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یکی از معیارهای مهم در ثبت میراث جهانی، منظر فرهنگی است که با رویکرد جامع و عمل گرایانه به حفاظت از عناصر طبیعی، فرهنگی ملموس و ناملموس محوطه های تاریخی می پردازد. آثار صخره ای تاق بستان به عنوان یک اثر ملی در فهرست میراث موقت جهانی ثبت گردیده که متأسفانه در سال های اخیر شاهد تغییرات فیزیکی در عناصر تاریخی و طبیعی آن هستیم. گسستگی ارتباط بین آثار و طبیعت موجب ازدست رفتن ماهیت اصلی محوطه گشته و تخریب بیشتر آن را درپی دارد. با توجه به این که منظر فرهنگی تعاملی بین انسان و طبیعت است، آثار تاریخی تاق بستان، آن را به عنوان نمادیی مستعد برای ایجاد منظر فرهنگی درآورده است. این پژوهش با شناخت طبیعی و تاریخی تاق بستان و براساس نظریه های ارائه شده در حوزه مناظر فرهنگی، سعی در نشان دادن و ضرورت نگاهی جامع در امر حفاظت و مرمت این اثر تاریخی را داشته و درپی اثبات فرضیه است که تاق های تاق بستان تنها یک اثر تاریخی و باستان شناسی نبوده، بلکه یک منظر فرهنگی است. روش در این پژوهش توصیفی-تحلیلی، براساس داده های گردآوری شده از منابع اسنادی، کتابخانه ای و مشاهدات میدانی است؛ ازجمله پرسش هایی که در این پژوهش به آن ها پاسخ داده می شود؛ 1- تعیین معیارهای منظر فرهنگی چیست؟ 2- مؤلفه های تشکیل دهنده منظر فرهنگی تاق بستان چه هستند؟ نتیجه حاصل از بررسی نشان می دهد، براساس نمادهای جهانی، تاق بستان دارای معیارهای یک منظر فرهنگی با مؤلفه های طبیعی و انسانی به صورت ملموس و ناملموس بوده و دارای تمامی عوامل مؤثر عینی و ذهنی در شکل گیری منظر فرهنگی است و برخلاف تصور رایج، نقش برجسته های ساسانی، تنها عامل برای خلق این منظر فرهنگی نیستند، بلکه مؤلفه های منظر فرهنگی تاق بستان، ترکیبی از مؤلفه های طبیعی، فرهنگی است که در طول تاریخ به هم گره خورده و تفکیک ناپذیرند.

An Approach to Reading Components of Taq Bostan Cultural Landscape

One of the important criteria of registration in the World Heritage List is the cultural landscape, which deals with the preservation and restoration of natural, tangible and intangible cultural elements of historical sites with a holistic and pragmatic approach. The arcs of Taq Bostan have been registered as a national site in the temporary world heritage list, but unfortunately, in recent years, we have seen physical changes in its historical and natural elements. The dissociation between the works and nature causes loss of the original nature of the site and leads to its further destruction. Considering that the cultural landscape is tantamount to interaction between humans and the nature, the historical works of Taq Bostan have turned the site into an element capable of creating cultural landscape. This study has been conducted through the archive, text studies and survey on the site, Taq Bostan. This research has tried to highlight the necessity of a comprehensive look at the protection and restoration of this historical work and seeks to prove the hypothesis that the arches of Taq Bostan are only one work. It is not historical and archeological, but a cultural landscape. The method of this descriptive-analytical research is based on data collected from documentary, library, survey and experience working in the site. Among the questions that are answered in this research; mention can be made of the following: 1. What are the criteria of cultural landscape? 2. What are the elements of Taq Bostan cultural landscape? The result of the research shows; based on the global elements, Taq Bostan has the criteria of a cultural landscape with natural and human components in tangible and intangible forms and has all the effective objective and subjective factors in the formation of the cultural landscape; and contrary to popular belief, Sasanian reliefs are not the only factor in creating this cultural landscape; rather, the components of Taq Bostan’s cultural; s cultural landscape are a combination of natural and cultural modules that are intertwined and inseparable throughout history. Keywords: Cultural Landscape, Component, Taq Bostan, Tangible, Intangible. Introduction The rock art of Taq Bostan is one of the most important works of the Sassanid era and has been nominated for registration in the world heritage (WHC UNESCO, 2021). The importance of the Sassanid sculptures of the Bostan Arch, especially its large arch, in terms of the elegance in the execution of relief motifs, their narrative style, the depiction of artificial and sacred hunting grounds, are cited by researchers such as Pope in the 1920s, Hertzfeld 1940, Vandenberg 1956, Girshman 1962, Godar 1965 and Kristen Sen 1384 and Tanabe 1983. The deer hunting panel of this arch is unique and there is no equivalent in Sasanian art (Compareti, 2016: 5). Also, due to the uniqueness of these motifs, it is always used in identification of fabrics (Hertsfeld, 1940; Raami, 2012; Herman, 2008; Harper 1999) and musical instruments of the Sassanid period (Farmer, 2017; Christine Sen, 1935) have been effective. These works have a deep connection with literature and popular culture, including Nezami’s "Khosrow & Shirin (Khamse Nizami, 6th century p. 30) and & quot; Shirin & amp; Farhad in Kurdish &q uot. Considering the unbreakable link between history and nature and the opinions and beliefs of the people about Taq Bostan, it is assumed that the arches in Taq Bostan are not just a historical and archeological site and it is necessary to maintain strong relationship between the nature and ancient works; moreover social interactions that govern them should be taken into account. In other words this area is a cultural landscape and interference in each of these components should be done according to its impacts on the other component. For example, it may be effective to intervene in the seams and cracks of the rocks of the arches, to prevent infiltrating water from decreasing or increasing or even drying up the springs. The springs have played an essential role (naturally and culturally) in creating reliefs that if removed, part of the historical and natural values of this area will be lost. This research aims to know the criteria for determining the natural and historical components of Taq Bostan based on the theories presented in the field of cultural landscape in order to remind the necessity of a comprehensive view, as it is proposed in cultural landscapes, in the protection and restoration of this historical work. It is hoped that this research will lead to reconsideration of some JOZINEGARANEH decisions and attitudes that govern this area. In the meantime this research only emphasizes on proving the cultural landscape of Taq Bostan site. Based on global standards archaeological and historical evidence (Canepa, 2018; Ghobadi, et al 2014; Hojabri and Mir Qadri, 2016; Kambakhshfard 1348; Rahbar, 2010) is a historical and natural environment that human interaction with the environment covers from the Middle Paleolithic period to the present day. This area was formed in different periods based on more or less different cultural mindsets (Parthian, Sassanid, Islamic ideas). Knowing the cultural and historical components of Taq Bostan is a research necessity that has not been addressed so far; because the documents (Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, 2002, Schmidt, 2016) show that this area is undergoing physical and intangible changes that have threatened some of its natural, historical and cultural values; therefore, it is necessary to recognize this collection as a cultural landscape. This research, with descriptive-analytical method and based on data collection from documentary sources, library and field observations, tries to answer the following questions: What are the criteria of cultural landscape? What are the elements or components of Taq Bostan cultural landscape? What is the cultural landscape? Cultural landscape is the outcome of interaction between human and the environment. (Sauer, 1925). According to Tyler, since cultural landscapes are a document of past and present actions, they are an embodiment of physical changes, which in turn reflect the evolving attitudes towards the landscape. They represent our material and social history, with the help of which we can easily relate inherited values (Taylor, 2011:3). According to the initial theories, natural conditions have had a major impact on the creation of cultural landscapes; so that people have changed the natural conditions of their environment based on their material and spiritual needs and under the influence of their culture. Newer theories have discussed the interaction between humans and the environment and have come to the conclusion that humans choose and change the environment according to their mental thoughts, and every changed environment is not necessarily a cultural landscape. Therefore, the cultural landscape of every society is formed based on its nature and culture. According to Canepa, the cultural landscape of Iran was created based on the relationship between the conceptual world and the physical world that exists in some Iranian religions (Canepa, 2018:1), so choosing a place to create works (current historical works), including campuses and hunting grounds and the rock art has a deep connection between the religion, beliefs and mentality of Iranians about the world and its nature, and the choice of natural places to create art is not accidental. Natural and cultural components of Taq Bostan Mountains, topography of the earth, water in the form of springs and rivers, plains, and plants and animals in whose creation humans did not have a part are considered natural components. In Taq Bostan, the elements of mountain, water and plain are considered the most important natural factors. These components, along with works created by people who lived in different historical periods, have formed the historical and cultural components of Taq Bostan. These historical and cultural components include: prehistoric sites of Taq Bostan, Parti cemetery and village, Khosrow’s hunting ground, Sasanian rock artefacts of Taq Bostan. In each of these components, he observed the mutual influence of nature and human interaction with concrete examples. For instance, topography, as a natural component, plays a significant role in the formation of the historical and cultural components of the pre-history of Taq Bostan Western Park (Hojabri and Mir Qadri, 2016: 22). The homogeneity of the mountain and the spring has been effective in the creation of relief motifs and the arches of Taq Bostan, because it had the characteristics of the sacred mountain in the eyes of the Sasanians. There should be a bubbling spring next to it, and the light cleanses the body of water and the mountain from the contamination of the devil (Qureshi, 1380: 174). Intangible components derived from people#39;s mentality and including activities, historical and symbolic functions, cultural customs, traditions, monuments, folk stories and cultural references such as the story of Shirin & Farhad, the story of the old tree of the Bostan Arch and healing from the horse statue inside the large arch and the bust of Khosrow II (Naseruddin Shah, 1287: 69; Khadi 1385, July) Conclusion Archaeological evidences show that the interaction between man and nature in Taq Bostan is a multi-thousand-year interaction (from the Middle Paleolithic until now). The favorable environment provided by nature to humans, such as mountains, springs, and plant and animal filled plains as well as the strategic location of the region in terms of history (on the way to Babylon and close to the well-known inscription of Darius in Bistoon) created this long-term interaction. But what is popular among people now as the identity and historical character of Taq Bostan is related to the Sassanid and Qajar periods. #160;The relationship between the conceptual world and the objective world of the Iranian cultural landscape; and the choice of the workplace is in connection between religion, beliefs and mentality of Iranians about the world and nature. The investigations carried out in this research showed (tables 3 and 4) that based on global standards in the field of cultural landscape, Taq Bostan has the characteristics of a cultural landscape with natural and human components in tangible and intangible forms, and all the effective factors in its formation are objective and there is an existing mentality, such as the use of the natural potential and topography of the region, including permanent springs and rivers, which caused the existence and instead of the material elements of prehistoric humans in the West Park and Murad Hill areas, it shows the evolution of the society from the criteria of the cultural landscape. The remaining cities and cemeteries and the Parthian and later periods also depict the course of historical development and society, as well as the beliefs and attitudes of the material and non-material world in accordance with the objective and subjective criteria of the cultural landscape. The reliefs and Khosrow’s hunting ground also indicate the ideas of the Sassanid period. According to Sasanian religious beliefs, the Sasanian king was of the opinion that every action in the Minoan world is done by Ahura Mazda, in the non-Minoan world it is done by the king. Ahuramazda’s goal was to return the world to the light and prosperity before the demonic attack. For this reason, the Sassanid king also tried to create a heavenly paradise in a dry and barren land (a symbol of Ahriman’s wrath). Make the land fertile with the help of natural elements of water and soil. According to the Sasanians, a good king was a good gardener; Therefore, gardens and campuses like Taq Bostan are political announcements that confirmed the legitimacy of the Shah’s government. Therefore, the components of Taq Bostan cultural landscape are a combination of natural, cultural and social components that are linked and inseparable over time. These components are based on the theories and criteria of the cultural landscape, the interaction between man and nature, and the collective historical results that have ecological and geographical characteristics. According to the mentality of the people living in them, they have found identity and personality and have aesthetic and cultural values. A symbolic place is one of the basic elements of heritage and has a common relationship between identity, memory, and heritage. At the same time, they represent the evolution of human societies. Natural and social environment and economy This landscape is effective on the process of human evolution and has emotional and spiritual meanings. Taq Bostan has the objective and subjective criteria of a cultural landscape, and these criteria should be taken into account in all actions taken or in the future plans of the site, and any interference and possession should be applied with regard to preserving the entirety of this cultural landscape; Otherwise, the destruction of these works will be imagined in the not-too-distant future.
