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در این پژوهش برمبنای نظریه دو زبان شناس برجسته روس ل. و. شِربا و ل. آ. نُویکُف، هشت عبارت و اصطلاح رایج در زبان های فارسی و روسی در پرتو تفاوت ها و شباهت های فرهنگی بررسی می شود. هدف پژوهش این است که دانشجویان روسی آموز عبارت ها و اصطلاحات روسی را با عبارت ها و اصطلاحات فارسی از لحاظ فرهنگی مقایسه و آنها را درست به کار برند. نتایج پژوهش نشان می دهد، اگرچه معادل هایی برای عبارت ها و اصطلاحات در فرهنگ فارسی و روسی نوشته می شود، اما به کارگیری آنها در فرهنگ هر دو زبان باتوجه به موقعیت زمانی، شاخص های فرهنگی و آداب گفتار همیشه یکسان نیست و گاهی تفاوت های مفهومی نیز ایجاد می شود که این موضوع ناشی از تفاوت های فرهنگی در هر دو زبان تلقی می گردد. بنابراین در آموزش زبان روسی به فارسی زبانان باید به بُعد کاربردی آنها توجه شود.

Differences and Similarities of Some Widely Used Phrases and Expressions in Persian And Russian Languages in The Cultural Difference Aspect

The vocabulary treasure of a language is the cultural heritage of a nation. Sometimes, some words in the vocabulary of a linguistic culture, illustrate a cultural picture of the language of a society that only people of that society comprehend. These words are recorded in fixed phrases and expressions, in other words in the culture of the people. In this research, based on Shcherba and Novikov‘s theory, two distinguished Russian linguists, eight common and widely used terms and expressions in Persian and Russian languages are studied in terms of cultural differences and similarities. The aim of the study is that Russian learners compare Russian phrases and expressions to Persian ones from a cultural point of view, and being able to use them correctly. The results show, despite the fact that the equivalents for terms and expressions are written in both Persian and Russian cultures, their usage in the culture of both languages, depending on the circumstances, cultural indicators and speech etiquette, is not always the same and sometimes there are conceptual differences, which is due to cultural differences in the languages. Therefore, in teaching Russian to Persian speakers, the practical aspect should be considered.   Extended Abstract 1. Introduction When representing different concepts, languages sometimes employ different, special tools. One of these tools is the culture of the language community. Contrary to the theories of structural grammar and generative grammar, sometimes the surface structure and deep structure of a sentence, as well as the mere meaning of words, do not express the main meaning of that sentence, and only by referring to the culture of that language community and through communication, the real meaning is stated. The use of language in the cultural context, in fact, examines communications of that language community in a particular language situation.   2. Theoretical framework In “Sokhan Comprehensive Dictionary” (Farkhange Bozorge Sokhan), the word “Language” is defined as “a systematic plan in human mind, which is based on organized rules, realized by means of sounds or written signs and used for expressing thoughts and feelings or to communicate”. “A language is born and evolved with the birth and evolution of a community and dies when the community is dead, and when there is no society there is no language. “Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Language” (Tolkovyj slovarˈ russkogo jazyka) considers language as a special sound and grammatical structure by means of which thoughts are expressed and communication is established. According to V.I. Dal a language is a collection of all the words of a nation, through which, they convey their messages. Looking at these simple definitions of the word “language”, in Persian and Russian dictionaries, it becomes obvious that concepts are conveyed and communication is established through a language. Language is something universal, such an advanced tool that can help humans expand beyond boundaries and access communication, and this is how a language manifests the cultural heritage of a society. Every word of a language carries a general idea, but sometimes a word in a specific culture carries a particular idea. That special word comes up only in that culture and its idea is only related to that word. From contemporary communicative linguistics’ point of view, the skill of using the language is seen as a sociocultural intellectual activity, thus, in the principles and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, two essential objectives for the language learners should be pointed out. Learning to understand a new culture and understanding intercultural communication; in other words, the ability to communicate with the speakers of that language. Therefore, in addition to the linguistic structure of the target language, the language learner should also master the cultural content of that language. Searle and Grice, unlike Noam Chomsky, believed in the communication skill theory, and from their point of view, communication skill is separate from language skill, and communication skill occurs through language in the real world. In fact, in the principles and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, two important principles of L.V. Shcherba as one of the prominent Russian linguists should be 1- Determining the goal of education and ways to achieve this goal; nad 2- Making the language teaching methods applicable; That is, the grammatical aspects of the language should be considered as a point, main purpose of which is to create verbal, social and cultural communication among the people in the same or different cultures.   3. Methodology Descriptive-analytical method was used in this study. Here we selected eight widespread and commonly used terms and expressions used by Iranian and Russian people in their culture. Each one will be individually discussed. Also, in case of conceptual differences in the light of culture, they will be looked into. These phrases and terms are: 3.1. Bless you! (С лёгким паром! Будьте здоровы!) 3.2. Bon appetite! Eat heartily! Chow down! Enjoy your meal! (Приятного аппетита! На здоровье!) 3.3. Good night! Good evening! (Доброй ночи! Спокойной ночи! Добрый вечер!) 3.4. Good job! Keep it up! (Бог в помощь!) 3.5. See you! Good morning! (До свидания! Прощай (-те)! Пока!) 3.6. You look amazing. (Вы прекрасно выглядите!) 3.7. Welcome! (Добро пожаловать! С приездом!) 3.8. Don’t mention it! Not at all! You’re welcome! (Не стоит благодарности! Не за что!)   4. Results & Discussion By reviewing the ideas and topics proposed in the field of the mutual relationship between culture and language, it becomes evident that language and culture are inseparable, which is more evident in human communication. Studying these stated terms and expressions in this research also showed that people of every cultural community, communicate and interact with each other using conventional symbols in their culture. The inseparability of language and, the correct understanding of terms and expressions of a culture by the people of that culture and finally, the differences in perceiving the surrounding world by the people of various cultures are the key points that draw attention. They indicate that in Russian language teaching, they must be considered seriously and that Persian-speaking learners of Russian language should pay special attention to these points when communicating with Russian speakers.   5. Conclusions & Suggestions Teaching the culture, among other different educational subjects, requires more analysis. In case of Russian language education, it can be achieved, to some extent, only through teaching the courses "Cultural-Literary Influences of Iran on Russia", "Russian Idioms and Proverbs", and "History, Geography and Culture of Russia". This insufficiency can be compromised by adding some materials, mainly about differences in these two cultures, to the translation, listening and speaking, and conversation courses. Because as it was proven by looking into those eight examples, for the correct translation and a proper communication, the learner must be familiar with the culture of the language in question. Undoubtedly, the integration of Russian language education with its practical aspect, in the form of culture, can facilitate the learning process for Persian-speaking Russian learners, and deepen the understanding of learned materials and make the learning process more appealing for the learners.   Select Bibliography Ахманова О.С. 1966. Словарь лингвистических терминов , Москва: Советская энциклопедия. [In Russian]. Anvari, H. 2002. Sokhan Comprehensive Dictionary, Volume 5, Tehran: Sokhan Publications. [In Persian]. Безъязыкова Ю.А. 2018. “Взаимосвязь языка и культуры при обучении иностранным языкам”, Наука и образование сегодня , 1 (24): 72-74. [In Russian]. Даль В.И. 1882. Толковый словарь живаго великорускаго языка , Москва: Библиотека «Руниверс». [In Russian]. Dehkhoda, A. A. 1998. Loghatname Dehkhoda (Encyclopedic Dictionary), Volume 8, Tehran: Tehran University Publications. [In Persian]. Moradi, M. Rahmani, M. 2020. “A Sociolinguistic Study of “Jargon and Slang (Russian Language Case Study)”, journal of “Book Review Journal of Foreign Languages”, 3 (1): 122-95. [In Persian]. Safavi, K. 1992. Seven Essays on Translation , Tehran: Markaz Publications. [In Persian]. Smith, F. 2004. Cultural theory: An introduction , Translated into Persian by Hasan Pouyan. Tehran: Elmi Publications. [In Persian]. Tajabadi, F. Aghagolzadeh, F. 2011. “FLT in the Light of Culture Teaching Challenges”, Journal of Foreign Language Research , 1 (1): 37-55. [In Persian]. Верещагин Е.М., Костомаров В.Г. 1990. Язык и культура , Москва: Русский язык. [In Russian].
