
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


برای اینکه سیاست خارجی حکومت اسلامی بتواند به اهداف موردنظر در سعادت و کمال جامعه دست یابد، لازم است تا اقدامات و کنش های سیاست خارجی دولت اسلامی، در پرتو مبانی و اصول برآمده از شریعت اسلام تنظیم شود. وجود یک اولویت بندی صحیح که اساس انتخاب های متعدد و مهم سیاست خارجی کشور را تشکیل می دهد، برای داشتن سیاست خارجی مداوم و مناسب ضروری است. بدیهی است که آن اولویت بندی نیز باید بر اساس اولویت بندی مهم ترین اصول و قواعد فقهی سیاست خارجی  باشد؛  امری که پژوهش حاضر با روش توصیفی- تحلیلی به آن می پردازد و به نظر می رسد تاکنون تا حدودی مورد غفلت واقع شده است. بر این اساس و با استفاده از روش های رفع تعارض و تزاحمات در علم اصول فقه، همچنین واقعیت های جهان معاصر، مسائل مبتلابه جهان اسلام در عصر حاضر و نقشی که سیاست خارجی در تأمین مصالح و منافع کشورها دارد، ترتیبی برای اولویت بندی مهم ترین اصول و قواعد سیاست خارجی از منظر فقه اسلامی و به تبع آن کنش های لازم برای اجرای هر یک از آن ها پیشنهاد می گردد. همچنین این اصل کلی که وجود تکلیف در اجرای هر یک از اصول اولویت بندی شده منوط به داشتن توانایی انجام آن بوده و اینکه در صورت تزاحمات هر یک از اصول سیاست خارجی با اصل مصلحت، مصلحت خصوصاً مصلحت حفظ اصل نظام اسلامی بر همه چیز اولویت دارد، نتیجه گیری می شود.

Prioritizing the Foreign Policy Actions of the Islamic State from a Jurisprudential Perspective

Islam, as the last and most comprehensive religion, undoubtedly includes social and governmental dimensions in addition to individual dimensions, and has provided specific frameworks for the economic and political systems of managing the social life of humans. In order for the foreign policy of the Islamic government to achieve the desired goals in the prosperity and perfection of society, it is necessary to regulate the actions of the foreign policy of the Islamic government in the light of the principles and fundamental rules derived from Islamic law. Before the victory of the Islamic revolution in Iran and the establishment of a government based on the Islamic Sharia, although centuries had passed since the formation of jurisprudence and researching in various Islamic sciences, among the followers of the Ahl al-Bayt, the governmental aspects of Shiism, due to not being practical, were given less importance. Considering this reason, after the establishment of the government of the Islamic Republic, and especially in the current situation, when more than 40 years have passed since the establishment of this holy system, which is based on the rules of pure Islam and the teachings of the Ahl al-Bayt, the need for research in these areas is even more necessary. One of the most effective issues in achieving the goals of Islamic society and Islamic government, is relations with other governments and countries, which are regulated based on foreign policy. In foreign policy, having the right prioritization, which forms the basis of the country's numerous and important foreign policy choices, is essential to having a consistent and appropriate foreign policy. the main question in this matter is, what is that prioritization based on the principles and rules of jurisprudence? and what factors are effective in arranging the jurisprudential principles and rules related to foreign policy Something that seems to have been somewhat neglected so far. Considering that foreign policy is a concept that has taken a different form after the formation of modern governments, in the old jurisprudence and narrative texts, there is no specific discussion under the title of foreign policy prioritization; Although the discussion of relations with other nations is one of the topics that the Holy Qur'an and hadiths have dealt with, and the scholars have also discussed it and raised it among other jurisprudential issues since the beginning of the establishment of the Islamic State. In addition, with the conducted surveys, there is no research work that has paid independently to Prioritization of foreign policy actions in Islam. But there are some researches that are somehow related to the issue of foreign policy and Islamic international relations. The main purpose of this research is to examine the priorities of foreign policy action from the perspective of Islamic jurisprudence. In addition, the position of expediency in the foreign policy of the Islamic State from a jurisprudential point of view and the role of the ability to achieve goals in prioritizing foreign policy from a jurisprudential perspective is also examined. The present study reinforces the idea that by using conflict resolution methods in the science of principles of jurisprudence and rational principle, the most important preference, as well as the realities of the contemporary world, the problems of the Islamic world in the present age and the role of foreign policy in providing It has the interests of countries, according to the circumstances, it is possible to make an arrangement for prioritization of the most important principles and rules of foreign policy from the perspective of Islamic jurisprudence and consequently, the necessary actions to implement them. It can be said that in prioritizing foreign policy from the point of view of the jurisprudence of Islamic religions, principles and rules such as peaceful coexistence, the Mustache negation rule, the principle of the necessity of contracts, the principle of reciprocity, the principle of invitation, the concepts of power and public interest; are decisive principles and rules. Also, this general principle that the existence of a task in the implementation of each of the prioritized principles depends on its ability to do so, and also in case of conflict between any of the principles of foreign policy with the principle of expediency, expediency, especially expediency of maintaining the of Islamic system takes precedence over everything, it is deduced.
