تحلیل انتقادی منظومه های «آقادار» و «فوخوس» شیون فومنی براساس ویژگی های گفتمانی و دال های ارزشی (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
درجه علمی: نشریه علمی (وزارت علوم)
منظومه های نمادین شیون فومنی مملو از دال های هدفمند ارزشی گفتمان ساز مؤلف است. در دو منظومه «فوخوس» و «آقادار» شاعر از انواع نمادها جهت برجسته سازی گفتمان ها بهره می برد. کثرت گفتمان ها در این منظومه ها با بهره گیری از دال های ارزشی، محققان این پژوهش را به این امر ترغیب می کند که با برشمردن ویژگی های گفتمانی هریک از این آثار به ابعاد وسیعی از جهان بینی های ادراکی دست یابند. ازاین رو، رویکرد انتقادی لاکلائو و موفه، مدل پیشنهادی جهت بررسی دال شناسی ارزشی شخصیت های نمادین در این دو منظومه است. با استناد به داده های متنی منظومه ها، انواع دال های هدفمند با بهره گیری از روش کیفی شناسایی شد و در نهایت، کاربست مدل انتقادی نامبرده بر دو منظومه، یافته هایی را دربر داشت: منظومه آقادار علاوه بر پنج گفتمان اصلی از دو گفتمان فرعی انسان شناختی و طبیعی نیز بهره می برد. از نتایج دیگر این پژوهش، چرخش های گفتمانی است که در این دو منظومه یافت می شود. همچنین با بررسی انواع دال های مرکزی و شناور دو منظومه فوخوس و آقادار، دو دال مرکزی اصلی به ترتیب بختک و ازگیل هستند؛ دال اصلی منظومه فوخوس تک مدلولی، اما دال اصلی منظومه آقادار از منظر دو شخصیت اصلی، دومدلولی است.Critical Analysis of “Aghɑdɑr” and “Fokhos” Written by Sheevan Foumani in Accordance with the Discursive Features and Valued Signifiers
The symbolic poetries of Sheevan Foumani are full of valued systematic discursive signifiers of the poet. In the two poetries of Aghɑdɑr and Fokhos, different types of symbols are used to highlight the discourses. In the aforementioned poetries, the diversities of discourses that are benefitted from valued signifiers, stimulate the researchers to achieve the wide variety of conceptual view by explaining the discursive features of these poetries. To achieve this, the model of Laclau and Mouffe is suggested to evaluate the valued signifiers of discursive features. In accordance with the textual data of two poetries, the valued systematic signifiers were identified by using qualitative methods. By implementing critical model on the two poetries, the results of the research represented that the poetry of Aghɑdɑr uses the two subsidiary ecological and humanitarian discourse in addition to the five discursive features. Moreover, any parts of the poetries were accompanied by the specific discourse. Also, various types of nodal points which were based on the characters of the poetry and the floating signifiers of each of characters were identified. Furthermore, by investigating the two poetries of Fokhos and Aghɑdɑr, the two central nodal points were identified which are ordinarily nightmares and shadblow. The central nodal point of Fokhos poetry has one signified; while the central nodal point of Aghɑdɑr poetry has two signified in the view of two main characters of the poetry. Extended abstract 1.IntroductionAhmad Fakhri Nežad, with the pseudonym of Sheevan Foumani (1325-1377), is one of the Gilaki poets that his converse-based poetries are well-known in various social, cultural, ethnological, and political issues. He uses different types of symbols to direct the discursive contents. These symbols which are the representative of the social groups, are abstracted as the signifiers. The saliency of different types of valued signifiers in two elected poetries of Fokhos and Aghɑdar, led the researchers of this paper to investigate different types of signifiers in two poetries by using discursive features and contents. 2.Theoretical frameworkThe theory of Laclau and Mouffe, is based on the approach of Michel Foucault that can be used as an interesting and practical theory for analyzing and explaining social and political subjects. This theory has two dimensions: semantic and political dimensions. The semantic theory of Laclau and Mouffe includes the fundamental concepts of sign and signified, articulation, valued signifiers, elements, moments, field of discursivity, marginalization, deconstruction, myth, closure, hegemony, conflicts, and adversary. Also, in this paper the dimensions of the model on the literary works were significant. Therefore, extending the practical domain of each concept to the poetries via the model of Laclau and Mouffe is possible. 3.MethodologyThe method of the current research is descriptive-analytical. The data are collected, based on the library research, from the poetries of Sheevan Foumani. The examined data are the poems of the two poetries investigated in qualitative analysis. The main aim of this research is to investigate the different types of signifiers in two converse-based poetries with descriptive-analytical approach using the collected data. To achieve this aim, first the discursive clauses of each of the poetries are selected by using qualitative method and are analyzed based on the critical model of Laclau and Mouffe to identify the discursive components and valued signifiers. 4.Results and DiscussionsThe saliency of valued signifiers in poetries of Sheevan Foumani led the researchers of this paper to apply the critical model of Laclau and Mouffe for investigating different types of signifiers and discursive contents in the aforementioned two poetries. As a result, first the summaries of each of the poetries were explained and different types of signifiers in poetries were identified in accordance with the poems and the main characters of poetries. These signifiers were the central nodal points, floated signifier, and empty signifier so that the short applications of each of these elements were mentioned in poetries. Then, the poems indicating the valued signifiers of each characters of the poetries were mentioned. Moreover, the poems indicating the adversary valued signifiers were explained contrastively so that via the poems, the adversary discourses might be identified. And in final evaluation, the conflicted discourses might be shown. After identifying different types of valued signifiers, the functions of discourses corresponding to the valued signifiers were specified. And the discursive articulations of the poetries were formed in accordance with the signifiers and ongoing discourses. By the total analysis of the poems of poetries, based on the critical model of Laclau and Mouffe, the findings are summarized as follows:a) By identifying different types of signifiers in two poetries, it was specified that the central nodal point of Fokhos poetry had been nightmares. This central nodal point had one signified; while the central nodal point of Aghɑdɑr poetry had been shadblow and this central nodal point had two signified in accordance with two dimensions of shadblow in the view of two main characters of the poetry.b) Different types of discourses such as individualistic, collective, cultural, economic, and religious discourses in two poetries of Fokhos and Aghɑdɑr were identified in accordance with the poems of the poetries similarly. Also, the use of two subsidiary humanitarian and ecological discourses had been more concrete in the poetry of Aghɑdɑ Other findings that can be mentioned include the discursive cycling found in these two poetries so that the poet has used this cognitive technique to effectively influence the receiver. 5.Conclusions and SuggestionsBy applying the critical model of Laclau and Mouffe in the two poetries, we can attain the wide aspects of conceptual views and also, the secrete ideology of the textual layers. Moreover, in the poetries of Sheevan Foumani, the converse-based events of the characters are ongoing. Given that the critical model of Laclau and Mouffe is originated in post-structuralism, by analyzing the poetries meticulously, we can achieve the wide variety of contrasting discourses. So, this research has some suggestions:a) This research qualitative in nature. It may be suggested that in further research, by changing the procedure of the research, the combined qualitative and quantitative methods be adopted to evaluate precisely the application of critical model on the literary works.b) The poetries of Sheevan Foumani are varied from the aesthetic view. So, other poetries of the poet can be analyzed based on the discursive models by others. 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