of the expert panel members were used to measure their effectiveness using the Delphi technique. Finally, after two rounds, this technique reached the saturation stage. Findings: In the quantitative part, using the PLS technique, it was found that all three main components have a positive and significant effect on social responsibility, and at the same time, in terms of the severity of the order of the factors, it is internal factors, macro factors and company characteristics. Conclusion:The results of this section show the removal of three indicators from the primary indicators and at the same time the addition of four secondary indicators, which led to the identification of three final components and twenty sub-components.
Information Asymmetry with Emphasis on the Role of Financial and Managerial Criteria Based on Fuzzy Logic and Artificial Neural Networks(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
This paper addresses the absence of a suitable criterion for measuring information asymmetry between managers forecasting earnings and analysts forecasting earnings through statistical methods. Besides, this paper aims to provide a model of information asymmetry, emphasizing the role of financial and managerial criteria. This is applied qualitative and quantitative research (mixed method). The library method is used to prepare and formulate theoretical bases. In addition, the field method is used for collecting data to measure and identify indices and modeling. Factor analysis was used to analyze the data, following identifying the dimensions and variables of financial and managerial criteria of information symmetry to eliminate extraneous factors and classify. The following five main dimensions were determined, including corporate profit forecast, corporate governance, capital market, capital return, and management characteristics of the company. Then, the modeling was done using fuzzy mathematics through triangular numbers, Mamdani implication, and center of gravity methods. The final results of the study of the company listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange show that the level of information symmetry in the range of zero to 100 equals 55.1, to predict the company's profit is 48.54; corporate governance is 56.95; the capital market is 1/59; capital return is 61.07, and managerial characteristics of the company are 67.84. Finally, we examined the factors affecting the information asymmetry obtained from fuzzy neural networks. The findings show a higher prediction accuracy of fuzzy neural network methods than other related prediction methods.