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در مطالعات امنیتی، دولت ها که مسئول تأمین امنیت جامعه هستند که می توانند از عوامل مهم تهدید امنیت انسانی به حساب آیند. ویژگی های بارز چنین دولت هایی که با ویژگی یک دولت حداکثری هم خوانی دارد، می تواند شامل تقدم منافع دولت بر منافع و ارزش های افراد جامعه، وجود دستگاه های امنیتی داخلی بزرگ و بیش ازحد ضرورت در آن ها برای اقدامات امنیتی-پلیسی علیه شهروندان جامعه باشد. نقش دولت در عربستان سعودی به عنوان یکی از مصادیق موضوع، مساله کانونی پژوهش حاضر است که تلاش دارد با استفاده از روش مقایسه ای و توصیفی، چگونگی تهدید امنیت انسانی در جامعه عربستان سعودی از سوی دولت این کشور را، قبل و پس از اصلاحات «محمد بن سلمان» ارزیابی کند. بر اساس مطالعات اولیه، دولت عربستان با شاخص های دولت حداکثری، امنیت انسانی را در جامعه تهدید می کند. یافته های پژوهش نشان می دهد که اصلاحات سال های اخیر بن سلمان در جامعه عربستان نیز نتوانسته است از شدت این تهدیدات در جامعه بکاهد. شواهد مؤید آن است که اصلاحات بن سلمان، غالباً سطحی بوده و در طول پیاده سازی آن نیز، دولت به دلیل ماهیت حداکثری خود همانند گذشته، از طریق قانون گذاری، سیاست گذاری عمومی و اجرای برنامه های اجتماعی اش و از طریق ایجاد نوعی بی نظمی سیاسی ناشی از سرکوب رقبای سیاسی داخلی، به مثابه عاملی امنیت زدا برای جامعه و افراد انسانی عمل کرده و مهم ترین تهدیدات را متوجه اقشار مختلف جامعه کرده است. ازاین رو، می توان ساختار دولت حاکم در عربستان سعودی را فارغ از نقش کارگزاران در آن، ماهیتاً حداکثری و تهدیدی جدی علیه امنیت انسانی جامعه معرفی کرد.

Maximum State and Threat to Human Security in Society; (Case of Study: Comparison of the State in Saudi Arabia before and after the Reforms)

In security studies, governments, which are responsible for providing society's need for security, can be considered as important factors that threaten human security. The important characteristics of such governments can include the priority of the interests of the government over the interests and values of the people of the society, the existence of large internal security apparatuses for security-police measures against the citizens of the society. In today's world, the issue of personal security and the threats it faces is of particular importance in security studies. Individual and human security includes various categories from development to peace and dignity in the individual and group dimensions. Today, individual security is examined from different aspects. In the meantime, the government, as an important authority in ensuring the security of the people of the society, can apply serious threats against the people of the society. In other words, it can be said that in security studies, the issue of confrontation and conflict between human security and the interests of the government is a very important issue. Since the 1970s, simultaneously with the expansion of the meaning of security in the world, many experts in the field of security studies have come to the conclusion that the nature of the government, considering its structure, can pose serious threats to individual and human security in the society and from in this sense, in a society, the interests of the government can be opposed to the interests of the citizens of the society. The ruling government in Saudi Arabia is also in a situation similar to the mentioned situation. In the Saudi society, there are serious threats from the government to different individuals and groups of the society. With the implementation of agency changes in the political structure of Saudi Arabia since 2015 and the reforms that have taken place in the cultural and social fields in this country, people have noticed that whether human security in Saudi Arabia has really been taken into consideration by the current government? The findings of the current research show that despite the aforementioned agency changes in the political structure of Saudi Arabia, the role of the government structure and the context in which the current government was formed cannot be ignored in this issue. From this point of view, while examining the structure of the government in Saudi Arabia, the field of research is clarified and the issue of human security and its relationship with the structure of the government are determined, so that through this way, it is possible to examine the issue of human security in this country and examine the role of the government as a structural factor in The threat is heeded. Therefore, the threats against human security in Saudi Arabia by the government, before and after the social and cultural reforms of recent years; will be reviewed. For this purpose, this article seeks to find the answer to the question that how does the structure of the government in Saudi Arabia threaten human security in the society? In this regard, by comparing the conditions before and after the reforms in this country, the question of whether the threat to human security in the Saudi society originates from the structure of the government or the role of the agents who are at the top of the power? According to the conducted studies, the hypothesis of the research has been formulated in such a way that the ruling government in Saudi Arabia with the characteristics of a maximalist government and possessing characteristics such as authoritarianism, profit seeking and the extensive and decisive performance of the influential security apparatus against individuals, personal and human security It has threatened the whole society and thus the category of human security has no meaning for the ruling government in Saudi Arabia and the concept of security only means the security of the state and is summed up in its national and state dimension. The important point is that the reforms of recent years in the social and cultural fields in the Saudi society have not been able to reduce these threats. The findings indicate that Bin Salman's reforms in Saudi Arabia were cultural and superficial reforms, and even during its implementation, the ruling government in this country, due to its maximum nature, as in the past through legislation, public policy and the implementation of its social programs and also from By creating a kind of political disorder caused by the suppression of internal political rivals, it has acted as a de-security factor for the society and human beings and has caused the most important threats to different sections of the society, including elites, critics, immigrants and minorities. Therefore, the nature of the structure of the ruling government in Saudi Arabia can be considered a serious threat to the human security of the Saudi society, regardless of the role of agents in it. Research evidence shows that women in Saudi Arabia are still restricted by Wahhabi rules. As a minority, Shiites are also in the lowest social class, and executions and repression against them have increased. Foreign workers and immigrants, political elites, journalists and civil activists are also in an unfavorable situation due to the repression and restrictions caused by the atmosphere of Ben Salman's rise to power. Therefore, since the applied reforms had only socio-cultural aspects, they were carried out superficially due to the political conditions of Saudi Arabia and were not formulated in the framework of the laws and regulations of this country, and the issue of human security was included in these reforms. therefore, the structure of the government in Saudi Arabia after the reforms is the same as the previous maximum structure, which in nature causes a threat to human security in the society. As a result, it can be acknowledged that removing the threat to human security in a society requires the minimization of the government structure in it, and it requires deep political and civil changes and reforms in the power structure in the country, but in Saudi Arabia after the period of Bin Salman's reforms, the power structure Not only did it not change; Moreover, its authoritarian, police and security components also intensified. Based on this, it can be accepted that human security in Saudi Arabia is still in conflict with the interests of the government and the ruling family, and as long as the government structure in this country is maximal, authoritarian and profit-oriented, human security in the society will be under threat.
