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رویارویی شرق با رخدادهای نوین و مفاهیم نوآیین، یکی از مباحث مهم و شایان تأمل در دوران معاصر، به ویژه از اوایل قرن نوزدهم میلادی بوده است. چنان تقابلی را ممالک مختلفی تجربه کردند و ژاپن یکی از نمونه های قابل توجهی است که در پژوهش های ایرانی، با توجه به تشابهات تاریخی دو مملکت در آن عهد، خوانش رویدادهای سیاسی ژاپن، به ویژه قانون اساسی و مشروطه آن مملکت اهمیت دارد. در این پژوهش، به سیر تاریخی گذار ژاپن از دوران قدیم و زمام داری مستأصل و متزلزل به عصر جدید و سعی برای برقراری حکمرانی سیاسی نوین (دولت مشروطه) می پردازیم. گذاری که با اندیشه ورزی درباره چگونگی رویارویی با تجدد، ضمن آگاهی از اهمیت و وجاهت سنت های تاریخی جامعه همراه بود. پرسش اصلی و شایان تأمل این است که «مشروطه ژاپن چگونه می خواست میان سنت تاریخی خود و تجدد نوظهور وفاق ایجاد کند و آیا گسست ژاپن از دوران قدیم (سنت) اتفاق افتاد؟». فرض حاکم بر پژوهش چنین است که «در مشروطه ژاپن، روح سنت (تاریخی- سیاسی)، به ویژه جایگاه آسمانی و مقتدرانه امپراتور در پیکره دولت نوآیین حفظ شد و گرچه به لحاظ ترقی اقتصادی و استقرار دولتی مقتدر و تجددطلب، ژاپن توانست از دوران قدیم خود بگسلد، اما از حیث سیاسی یا مشروطیت حکمرانی، قانون اساسی محافظه کار و مصلحت اندیش ژاپن پیوند با سنت را حفظ کرد». پژوهش حاضر با روش تحلیلی و با نگرشی تاریخی البته با مبنا قرار دادن مفاهیم و نظریات سیاسی، پرسش و فرض مطرح شده را وارسی می کند.

The Japanese Constitutionalism in the Nineteenth Century: The Spirit of Tradition in the Statue of the Modern State

IntroductionAnalyzing the transition of countries from traditional governance to modernization is crucial in political, historical, and sociological studies. The 19th century was a pivotal period for Eastern nations because they were grappling with this transition. Countries like Japan, India, Iran, and the Ottoman Empire experienced a century of transformation characterized by intense debate, conflict, bewilderment, regret, reflection, comparison, and deliberation in their move from the old order to the new one. The political and historical treatises of the 18th and 19th centuries also attest to the transformation and the experience of the modern world encountered by the Eastern countries. This study aimed to explore the experience of Japan by examining its significant 19th-century transformations, providing insights into the process and vicissitudes of the transition from a traditional political system to a modern state. During the 19th century, Japan encountered modern concepts and experienced momentous events, grappling with its declining status and the need for reform. On the one hand, Japan possessed deeply rooted historical and political traditions that could not be abandoned. On the other hand, it had just emerged from a period of darkness, poverty, and turmoil of the 18th century. Against this backdrop, the Japanese elite recognized the necessity of reforming their governance system. Trying to untie the tangled knot of tradition and modernity, they decided to embrace modernity and its benefits while retaining their traditions. In fact, they aimed at thinking traditionally within the new order, with constitutionalism emerging as a key element in this transition. Having encountered global transformations, the Japanese considered constitutionalism as the most important lesson and the prominent manifestation of the modern world, as the cornerstone of the transition from a worn-out political system to the modern governance. The challenge for the elite and reformers was to reconcile constitutionalism with traditional values. The Japanese elite had actually realized that Japan’s constitutionalism could not take place in a radical and complete break from the country’s historical and political traditions. However, in the tug of war between constitutionalism and tradition, the former was greatly sacrificed for the sake of the latter.  Japan’s constitutionalism was a turning point in finding a way between modernity and tradition. Therefore, examining the Japanese historical experience can offer valuable insights into similar experiences across Eastern nations. Given the historical similarities between Iran and Japan, the present study aimed to examine Japan’s transition from traditional governance to a modern political order, highlighting how the Japanese constitutionalism attempted to reconcile the historical traditions with emerging modernity. The research questions are as follows: How did the Japanese constitution attempt to reconcile historical tradition with emerging modernity? And did Japan abandon its traditions? The study is based on the hypothesis that while Japan’s constitutionalism maintained the spirit of tradition, especially the divine and authoritative position of the emperor, it could break away from its traditional era by facilitating economic growth and the establishment of a powerful and modern state.  Materials and MethodsThis study employed an analytical and historical perspective. It also relied on political concepts and theories to explore the Japanese experience of modernity, offering insights for understanding similar historical experiences in other Eastern nations.Results and DiscussionJapan’s 19th-century transformation exemplifies the East’s encounter with modernity. After centuries of feudal rule under shoguns, internal crises, and awareness of new international dynamics, Japan underwent significant changes in governance. The Meiji Restoration emerged as a beacon of hope for the elite, offering liberation from a tumultuous past. While embodying constitutional principles, the Meiji Constitution was implemented with a conservative and pragmatic approach, preserving Japan’s heritage and upholding the emperor’s central role. Reforms in the military, bureaucracy, economy, and education under centralized governance reflected the elite’s efforts to reconcile tradition with modernity. The Japanese modernity prioritized stability and order over democratic ideals and individual freedoms, aligning with the aspirations of a patriotic and reformist emperor. Emperor Meiji, the embodiment of imperial resurgence, stood at the heart of the Constitution, solidifying his position as the focal point of political authority. Despite advancements, the Meiji Constitution failed to establish a real constitutional rule where the law reigns supreme over both the ruler and the ruled. It represented a blend of the enlightened emperor’s authority and pragmatism.ConclusionAccording to the findings, Japanese constitutionalism was characterized by the reconciliation of modernity and tradition. Japan’s conservative approach preserved traditional aspects within its new political framework exemplified by the constitution. The results of the study can offer insights for understanding similar historical experiences in other Eastern nations, including Iran.
