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طراحی یا تدوین استراتژی پیام مناسب، یکی از عوامل مهم تحت کنترل تبلیغ کنندگان است که بر اثربخشی کمپین های تبلیغاتی تأثیرگذار است؛ بااین حال، پژوهشی به صورت مسنجم و یکپارچه به دسته بندی استراتژی محتوای پیام نپرداخته است. براین اساس، پژوهش حاضر به شناسایی و دسته بندی استراتژی محتوای پیام و ارزیابی آنها با استفاده از روش پژوهش آمیخته متوالی (کیفی کمّی) می پردازد؛ به این صورت که در مرحله کیفی ازطریق فراترکیب پیشینه و تحلیل مضمون داده های حاصل از مصاحبه، استراتژی های محتوای پیام شناسایی شد. نتایج این بخش از پژوهش، استراتژی های محتوای پیام را درقالب 24 مفهوم، 11 استراتژی فرعی و 4 استراتژی اصلی (استراتژی متمایزسازی عینی، استراتژی متمایزسازی ذهنی، استراتژی اعتبارافزایی، استراتژی تشویقی) قرار داد. سپس در مرحله کمّی، با استفاده از استراتژی پیمایش به بررسی رابطه نوع محصول، سطح درگیری محصول، جایگاه محصول در چرخه عمر، شدت رقابت و جایگاه رقابتی برند با هریک از چهار استراتژی اصلی محتوای پیام پرداخته شد. به این منظور، پرسشنامه ای مبتنی بر متغیرهای مذکور برای 8 نمونه کمپین تبلیغاتی کشور که با درنظرگرفتن معیارهایی انتخاب شده بودند، طراحی و در میان جامعه هدف توزیع شد. داده های جمع آوری شده با استفاده از نرم افزار Spss، به روش رگرسیونی خطی چندگانه تحلیل شد. یافته های این بخش از پژوهش نیز حاکی از رابطه معنادار متغیرهای جایگاه محصول در چرخه عمر، شدت رقابت، جایگاه رقابتی برند با هرکدام از استراتژی های محتوای پیام بود. همچنین، رابطه بین نوع محصول با استراتژی متمایزسازی عینی، استراتژی اعتبارافزایی و استراتژی تشویقی و سطح درگیری محصول با استراتژی متمایزسازی عینی و استراتژی متمایزسازی ذهنی نیز معنادار بود. نتایج این مطالعه به متولیان بازاریابی درزمینه ساخت، طراحی و ارائه هرچه بیشتر کمپین های کارآمد کمک خواهد کرد. 

Message Content Strategies of Commercial Advertising Campaign: Identification, integration, and validation

Designing or developing an appropriate message strategy is one of the most important factors affecting the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. However, there is no study in the literature to categorize the message content strategy. Accordingly, the current research identifies and categorizes message content strategies, and evaluates them using a sequential mixed methods study. Thus, in the qualitative part of the research, the data obtained from the meta-synthesis literature and interviews with advertising campaign specialists were thematically analyzed. The results of this part put message content strategies into 24 themes, 11 sub-strategies, and 4 main strategies. In the quantitative part of the research, using the survey strategy, the relationship between the product type, level of product involvement, the product position in the life cycle, competition intensity, and the competitive position of the brand with each of the four main message content strategies were investigated. A questionnaire was distributed among the target population for 8 samples of the advertising campaigns selected based on some criteria. Finally, the collected questionnaires were analyzed using multiple linear regression method. The results of this part showed a significant relationship between the variables of product position in the life cycle, competition intensity, and brand competitive position with each of the message content strategies. Also, there is a significant relationship between product type and objective differentiation strategy, credibility strategy, and encouragement strategy. In addition, there is a meaningful relationship between the product involvement level with the objective differentiation strategy and the subjective differentiation strategy. IntroductionDesigning or developing an appropriate message strategy is one of the most important factors under the control of advertisers that affects the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. However, there is no comprehensive and integrated classification of message content strategy. Previous researchers have presented a handful of typologies on this topic that have weaknesses; for instance, some categories lack some elements described by others, and all the classifications are limited to external studies. Therefore, in the current study, a comprehensive and integrated categorization of the message content strategies has been provided by reviewing the relevant studies and based on the existing categories. Then, we evaluated the strategies by examining their relationship with some of the influencing factors in their selection which have been mentioned in previous studies and theories (including product type, level of product involvement, product position in the life cycle, competition intensity, and competitive position of the brand). Knowing the types of message content strategy, as well as which one is more appropriate according to each of the factors, will be an effective action in guiding the advertising campaign designers toward the conscious and scientific choice of message content strategy. MethodologyA sequential mixed-methods design (qualitative-quantitative) was used to achieve the research objective. Thus, in the qualitative part of the research, the data obtained from the Meta-synthesis literature, and interviews with advertising campaign specialists were thematically analyzed. Then, in the quantitative part of the research, using the survey strategy, the relationship between the product type, the level of product involvement, the product position in the life cycle, the competition intensity, and the competitive position of the brand with each of the four main message content strategies, were investigated. For this purpose, a questionnaire was designed based on the mentioned variables for eight examples of advertising campaigns, which were selected based on the considered criteria and distributed among the target population. Finally, using SPSS software, the collected questionnaires were analyzed by the multiple linear regression method. FindingsThe results of the qualitative part put message content strategies into 24 themes, 11 sub-strategies, and four main strategies (objective differentiation strategy, subjective differentiation strategy, credibility strategy, and encouragement strategy). The results of the quantitative part showed; that there is a significant relationship between the variables of product position in the life cycle, competition intensity, and brand competitive position with each of the message content strategies. Also, there was a significant relationship between product type and objective differentiation strategy, credibility strategy, and encouragement strategy. In addition, there was a meaningful relationship between product involvement level with the objective differentiation strategy and the subjective differentiation strategy. ConclusionsFrom the findings of the qualitative phase of the research (meta-synthesis and thematic analysis of interview data), an integrated classification of the message content strategy was provided based on 24 concepts, four of which were obtained from interview data that were not mentioned in the literature. Then, we presented two matrixes based on the survey results and the theoretical basis of the research. One of the matrices is obtained from the combination of the two components: product involvement level (high-low) and product type (durable-nondurable), and the other one is drawn from the composition of competition intensity (high-low) and the brand competitive position (high-low). Each introduced matrix contains four quadrants, and we suggest the appropriate message strategy for them. According to the findings of this research, we suggest future researchers analyze the content of a large sample of advertising campaigns by using the categories presented regarding the message content strategy in the current study, whose codes and operational definitions are known. Future researchers are also encouraged to use other methods, such as the Delphi technique or focus group interview, along with the meta-synthesis method, to identify message content strategies. Moreover, they can compare the effectiveness of the suggested message content strategies according to the provided matrices through experimental designs. Examining the relationship of other variables such as the audience culture or their demographic characteristics, the type of communication media with the choice of each of the message content strategies, is another future research proposal. By referring to the findings of this investigation, advertising campaign designers can choose the message content strategy more easily, quickly, and scientifically. Marketing and advertising teachers can use the results of this study in the classrooms to teach students about message content strategies in a more convenient, classified, and coherent way.The following could be considered as some contributions of the present study to the field: 1) providing an integrated classification of message content strategies using a qualitative method, 2) empirical examination of the relationship between the influencing variables with each of the message content strategies through the analysis of a sample of advertising campaigns, and 3) providing matrixes for selecting message content strategies.   
