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بررسی بناهای مرتبط با آتش در دوره ساسانی مانند آتشکده ها و چهارتاقی ها نشان می دهد که عوامل متعددی برای ساخت این بناها به عنوان مکان مهم انجام مراسم دینی و آئینی درنظر گرفته می شده است و یکی از این عوامل توجه به انحراف از جهت شمال جغرافیایی بوده است؛ در اوستا و متون پهلوی مانند: وندیداد، خرده اوستا، گزیده های زادسپرم، بندهشن، ارداویراف نامه و دیگر متون، جهت شمال دروازه جهنم و جایگاه اهریمن و دیوان دانسته شده است. بر این اساس هدف از پژوهش پیشِ رو با توجه به سکوت اوستا در رابطه با آتشکده ها، روشن ساختن میزان توجه به مسائل دینی، آئینی و اساطیری در هنگام برپا ساختن آتشکده ها است. از این رو، با هدف پاسخ گویی به این پرسش که، آیا می توان انحراف از شمال و ساخته شدن نیایشگاه های مرتبط با آتش در جهات فرعی و قرارگیری عناصر داخلی نیایشگاه ها در جهتی که هنگام انجام مراسم رو به شمال نداشته باشند، را با دلایل دینی و آئینی مرتبط دانست؟ تلاش شده است تا با رویکرد تاریخی-تحلیلی و با استناد به شواهد باستان شناختی و انطباق آن با متون پهلوی و رسوم امروزی زرتشتیان دلایل توجه به انحراف از شمال بررسی گردد. دستاورد مطالعه بناهای مذهبی دوره ساسانی گویای این امر است که با توجه به جایگاه اهریمن و دیوان دانستن جهت شمال در آئین زرتشتی و اساطیر ایرانی، نه تنها در هنگام اجرای مراسم آئینی زرتشتی جایگاه موبدان دارای اهمیت بوده و از رو به شمال داشتن اجتناب می شده است، بلکه در بیشتر موارد بناهای مهم دوره ساسانی نظیر آتشکده ها و کاخ ها نیز در جهات فرعی ساخته می شدند و یا ورودی اصلی به ساختمان در جهتی به غیر از جهت شمال ایجاد می شده است؛ از این رو، می توان این گونه پنداشت که برخی از دلایل آئینی و اساطیری علت توجه به انحراف از شمال درمیان بناهای مذهبی دوره ساسانی بوده است.

A Direction Other than North: An Analysis on Deviation from North in Fire-Related Monuments of the Sassanid Era

A study on religious buildings related to fire such as fire temples and Chahar Taqis in the Sassanid era shows that different factors have been considered in constructing these monuments as an important place for religious and ritualistic ceremonies. One of these factors is deviation from north. In Avesta and other Pahlavi texts such as Vendidad, Khorde Avesta, Gozidaha-ye Zadesparm, Bundahish, Arda Viraf Nameh, Shayest Nashayest, and etc. north direction is the gateway to hell and a direction for Ahriman and the demons. According to this, and considering Avesta’s lack of clarity on temples and fire temples, the purpose of this study is to clarify how strongly religious, rituals and mythical matters have been considered in constructing fire temples. Aiming at answering the question: "Whether deviation from north and building worship places related to fire in ordinal directions, as well as placing interior elements of these worship places during the ceremonies not to face north are related to religious rituals or not?", it has been tried to clarify the reasons of deviation from the north with a historical-analytical approach and based on archaeological evidence, compliance with Pahlavi texts and today’s Zoroastrian customs. Results of studying religious monuments in the Sassanid era show that, due to the belief of north being a direction for Ahriman and the demons in Zoroastrian rituals and Iranian myths, Mobads’ place during Zoroastrian ceremonies was of utmost importance. It had to avoid north. Also, the majority of the fire temples and palaces have been built in ordinal directions, or the main entrance to the building was built in any other direction except the north. Therefore, it can be assumed that some religious and ritualistic reasons are the reasons why the Sassanians paid extra attention to deviating from the north in building their religious monuments. Keywords: Fire Temple, North Direction, Apakhtar, Chahar Taqi, Sassanid Era. Introduction The archaeological evidence indicates that many factors, including the construction of ordinal directions, were taken into account when constructing the fire-related monuments in the Sassanid era. Now, the main question is why should a fire temple or Chahar Taqi be built on ordinal directions? And basically, why it has been taken into account in all fire temples? To find the answer to this question, the religious and ritual texts of the Sassanid era and some of the Zoroastrian written sources can be helpful; thus, relying merely on archaeological evidence cannot answer all questions about religious monuments of the Sassanid era. Thus, achieving a comprehensive perspective in this regard necessitates finding a logical relationship between the archaeological evidence and the Zoroastrian written texts. The religious texts have pointed to the fact that the position of Ahriman and winter is the north direction or Apakhtar. Since Iranians assumed the north direction as the position of winter and had no enemy bigger than winter or north and also considered the coldness as the worst disaster, they likely tended to construct their major buildings in a direction that deviated from the north because this is an important point that had been taken into consideration in religious and ritual ceremonies in Zoroastrianism. By reviewing all of the groupings and classifications presented by researchers on the location and placement of the fire-related monuments across Iran, we can figure out that most of these monuments, either having a circumambulation or without it, either being isolated or being located at the villages or city centers, and either belonging to the early, mid, or late Sassanid era, have been built on ordinal directions, and the deviation-from-north pattern is observable in most of them. In the present work, the Authors attempt to investigate the reasons for the placement of the fire temples and Chahar Taqis on ordinal directions by using a descriptive-analytical method. For this purpose, initially, the religious texts such as Avesta, Vendidad, and other Zoroastrian texts are investigated through the documentary method. Then, relying on the archaeological evidence, the instances of deviation from the north in the fire temples are identified and introduced. On this basis, the fire temples and Chahar Taqis of the Sassanid era across Iran are investigated. Yet, the main analysis in this work is based on some newly found fire temples in the west of Iran, which have provided considerable evidence in this regard. Discussion Consider the Adur Gushnasp fire temple in Takht-e Suleiman as the criterion for the identification of the Sassanid fire temples architecture style, said that the influence of this type of building plan (especially deviation from the north) can be observed in other fire temples of this era. According to the explorations of the Sassanid fire temples in the west of Iran, most of them have some features in common, one of which is the deviation from north and construction on ordinal directions. For instance, among the three Shiyan, Mil-e Milegeh, and Palang Gerd fire temples, there are similarities in terms of the plan, material, firebases, T-shape platform, and deviation from the north. In Mil-e Milegeh and Palang Gerd, the T-shape platforms are placed between the northern piers while in the Shiyan fire temple; the T-shape platform is placed at the western gate. Despite various theories regarding the function of these platforms, the T-shape platforms have been placed in such a manner as to avoid facing the north while performing or watching the ceremonies. Considering the religious, political, and social changes occurring during the 3 several hundred years of the Sassanid dynasty, it is inferable that the plans of the religious buildings of the early, mid, and late Sassanid era exhibit some changes. However, the construction of religious buildings in ordinal directions is a factor that has been taken into consideration during the whole Sassanid dynasty without being changed. Based on the archaeological evidence we can observe the deviation from the north in the placement of the building of the temples, direction of the building’s entrance, and finally, the placement of the platforms in the interior space of the temples. Some of the reasons for considering the deviation from the north include the consideration of the ritual and mythical issues, the lethality of coldness in Iranian’s culture, confliction between the position of the Iranian and Indian Yazatas and demons, and a significant relationship between the direction and intensity of sunlight and its impact on the formation of spatial patterns of the constructions. Conclusion Although there is not sufficient information available regarding how the location for fire temples was selected, an investigation and comparison of the Avesta and Zoroastrian written sources with archaeological evidence indicates that some ritual aspects such as considering a deviation from the north have been probably an essential factor when constructing these monuments. The most obvious evidence for the consideration of the deviation from the north can be seen in Adur Gushnasp fire temple, the plan of which has been repeated in most of the fire temples of the Sassanid era, especially in fire temples of the west of Iran such as Shiyan, Mil-e Milegeh, and Palang Gerd. Since the direction to which the Mobads, individuals, and fire were facing has been very important in ritual ceremonies and other purification-related ceremonies, the construction of these monuments in a direction that deviated from the north might be attributed to the religious and mythical instructions. The comparison of the archaeological evidence with written Pahlavi sources and current Zoroastrian ceremonies indicates that the deviation from the north had been taken into consideration while selecting the temple locations, determining the building entrance directions, and the platform placement in the interior spaces of these locations.
