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«شیخ نورالعین واقف لاهوری بَتالوی» از شعرای فارسی گوی قرن دوازدهم ه.ق سرزمین هندوستان است که سادگی شعر و اندیشه بلندش، روان را تازگی می بخشد. ناشناختگی واقف لاهوری، نگارندگان را بر آن داشت تا با هدف معرفی و شناساندن این شاعر پُرکار، اندیشه و مضامین شعری اش را با بهره گیری از شیوه تحلیلی و توصیفی به روش کتابخانه ای مورد واکاوی و تحلیل قرار دهند. از شعر واقف برمی آید که او با ساختارهای زبان و ادب فارسی آشناست؛ مضمون آفرینی هایی در شعر او مشاهده می شود که خاص خود اوست. دوری جُستن از درگاه شاهانِ زمانه سبب شده تا اندیشه اش استقلال داشته باشد. او با استادی تمام، مضامین عرفانی و عاشقانه را به هم گره زده و از قلندری و رندی سخن به میان آورده؛ در جای جای شعرش به ستایشِ هنجارها و نکوهشِ ناهنجاری های اجتماعی و اخلاقی می پردازد و با الهام گرفتن از اندیشه خیام، خوش باشی و غنیمت شمردن عمر را در شعرش وارد کرده است. او با مضمون آفرینی درباره جبر و اختیار و قضاوقدر، رگه هایی از حکمت و فلسفه را در شعرش نمایان ساخته است. 

Alchemist of poverty (The most prominent themes in Waqif Lahori's poems)

Sheikh Nurul-Ain Waqif Lahori Batālavi is one of the Persian poets of the 12th century A.H. of India, whose poetry is simple, his thoughts are sublime and his words reinvigorate the psyche. The unknownness of Waqif Lahori prompted the writers to assess and analyze his thoughts and poetic themes by using analytical and descriptive method in a library method, in order to introduce and recognize this prolific poet. It appears from Waqif's poetry that he was familiar with the structures of Persian language and literature; the words, compositions, meticulous-thoughts and theme-creating can be seen in his poetry, which are unique to him. Staying away from the kings' court of era has made his thought to be independent. He has tied mystical and romantic themes together masterfully and has presented a personal image of the lover. In everywhere of his poetry, he praises norms and condemns social and moral anomalies. Inspired by Khayyam's thought, he has included happiness and taking-opportunity of life in his poetry. He has also paid attention to philosophical and wisdom themes like Qalandaris and Rendi (artfulness).  IntroductionPersian poetry and literature have seen countless ups and downs, but the wide range of Persian speakers has been the source of its preservation, expansion and immortality. One of the most important Persian-speaking lands has been India; a land that has always had a close relationship with Iran due to cultural affinities. "With the rising of the Safavid government and the formalization of the Shia religion, the Safavid kings neglected other types of poetry except religious poetry: courtly, mystical, romantic, etc." (Anousheh, 2010: 795). This issue can be considered as one of the reasons why Iranian poets were favored by the court of kings of India. "Literary centers in the Safavid era also expanded outside of Iran, as well as the city of Isfahan was the center of gathering of poets in Iran, also India became the center of gathering of poets outside of Iran more than anywhere else" (Mirahmadi, 1371: 217). The poets of this period are trying to pay more attention to the meaning and thematizing than the language. The historical course of poetry in this period was accompanied by many ups and downs; but the late of 12th century can be considered the beginning of the downtrend of Persian poetry in India: "From the twelfth century onwards, Persian poetry has degenerated throughout the sub-continent, and rarely has an eloquent poet like Noor al-Ain Waqif Lahorei emerged from that land" (Golchin Ma'ani, 1369, vol. 2: 1288).Apart from common and general features in Indian style, Waqif's ghazals are skillfully mixed with emotional, moral, advice, wisdom and mysticism themes. Introducing Waqif Lahori and analyzing his poems in order to understand his pure poetic themes is the main goal of this research.1.1. Research MethodologyThis research introduces the hidden corners of Waqif Lahori poetry by using descriptive and analytical methods and using library resources and poet's Diwan. DiscussionIndian style poets are trying to bring a point in each verse or stanza so that almost no verse or stanza is devoid of content; most of these themes originate from the imagination, thought, feeling and living environment of the poet. Waqif's poems are not exception to this rule; however, his verses sometimes do not have the same length; however, almost every verse has an independent theme and the poet has tried to include mystical, moral, social, romantic and Qalandaris thoughts in his poem. Undoubtedly, Waqif is one of the strongest representatives of Indian style; because his sonnets have new and original themes, far from repetition and imitation; Waqif's poetic themes are simple and straightforward, along with elegance and tenderness.2.1. Moral themesIn his poetry, Waqif Lahori praises the common virtues and condemns the moral vices of his time. "Didactic and committed poetry tells the opinions, customs and good qualities that rule the society during the artist's time. Through his works, the future generations have access to the realities of the past. Therefore, the poet can influence the thoughts and actions of the future generations (Razmjoo, 2016: 66).2.2. Mystical and Sufi ThemesWaqif Lahori who benefited from mysticism and has followed the path conduct; he has reflected the conditions and positions of the seeker in his poetry. Because "after self-knowledge, the seeker realizes the knowledge of God and understands that he is the creator of all beings, who possesses all actions and attributes to the extent of perfection, and because in terms of appearance and facilities in the material world, he cannot reach it, so he seeks the inner path and travels through the heart and the spiritual world. By cutting away from creature and paying attention to the Truth, he faces problems and ups and downs which are called (positions) and (conditions)" (Niromand, 1364:19).2.3. Social ThemesIn expressing social themes, Waqif sometimes wears the clothes of a critic and is trying to make a change in his society by constructively criticizing the ascetic, adviser, hypocrite ascetic, sheriff, and sheikh and sometimes he wears the clothes of a guru and mentions themes such as: not speaking ill, respecting the rights of neighbors, hospitality, patriotism, thinking about the future, etc.2.4. Khayamean themes  Khayyam's thought has permeated the warp and woof of Waqif's poetry, and in everywhere of his poetry, he has spoken about the unreliability of the world, the call to be happy, the instability of life, not to be sad for tomorrow, taking advantage of life, and complaining about the unreliability and injustice of the time.2.5. Philosophical and wisdom themesIndian philosophy, except in the category of reincarnation of souls, "The attitude of most of these schools towards death is a dual attitude. So that either one finds everything finished with death, or he believes in the world after death. But the Indian philosophical system is one of the few systems that considers a third way for this phenomenon. Belief in successive lives in this world, just like wine that is poured from one cup to another, is one of the most important topics of Indian philosophy" (Hossein Abadi, 2014: 26). In other categories, it is the same as Islamic thought, and in the poetry of most of the poets of the Indian style, there is talk of determinism and free will, fate and destiny, etc.2.6. Rendi, Qalandaris and blame themesWaqif considers separation from interests to be Rend's most prominent feature. Rend has a positive character in Waqif's poetry and he hates hypocritical ascetics, sheikhs, mullahs, etc with all his heart.2.7. Romantic themesWaqif Lahori talked about the lover's inattention, the lover's zeal, doomed in love, the conflict between reason and love, and the characteristics of the lover, which is a sign of his heartburn and love. ConclusionWaqif Lahori is one of the talented and capable poets of the Indian subcontinent, who has not been properly researched until now. He was a lover of Persian poetry, language and literature and was able to use his poetry to convey his thoughts and emotions. If we skip some of the leading poets of the Indian style, such as: Saeb, Kalim, Bidel, etc., the poetry and ghazals of Waqif Lahori are also among the pleasant and charming poems that readers enjoy his poetry. Waqif mysticism is based on unity; he has expressed the positions and the conditions of conduct in the form of mystical themes. By avoiding the court, Waqif Lahori sees himself closer to the community; therefore, moral and social themes have a distinct place in his poetry. He praises moral virtues: (freedom, humility, cheerfulness, patience) and condemns moral evils: (narrow-mindedness, extravagance, lust). He is a critic who criticizes the actions of the hypocritical ascetic, sheriff and sheikh and is a mentor who advises not to speak ill, hospitality, respecting the rights of neighbors, patriotism and thinking about the future. 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