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استان کهگیلویه و بویراحمد (پایتخت طبیعت ایران) و شهرستان دنا دارای توان های طبیعی زیادی می باشد که از دو جنبه قابل بررسی است: بهره برداری از منابع و مشکلات محیط زیستی مربوط و حفاظت از آن ها. روستای سبز کارآفرین راه حلی برای برون رفت از وضعیت بهره برداری بی رویه کنونی و جایگاه نامناسب منابع طبیعی در فرایند توسعه، شناخته شده. سؤال های پژوهش عبارت اند از: وضعیت عوامل موثر بر روستای سبز کارآفرین از نظر اهمیت و وضع موجود چگونه است؟ مهم ترین عوامل موثر بر روستای سبز کارآفرین کدام اند؟ این پژوهش به لحاظ هدف کاربردی است. شناسایی روستای سبز به منظور بهره برداری از منابع و مشارکت دادن موثر آن ها در روند توسعه روستایی و تحقق کارآفرینی سبز روستایی انجام می گردد. به لحاظ زمانی تک مقطعی بوده، گردآوری داده ها پیمایشی و وسیله مشاهده و پرسشنامه است. 5 سکونتگاه به عنوان نمونه انتخاب شدند و به روش طبقه ای، تصادفی با انتساب متناسب نمونه گیری انجام شد. نمونه گیری در سطح روستاها مبتنی بر طبقات جمعیتی و در سطح خانوار انجام و درمجموع تعداد 332 پرسشنامه تکمیل شده به دست آمد. نتایج آزمون تی تک نمونه ای نشان داد که وضع موجود عوامل موثر بر روستای سبز کارآفرین در منطقه موردمطالعه در سطح پایینی قرار دارد. به طورکلی اهمیت تمامی عوامل موثر بر روستای سبز کارآفرین در سطح مهمی ارزیابی گردیده است درحالی که وضع موجود این عوامل در سطحی به مراتب پایین تر از اهمیت آن ها قرار دارد. بنابراین لازم است سازمان های متولی توسعه روستایی در جهت ارتقاء وضع موجود این عوامل همت گمارند.

Analysis of factors affecting the entrepreneurial green village (Case study: Dana village, Dana county)

Extended IntroductionResearches consider the green village as a way to sustainability, and while emphasizing the environmental aspect of green villages, they believe that this is a comprehensive model and its other dimensions, such as social, economic, cultural, etc., should not be neglected. And on the other hand, the factors affecting entrepreneurship were analyzed, and their summary is: skilled manpower, increasing the level of educational standards, holding entrepreneurship courses, financial capital, suitable cultural and social environment, financial and economic support, risk taking., personality traits, communication access, internet use, etc., among which economic factors have had a greater impact on the development of entrepreneurship.Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad province (natural capital of Iran) and especially Dana city have many natural resources that can be examined from two aspects: exploitation of resources and protection and environmental problems related to resources. The entrepreneurial green village is known as a solution to overcome the current situation. The questions that are raised are: What is the status of the factors affecting the entrepreneur's green village in terms of importance and current situation? What are the most important factors affecting the entrepreneur's green village? MethodologyThe research is applied in terms of purpose and single-section in terms of time, data collection is survey and descriptive and analytical by means of observation and questionnaire and data analysis method. 5 settlements were selected as samples and sampling was done by stratified random method with proportional assignment. Sampling was done at the village level based on population classes and at the household level with Cochran's formula and community variance, and a total of 332 completed questionnaires were obtained. Results and discussionThe results of the one-sample t-test showed that the current status of factors affecting the entrepreneurial green village in the study area is at a low level. The importance of the effective factors was used by step-by-step regression test and it is as follows: physical-infrastructural factors (0.46), economic factors (0.24), social factors (0.18) and institutional factors (0.12). These factors show a better situation in the two innocent villages of Bad Creek and Darshahi, which have more population and are closer to the city center than other villages.According to the respondents, the most important economic factors affecting the entrepreneur's green village are: supporting the commercialization of rural business ideas with an average of 4.84, and ownership of production resources (land and water, machinery, etc.) 4.81.The most important social factors: responsible behavior towards the environment 4.80. Encouraging exemplary rural entrepreneurs and introducing them to other villagers (in person, media, internet) 4.58.The most important institutional factors stated are: Institutional support for stable job opportunities 4.67. Cooperation of various relevant organizations in the direction of rural business development (governor's organization, agricultural jihad, rural cooperative, commerce, educational centers, local organizations,...) 4.43.The most important effective physical-infrastructural factor: development of physical communication infrastructure of the village (roads and communication roads with other rural and urban areas) 4.98.Descriptive findings of the current status of factors affecting the entrepreneurial green villageFrom the economic factors: the two factors of ownership of production resources with an average of 2.33 and granting loans and entrepreneurship facilities by the government with an average of 2.76 are at a higher level than the rest of the items.Among the social factors, encouragement of exemplary rural entrepreneurs and introducing them to other villagers (in person, media, internet) with an average of 2.93 and a shared view about the environment with an average of 2.96 are at a better level than the rest.The average of all items of institutional factors are at a level lower than 2. In relation to the existing situation of physical-infrastructural factors, the situation is the same. The status of all factors is at a low level.in one sample t - test, the mean and upper limit of all items were positive, so with 99 percent confidence, it is possible to say that the importance of factors is above average. finally, regarding the importance of the total factors affecting rural entrepreneurship, the average gained is 4.52. also, because the mean and upper limit of this item are both positive, so with 99 percent confidence, it can be said that the importance of total factors affecting rural entrepreneurship in the study area is above average.the average of the current status of effective factors in 1.83 is obtained which is lower than the theoretical mean of the society (3), since the upper and lower limit and also the mean difference are negative, so 99 percent confidence can be said that the current situation of the factors affecting the green village of the entrepreneur is low. all of the indicators of the present situation are far less than desired situation (importance).according to the results of beta coefficient, it can be said that the physical - infrastructural factor with the 0.46 coefficient is the most important factor in the development of entrepreneurial green village. after that, economic with the beta coefficient 0.24 percent, social with 0.18 and institutional coefficient with coefficient of 0.12 is. ConclusionThe importance of all factors affecting the green village of the entrepreneur has been evaluated in an important level while the status quo of these factors is much lower than their importance, therefore, it is necessary to identify the responsible organizations for promoting the status quo of these factors: in the economic dimension: special protection of public and private sector of organic products production, creating sustainable small businesses and commercialization of green ideas through facilitating the reception and registration of brand and in social dimension: providing skills and entrepreneurship education.in general, the importance of all factors affecting the green village of the entrepreneur has been evaluated in an important level while the status quo of these factors is much lower than their importance. FundingThere is no funding support. Authors’ ContributionAuthors contributed equally to the conceptualization and writing of the article. All of the authors approved the content of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work declaration of competing interest none. Conflict of InterestAuthors declared no conflict of interest. Acknowledgments We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.
